by collectibulldog | Jul 16, 2019 | Blogs, Collectibulldogs News
Antiques resident article writer wanted Hi readers how are you I see our new doggy article writer Wynne took us into a new world her passions and I for one am looking forward to more of this writers content but we also need to put out Antiques resident article writer...
by Wynne Guglielmo | Jul 16, 2019 | Guest Blogs
Fosters Urgently Needed inhumane shelters Fosters urgently wanted, People surrender their dogs and cats every day to USA kill pounds. Current estimates on the low end are 10,000 pups and cats per day. When a family or individual surrenders a pup...
by collectibulldog | Jul 15, 2019 | Collectibulldogs News, Guest Blogs
STAFFIE STIGMATISATION A GUEST POST STORY Thank you to collectibulldogs for letting me muse my thoughts on staffie stigmatisation as an owner of two beautiful Staffordshire bull terrier is I’d like to tell you my story and why it’s not fair that there is...
by collectibulldog | Jul 14, 2019 | Blogs, Collectibulldogs News, Uncategorized
Trustpilot 5 🌟s and why it’s deserved Hi there readers I hope that you are all well, Trustpilot 5 🌟s and why it’s deserved is collectibulldogs reaching out to the masses to give us the best of the best and send a review to our own Our review...
by collectibulldog | Jul 10, 2019 | Blogs, Collectibulldogs News, Guest Blogs, Uncategorized
Darwin: An Animal Welfare Advocate Writing that Charles Darwin’s contributions to science remain scientifically relevant 150 years after the publication of The Origin of Species and The Descent of Man is an obvious understatement. Darwin’s work influenced...