3D printers

This was my first experience being around a 3D printer and definitely the first time I have blogged about one, the blog is a draft at the moment and hopefully is good enough to be used by the museum.

3D printer

3D printer

The printer itself was a small black box type gadget as you can see pictured and when I got there it was already doing its thing and printing away, on the desk the demonstration  coordinator had put some pieces already made.

Is 3D printing the future

Wether or not printers be it 3D laser or otherwise are the future of object building remains to be seen, and who knows what other applications this machine could be used for but one things for sure its very interesting to watch.

Other pieces on the table were to show the 3Ds capabilities with different pieces some with different textures etc, this would be a great way of recreating objects for the public to touch.

Finished product

Finished raw piece before priming to harden

I did ok

I would like to think my draft was ok for the museum I intentionally left parts out for members to fill in and also an area where our project leader can add pieces I may of left out or didn’t know if I was allowed to use.


The original piece used to copy

If it’s excepted it will be my second blog regarding the museum in under a week so maybe it’s time I asked if I could have a spot on their blogging team, with some creative writing and  punctuation lessons I think I could do a good job for them.

Many have said they enjoy the style of my blogs I like to be honest and open when writing and make sure I do my home work first, I really do enjoy blogging it’s a great distraction for myself.

My 3D donation

ever so kindly gifted to Collectibulldogs is this tiny replica of the black piece pictured yet only one inch high, I’m very pleased I now have a 3D piece in the collection, the fact it’s a replica of a 1900s piece at the museum gives it a little  provenance.

3D bulldog

My little 3D gift

People have found it hard at first to  distinguish the raw finished product one person even suggested the pieces looked like packing peanuts that said my title to the picture could of been better.

Pictured here is the finished product the largest is an inch high whilst the smaller piece is about a cm and a half tall, my gifted piece took one hour and four minutes and the tinier one took half an hour.

My intention for this piece

As you can see in the picture the largest of these recreated pieces is black and the choice of the museum members to paint him this way, he does look cool black and the group did a neat job painting him.

With my piece I intend to try and recreate the original but in a one inch form, the size itself will prove my biggest challage i.e the collar on the dog has studs and the eyes and mouth need colour.

Painted bulldog

The groups full size piece

Once ive finished I will update this blog with the finished version or if it’s in another blog I will add a link so that you can see if I did a good job or if it looks nothing like the original, either way I will post for all to see.

Thank you very much to the museum mentors for this exciting little donation, it’s the first one in any collection I know of but I have seen this used before for other things so know many will be using these in the future to create things for sale, till next time folks stay safe and happy collecting.

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