Let’s link up
bloggers please help

Bloggers help. The liberty bell
Hi there folks readers and bloggers I hope your all well and good I can’t believe it’s not even a week till christmas now, I’m looking forward to seeing my daughter and wife open their gifts and I’m sure I’ll be asleep by dinner time, Bloggers that read my blogs this is a shout out to you guys to help me get started. I’m having real problems with social media and cannot continue to feel bad because my disorder doesn’t understand all the rules.
I have been online over a year now get good traffic but it’s now time to move forward, I would like to start guest blogging for others just as I wish Other bloggers to come and guest blog for me, I have read this is mutually beneficial and a cheaper process than buying into blogging sindicates.
Bloggers creating diversity
I’m not quite sure how this works I read that im to find interesting blogs use the link then email the bloggers web address and let them know what I have done, the outcomes could be anything from a thank you to a back link and that’s the part I would have trouble with. I wouldn’t know the first place to look.

Clear Royal Doulton
If Bloggers came to collectibulldogs the topics can be diverse the same with any links I’m able to use I want my blog archive to be as diverse as possible and so far I think we only have three or four contributors but they are not bloggers except one.
An example
What do Exquisite, Mirella, Dragons and WAP Watson Have In Common? To find out more about this interesting blog Just press this prompt link to take you there and thank you to mallards antiques for the use of her new blog, it’s just one example of the power of linking up and a share of my traffic in exchange for keeping me out of social media trouble seems fair.
What Bloggers can expect
If there are any bloggers out there willing to give me a go I can peomise my blogs will be nice and chunky just like SEO likes it I will do my relevant research and try my hardest to leave a rich blog on your site full of good content and I will even try to add as many good key words associated with your website or the topic in hand.
Whether it be guest blogging here or me blogging on your site or even just using links I would be grateful for any help I can get and there must be others out there like me struggling if so we could form a link until it grows I’m just happy for any

Olde Growler on Loan
help I can get from other bloggers.
My field or medium is bulldogs and the collecting of the memorabilia and mental health but that doesn’t mean I cannot blog about other subjects, subsequently you may want your readers to hear about one of the worlds largest antique bulldog collections or topics on mental health.
What can I expect
This part is easy I’m not expecting anything and as past experience shows this will just end up as another begging type blog just please take in that I’m ptsd and won’t last much longer on some social medias so yes I’m asking all bloggers with compassion to come and help to just get me started.
I feel I deserve a chance to try I did the collection I made the website and got the museum listing surely it’s my time now!!! To branch out from the confines of my

HUMIDORS and inkwells
own blog and make lasting connections.
Thank you
firstly sorry to those thinking this was about bulldogs etc I have added some nice pics to the post to compensate and to bloggers out there I just need that one opportunity THANK YOU
for those that don’t blog but made it this far why not pop over to our galleries

Hi all Bloggers from wiggles
Where are all the guest bloggers then? A chance to have your own content on this very niche up and coming website is amazing and if I blogged I’d be a regular as I know the website pulls in great traffic