Double the Xmas Fun!

Just like America I will be celebrating twice this year our normal Christmas but with the added bonus of having Delilah here and she is on route on the 6th so the count down has begun with all the family very excited.

Depending on when this is posted I would like to wish all our American cousins a great and peaceful thanksgiving have fantastic day celebrating with your family and friends

Hi readers and a good day to you all I hope all are safe and well where ever you may be and continuing to find some great additions to your collections even though it is nearly Christmas.

And if you haven’t already remember to let your loved ones know or hint as to what would make you happy this year I know I will hinting to my girls as to what pieces I may like under the tree.

Its not long now before our newest edition gets here we are all very excited and cannot wait to give Delilah a new home with a fresh start and lots and lots of love.

To all you collectors out there I have created a brand new page where I will be listing pieces to swap.

These could be anything from one off pieces that I would prefer to swap (duplicates) or more than one of the same. This has worked well in the past and can benefit both parties some pieces can be expensive and out of some folks budget this way a fair straight swap gives the other person a quality piece and I get a new piece I have not had before the only monies used is to ship to one another and I would prefer to swap these with other collectors and not to sellers to make a profit from.

Ive only added a few for now as I need to go through the collection but there are quite a few I have more than one of and there will be others too I don’t mind swapping if I know they are off to good homes.

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Me and tech

I’ve not been to bad lately at the technical side of the website I have learned more than ever over the last month or so with my latest ability being to get rid of spam referrals that mess up the analytics of my website and these spam bots redirect to places like Ali express where the troller gets commissions but that’s as far as I got with the info I found these annoying and learned how to block them from bouncing on and off the website.

I would like too apologise now if the same pictures pop up when using hash tags it’s a new concept to me and is meant to reach a wider audience but as I’m new to using it I need to research more and hopefully it will help the site to gain more views.Im doing everything I can to promote the site and if you think you could help spread the word please do, I’ve put so much into this it would be a shame to see the site drop from view and I would hate to have to take it down as I know a small minority like to come back over and over to view the pieces and to see if any new pieces have been added so any free advertising of would be great.

This has to be one of the best years I have had since I started collecting I have pieces now that I used to dream of owning the collection has grown with some great new pieces added, I’ve made so many new friends near and far and have been overwhelmed by the support Ive received and it’s nice to be noticed too, I appreciate it and it’s my pleasure to share and try to inspire others to either be creative support their goals or the collecting I’m just sorry I didn’t find my feet years ago that way I would be much more established in this field.

Thank you to my Hawaiian friend I hope I’ve done you proud this year and you adore all the pieces now in your collection and it’s been a privilege to be your personal bully finder and I’m still jealous of some of the pieces sent over you now have a fantastic collection with some of the worlds finest pieces enjoy.

Thanks also to folks like Ed and Linda Tinsley, it’s been great doing business with you and I want to thank you for showing trust in our dealings.

The bulldog community as a whole have been a god send this month and I’m privileged to now know the people of this wonderful breed.Included in the thank you are folks that helped me along the way like Janet Powell Feeback, Douglas Jackson, Sandy Hoffman, Jesus Lopez, Troy Smith, Eric Yocom, Graham Simpson, Aamber Adams (smiler), Coral Buton The bulldog group of Japan, South Africa and Brazil.

Thank you and to all the bulldog groups around the world that allow me freedom to post in your groups it helps and means a lot to me so THANK YOU ALL if I’ve missed any names I’m sorry contact me and I will amend the post…

Like everyone else we are getting ready for Christmas here in the uk so I’ve kept collecting to a minimal and as its my daughters birthday 3 weeks later which isn’t much cheaper than Christmas lol…

For me it’s a slow time for sourcing new pieces however I do have a deal with Edward Hendlowitch and a lovely lady in the pipeline so there will be new pieces added to collectibulldogs over the festive period but this will be limited till the new year unless the SWAPS page is a success that is.

To all those collecting over Christmas remember some vintage items that are electrical may need looking at before use due to age, storage etc. these could be old lamps vintage tree lights clocks electrical novelties just anything that only gets pulled out once a year and mains plugged.

In my next blog I hope to write about Mr Norman Davis he has or will be retiring and I think it would be a nice gesture to do a blog on this amazing man of the bulldog world and will once I have enough information to do Mr Davis justice and get the blog as correct as possible till then happy collecting everyone and to those in the states enjoy your holiday…

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