Brighton business Wallies walks and more

Brighton business Dog walking Brighton

Luxxton pets dog walking and much more. Check below a Brighton business

Hi  readers collectibulldogs hopes your well and today we’d like to talk about Luxxton pets a doggy business so close to our hearts I thought a blog advertisement around BRIGHTON and surrounding areas would help their client potential and give a back link.

Marianne and her mummy started a business about 3 years ago and very much skilled in canine services but when it comes to advertising dog walking, dog grooming, pooch housing for holiday goers and I’m sure cats are included in their packages. I’m so used now to doing online ads I should change my lifestyle job lol.

They have a website I’ll take you too this URL backlink will help and here’s an insert too From Luxxdon Pets which is quoted as saying

“We are a family business and we provide pet services. That includes: Dog Walking, Dog Sitting, Boarding, Cat Day care, Cat Sitting and intimate Small Pets Care. We are very passionate about what we do and we will take care of your pets with all the love and care you’d expect from an animal loving business . If you have any question please contact by phone or send us an email. We will reply after our adventures outside. Thank you”

I’d like to take the opportunity to talk about “wallie” but before I do here’s the link to Marianne’s website where you can get a proper look at the website for dog services Brighton business as you can see it’s a clean Google link so please utilise I’d love it if their site got an influx even if your overseas. It’s not all about the money it’s getting established in a genre of business where 100s maybe 1000s do the same job.

Brighton business Wallies walks and more

Brighton business Dog walking Brighton.

Brighton business Starlight loves her walks so much she tries to leave when the go !

I couldn’t do a post for Brighton business luxxton pets without telling you about Wallie a French bulldog that Marianne and her partner mark own, now I’ve known Wallie as a pup I’ve even helped him with his barking (at two in the morning) if you met him you’d fall in love with a huge head and muscular body that gives me his full attention when I pop up.

I’m going to do a blog article on The Patterson who has become a bit of a hero to me. He is also Wallies dad he’s so busy getting the rent in whatever peoples bills are these days that he has many jobs which I think is nuts and I believe as a watchmaker he could if he had the right help work full-time doing what he loves this will be an upcoming blog article because it is classed as collecting. There are many watch collectors around the world so to learn something

Unfortunately, Wallie has been poorly he got a grass seed stuck in his leg. This became infected and the grass started to grow the couple paid out over £1000 for vet bills for Wally and it wasn’t until after his last operation that Mark whilst at home saw the grass seed and slowly and gently pulled it out, I’m guessing they feel they have been short changed and I would too, but he is fine and will soon be part of the WALKIES.

I love animal names that are in impromptu and wondered for a while why he was given he’s name ! Marianne tells me it’s either his eyes are like this film star or she just loves the film but Wallie is from the film where his a tiny Robot on earth to clean our human Do Do rubbish etc and box it up. The film leans a lot to what we are doing to the planet he’s a dog you’ll fall for like I did and if you use these services then you might get to meet him.


Brighton business Dog walking Brighton

Wow Michelle Sullivan bulldog contender from crufts

To me leaving a pet whilst I go on holiday is a tragedy from start to when I get back. Imagine having 5/6 flat and dog sitters and still not having a good time due to worry well that’s my experience of holidays but with EUPD it’s a disorder and my own experience yours would be 5 star from start to finish.


I’m not going to fib to try and get sales because I have not boarded my animals with Marianne but what I can say in a positive light is that both of my dogs or bitches are not spayed so taking them out has a extra risk now if they can take the two dogs Out even in season and also take out male dogs with no situations occurring I see that as expertise a commitment and shows that a dog walking company has different aspects and abilities to get your dog exercise and back to you the way the dog left or if you plan on boarding contact Marianne or her mum and they can fill you in on what services they offer and how far they work from the Brighton area outwards.


If we are talking about dog walking then with respect, I would like to add before stating how knackered my dogs arrive home that Luxxton pets are a caring sharing business so if your not working, disabled either mentally like me or physically disabled they will work with you, I am not the accountant so I cannot say how much discount you may get or what service they can offer but I do know by talking to Marianne that they are a passionate caring service that want the best for your dog and for you

Affenpinscher Afghan Hound Airedale Terrier Akita Alaskan Malamute American Water Spaniel Australian Kelpie Australian Shepherd
Australian Terrier Beagle Border Collie Bedlington TerrierDachshund these are just a few breeds that might be out there needing that walk or someone to love them whilst you go away you might own a Yorkshire terrier a Staffordshire bull terrier a French bulldog English bulldog it could be labradors poodles the list goes on and on


Brighton business Dog walking Brighton

Bulldogs playing all over the place until a walk with Luxxton pets.

It’s a free for all when the dogs get picked up both porcha and starlight are eager to get going ! Usually both get the Offer to be taken and sheepishly sometimes we can only afford the one walk and not wanting to say we walk the other or both together so that both our pets get sufficient exercise, it’s not always cost though starlight is a massive olde English and any vet would say 3xs 20 mins minimum a day but would suggest different for porscha just because of breed difference even though she loves her WALKIES.

They return home after what feels like three hours and another observation is neither dog heads straight to the water bowl if anything they either want to go again or rob Marianne’s treat bag whilst she’s chatting to my wife about the walk.


Brighton business Dog walking Brighton

Check out their gallery

Marianne’s mum I think is the main trainer I’d have to get that fact verified but I’m sure if her magic works on breeds then surely Marianne must know her dog training skills. So I mentioned two different options and we so far are using the free service (but I’m sure there’s some training whilst walking ) depending on what you discuss

I say this because Debbie my wife gets weekly training scenarios to help incorporate starlight into the family, when a dog eats your printer it’s not easy to just forgive but I did after starlight ate mine she’s doing so well with how debs is working with her it would be silly to show frustration and we’ve worked hard on sit and stay as well as calmness so we’ve not covered chewing my gadgets yet.

This can get serious my printer cost £100s but 2 rings that went missing were more valuable and even though it can’t be proved now there was a situation in which her Doo Doo was picked up and when hitting the inside of the bin made a very metal noise. Mental disorder or not I am not going to put my hands inside the bin to get out a poo bag and look for it. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one and unfortunately the two rings are no more.

We see Luxxton pet services all the time and do our best with the free help but if affordable to you there’s option two where one of the ladies can offer one to one training or I’m sure they can offer training to your pooch where you continue after but they start for you doing a course. Please contact the ladies for further information.


Opinions answered before I publish include one from an X user id like to answer if possible “yes your correct dog owners should always pick up their dogs droppings” now I’ve met the ladies I’ve seen first hand the belts they have and yes connected to those belts are bag holders, wether it’s a small park or open estate they make sure all dogs are monitored for this.

And no this isn’t bought back with your pooch lol it’s not even part of a service it’s common sense and I know as a dog walker we are frowned upon due to a minority whom leave their doggy do do and even I have picked up others dog poo the dangers of what that mess could do to a child or other dogs has compelled the right minded folks to get it into the bin.

They work on a four dog basis I believe three if Wallie is getting walked so your dogs getting two amazing human companions and half the time they are too busy butt sniffing and playing with other clients dogs they soon forget whom even took them out. Give them a try they will offer an introductory walk this is to gauge your dog’s needs whilst out now that’s a professional dog walking service to me.

How do I end topping all that off ! Oh I know. I’m at home today my wife pops head around door and asks “can starlight go for a walk but wallies going so I’ll do porscha” Don’t get me wrong I had both off the lead myself yesterday so I do make sure they get exercise but what a treat when others just offer because they are kind and starlight is a cutie who wouldn’t want to walk her.


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all the best. Ave Porscha and starlight.


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