Hi there readers I hope your all doing well and safe where ever you may be, I’m very excited as this is my 50th blog since I started in August last year.

Firstly can I apologise for the non appearance of Collectibulldogs in Bullish Mag it was down to a mishap and for those that know the editor will know he works non stop and these things happen plus I do a lot of networking myself so I will still be trying to get established whether I’m appearing in magazines or just DIYing it for myself.

This is a very happy blog for my 50th not only because I got access to some bulldog collectibles from Mr Norman Davis to show other collectors but also Mr Ed Hendlowitch has done his own piece to add to this blog, I was told by Edward that he enjoyed writing the blog and the memories of great times in the bulldog world with he’s family came floating back and bringing tears of happiness whilst reminiscing and Collectibulldogs are so grateful for both entries and as for myself tut tut what a lazy blogger lol.

Grandogs collection Mr Norman Davis

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As we all know Mr Norman Davis (Grandog) is very much respected around the world for his breeding that’s his own actual style of bulldog OCOBO he has records and has judged more shows than I’ve had hot dinners.

But not many know that Grandog has his own collection of bulldog collectibles.

I have spoken with Grandog before hand and was told these collectibles were given to him and that he’s saved and collected them over the years.

We have to appreciate how busy this man’s life has been that I’m sure if he had of had more free time he may of turned into a proper collector.

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Speaking of proper collector I would expect Grandogs bulldog show silverware way outshines is collectibles and would love to do a blog on some amazing trophies but in the meantime we can check out Grandogs pieces and I would like to express my gratitude that this gentleman went out of he’s way to help Collectibulldogs.

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Grandog has some amazing pieces my favourite has to be the bronze Doris Linder piece yet they are all of a great quality and I’m sure they play a sentimental part as they are gifts to Grandog by others.

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On behalf of my readers and myself, Thank you Grandog your a very respected gentleman and it’s very kind for you to show folks at Collectibulldogs that somewhere in your home you too have a special cabinet of bulldog collectibles and I think folks find snippets of who you are very interesting…

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Fifty years with bulldogs By Mr Edward Henlowitch

Show winner

Show winner

It is an honor and pleasure to be asked to contribute to Eiffion’s fine blog on Collectabulldogs. He has, quite frankly, asked me for some time to contribute.

Well here goes.  If you were lucky to watch the Westminster Kennel Club from NYC, you saw a rare sight.

Annabelle, the English Bulldog won the Non-Sporting Group and was in the competition for Best In Show.

In the 140 years of the show, a Bulldog has only won twice and the last Non Sporting win was in the 1980’s.

But the subject of this blog is Jean Hetherington, whom the commentator referred to as the First Lady of English Bulldogs.

I would suggest that anyone who wants to learn more about her read the fine article in caninechronicle.com by Joan Harrigan called, “A half century in Bulldogs: Jean Hetherington.”

It is about Jean and Bob Hetherington’s fifty years of accomplishments, 100 champion Bulldogs and great work as breeders, judges and ambassadors for the breed.

When they started the breed was nowhere as popular as its 5th place ranking among US breeds of today.

Edwards family vintage photo #USA

Edwards family vintage photo #USA

Bob Hetherington in a May, 1969 picture with Hetherbull’s Arrogant Son.

One of their early champions.  Picture from my mom’s collection and rarely seen.

My connection to Bob and Jean Hetherington goes back to a match show at the home of Al and Betty Rae in 1962.

We had just lost our 12 year old dog Suzy and wanted another bulldog.  Al Rae invited us to the show as he had a litter with pups for sale.

We ended up taking home a female and my parents enjoyed the people they met and became involved with the Bulldog Club of NJ.  My brother Richard and I began Junior Showman training along with a young man, Cody Sickle. My mom got involved as a secretary and treasurer of the NJ club and eventually an officer of the National BCA.

During this time they became good friends of Bob and Jean and with their encouragement started Edelrich Kennels. Over the decades they became fast friends, advised me on college and enjoyed each other’s company and successes.

The group was one big family, with everyone promoting the breed and increasing its popularity.  I remember other breeders such as Steve and Amelia Averill, Buster and Betty Wilson, Phil and Sheila Schneider and Ernie and Ann Hubbard of Brookhollow Kennels.

Fast forward to 2015, my father had passed away in 2013 at 95 and my mom was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer.

In May, Joyce and I brought her back to NJ to take care of her in hospice.  She wished to attend the National Show in November.

We reserved a spot to sell part of her collection, but she passed in August.  We had to attend without her and were surprised by the outpouring of good wishes about my parents.

People I had never met shared their memories of my folks.  It was a pleasure to see Jean Hetherington, Ann Hubbard and Elizabeth Davey among many others.

Bulldog people are one big family, their helpfulness and friendship toward one another is remarkable.

They share a passion to improve and promote the breed and to celebrate everyone’s accomplishments.

This trait continues with the new breeders and bulldog owners that I met. I know my folks would have been proud to see their old friends like Julian and Dorothy Prager and meet new people like Sour Mugz and Chrissy Neff and Lenny Harris who continue the tradition.

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Thank you very much to both gentlemen for their entries one from England and one from the states both very much respected in the world of bulldogs and two very interesting gentlemen indeed…

My little bit

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Over the last month I’ve been very busy with trying to get the website seen more I’ve been helping others and also practising my camera skills and visual placement to make my posts and pictures more appealing to the eye, I’m glad I have other things to be getting on with as I have no space at the moment to source new pieces and thinking of selling on a few to make some room.

I’ve also found a therapeutic hobby other than collecting that’s working to keep my mind distracted, it’s only blinging up and recycling old bulldog figurines but I enjoy doing it and you never know they could be the collectibles of the future lol, I’m just joking and as I have only just started my attempts are questionable but I have shown the pieces about and had good feed back and even a couple of offers to make others one I’m sure they are just jesting with me but it’s all good banter.

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Wiggles is doing well her stitches have nearly gone and she’s back to her dancing wiggling self I’m happy to say and back to giving the cat a run for its money, she still spends more time with Debs than anybody else but it’s become a good thing as it gives me time to do what I need too and wiggles is so well behaved I’m not needed on all walks like we had with Scruffy Louise bless her.

So did you like another’s blog or want others to read your story if so just contact me most things can be done through Facebook but my email address is public if you wish to contact me that way instead, please remember that all shares likes and interest for Collectibulldogs is greatly valued and any help getting our name out there showing a different way of adoring bulldogs and bringing back bulldog collecting in a big way.

Happy collecting folks…


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