Action Required with BCs/ Review requests

Hi there readers regular and new I hope your all well and good where ever you maybe and yes I say it a lot but I really do hope all s well with everyone, I came up with this idea to pitch a page of blog urls and I’m hoping that you kind readers will follow my call.
The blogs that I’ve written go back to 2015 but do not forget a lot of my my viewers are new and it’s gets boring going through the pages so I’m going to bring these pages to you, I’ve compiled a wedge of my best content and I’m hoping you will help.
action required-link urls
There’s a two pronged approach to this idea, firstly you folks get to read/ bookmark blogs many haven’t seen or read yet and the call to action part is that you good folks share these out to all the formats you maybe on, this is just a trail I’ll start with ten blog articles and see what happens.
I’ve taken an hour or so going over my content and I’m actually quite happy with most of the content I have published, the main idea is because so many are missing out on amazing pictures that might not be in galleries or read certain blog posts yet.
action required IM SHOUTING IT
If your on any of the formats attached to the website and find a category that a blog will fit please do, if you think a certain blog might interest your twitter feed I’m urging you to share, same with Facebook and all the other formats you will see that I’m on in the picture, I cannot pay for paid promotion until this time next year so I’m hoping even if my following is silent that you would still want to help.
Here’s a mixture of raw urls leading to blogs old and new, I will put out ten and let’s see what that does to the analytics, I would love nothing better than to teach myself SEO and write super blogs as my buffering tool states I have the opportunity to reach half a million readers, could you imagine having that much interest it would be amazing.
Call to action required continued
In a perfect world I would be able to afford paid promotion but that’s just not the case ATM and I’ve come to the conclusion that Collectibulldogs isn’t for everyone but to those it means something too your reaching out could create organic interest in far off places that haven’t heard of us yet.
Screaming out for blog comments and reviews
I’ve never been good at campaigns let’s see what happens to this one, if you take part. Share like reblog etc then I wish to thank you for your help.
Article comments and reviews
Article review yes I would but where ?
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