
I cannot believe how much I could learn in one night I have been pestering people for days now asking for help with my blog.

English bulldog figurines and other related pieces is easy to talk about assist with and so forth but navigating a web book after using the ipad for years is a bit of a shock but I have now worked out how to blog, upload pictures, use multitask tools and as you can see I can now add pictures to my blog.

I understand to most my website is a mess but I’m still learning how to use the web builder and it does not help when big red alerts pop up while I’m doing my blog, The picture attached is my very own real bulldog.

I  call her my little fat sausage or pigmee hippo but her name is Scruffy Louise or for show breeders AKA HARPSWELL LADY WIGGLE MY WAY this is her registered KC name.

Scruffy has been a joy to have only two vet appointments in 8 years but makes up for that with pure bulldog naughty stubbornness.

I share my life with her from dawn till dusk and beyond and even though her dirty bulldog habits always seem aimed at me I love her with all my heart I just wished she would vacate the room when dropping a stinker and if you own bulldogs you will know what I mean.

We got scruffy as a part rescue at 9 months old shes been a constant source of happiness in our household and long may it continue.

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