Ai intelligence vs Collectibulldogs 1-0 so far to us

It’s time to start writing again ai intelligence

Can AI intelligence emulate a Royal Doulton figurine

Hey gang I hope your all well todays article is quite an interesting look at new developments within technology so I’ve been looking at AI its strengths and weaknesses! It’s obvious by the title whom came out on top and I’ll tell you how.
I have used different AI intelligence for simple tasks. The visuals are the hardest for AI to respond to. If I ask a question that is English bulldog collection related. I will get a text answer but when I ask AI to produce a picture or visual of a bulldog collection, it struggles most of the time it will show a bulldog or two bulldogs
By adding my own visual content AI starts to pick up on what I am asking the best I have had so far has been from Apple Intelligence but this also needed my own input to create its own idea of a bulldog collection animation made the whole thing for like a cop out AI intelligence looked at my content created a similar look but did not add anything individual and just use the same bulldog and put this on the shelves.
As AI intelligent grows, I think it won’t be long before it has covered my website and given itself the ideas that I am asking for and come up with AI content That is very close to what I have asked for but so far the algorithms used for this new concept has little idea of what a bulldog collection is it does scale search engines engineering responses that does include Collectibulldogs and maybe a blog or two about bulldog collecting from different websites? This part? I find interesting but still perplexed as to why it is taken so long to re-create Collectibulldogs.

Ai intelligence vs Collectibulldogs 1-0 so far to us Should we assist.


It’s time to start writing again AI intelligence

The writing is top notch and the illustrations are beautiful could AI intelligence learn from this

The time spent trying to get this technology in sync we put on asking means that I have not fully researched the capabilities of Ai intelligence is it capable of learning and remembering so if someone else wants to ask for a bulldog collection it would remember what I had asked for and to the best of it the ability we create the collection as it had done for me for me, person that asked for it.
Teaching something that first is not a human but secondly it’s also more intelligent than I would ever be. Is it worth trying to teach this technology all about my niche giving it more capabilities? Im wondering if I spend my time giving AI intelligence different kinds of information to help its growth! It gave me affirmation when it revealed a fact that Winston Churchill never owned bulldogs it must of been researched before hand but gave a blog post I wrote 100% as factual
Knowledge is key so if AI intelligence can find information but has trouble recreating Collectibulldogs I’m thinking is it just my website and collecting data or is this across the board. Do other collectors playing around with this new technological advancement have the same issues ? A card collector for example would it know what’s it’s being asked to do if it was asked to recreate a collection of cards. Cigarette cards postcards these have more people in their demographic so has AI gained access to a back catalogue or having trouble like with us at (please note link behind is a no follow needed for performance)
All this is so new it even gets utilised but for a fee. I’m a writer that’s learned SEO and apart from the paragraph issue I can normally get 100% when writing these from the title keyword density and word score I now have to pay for AI intelligence if I want to score the same 100% so in that respect AI intelligence can teach me a thing or two itself. I found this unfair as in my eyes and experience it’s not needed.


There’s lots to look into including issues from copyright infringement to how the technology works! It’s not worth helping AI Intelligence to grow if it’s not got a memory that takes my pieces and stores the data for world wide usage, starting with the sculptures I have two ideas ones to just show AI the figurine’s of English Bulldogs or ask the required question wait for it’s response then try and show what I wanted to see trying again and seeing if my figurines helped AI intelligence improve its performance significantly enough to show me actual bulldog themed responses
Is AI intelligence allowed to learn does each different product in the AI sector have limitations can they learn from each other as more and more data is either asked for or entered into different AI intelligences, I know when I tried it was more of a mixed bag most would take my visual content divide it 50/50 and send back an image not what I asked for the AI intelligence would mix the pictures with one example being a flambé Doulton and a generic image of a bulldog and its response was to send back the bulldog but half coloured in red flambé.
I’ve already looked into how VR could help promote the technology for those ideas are completely different and if this idea get’s Collectibulldogs attention from AI servers or even better our English Bulldog collectibles are how these powerful new Tools being used then we want to be at any forefront moving forward and teaching AI intelligence all about bulldog collecting means our content will be where the digital age uses our little website and it’s content when receiving actions bulldog related that’s asked by millions
Competitors for keywords are usually  from third party apps where I believe AI intelligence will also eventually have a home helping users to create more sales and just like my blogging platform they too will have to pay, there is a AI intelligence interface on most of the gadgets I use Apple intelligence and Gemini are the two I’ve been using there is no point adding apps like chatGDP or the stock crashing Chinese version Deep seek where I’m 100% sure it’s algorithm is very limited when it comes to AI intelligence on Bulldog collecting.


For some reason when asked AI intelligence algorithms do read our  websites one problem I had was asking what my current DA is (domain authority) and instead of using its data over continuous readings of all that’s online it chose to quote a blog I wrote when our DA was at 30, stating this if untrue doesn’t help.
My domain authority is how other websites choose to place their backlinks and if they use AI intelligence for an answer I’d prefer they knew our current DA not from an article written when we were actually at that score, which reminds me our views have skyrocketed this past week with so many years adding backlinks guest posts and inserts it just needed a host knowing how to fix the errors for collectibulldogs to become visible to the world once more.
Animation has been a pain too I do not want to see what I’ve asked of AI intelligence to respond with cartoon looking images, as cute as bulldogs look in any kind of visual representation I’d like to see real life examples yes if AI intelligence needs my pictures to place a resemblance to a real collection then as long as there’s memory there it would actually be an honour to teach a trillion dollar technology about my little niche.
This also presents another interesting opportunity to see if Ai intelligence can read about itself not only that but learn from it. Already knowing it’s capable of understanding and taking advantage of past written articles holding information similar to what’s available if it looked for factual evidence I’d be happy knowing others are getting a true insight as to the websites strength as well as many other factors. I’ll add an update in time on the out come. Please continue reading for backlink information


The past week since our host indexed the website has seen spikes in views that exceed even Google’s expectations! I’m not talking about millions of views at the moment because to many search engines we are fresh with rich content and a very low spam score. This will ultimately boost our DA rankings and when 40 is hit we will be asked by many others for a backlink 40+ seems to be the starting point.
Content like this in context like AI intelligence gives me a strong keyword and written articles with decent quality content is now part of an overall ranking for the website, 480 articles show this site pumps out content which keeps search engine crawlers busy, every time they do their thing they do the whole site so any new backlinks get picked up helping both parties with any backlink building that needs organically doing.
Collectibulldogs is happy to reciprocate with any website that wants too your DA isn’t as important to use as the back link itself, our biggest DA backlink is at Brighton Museum and with so many articles still ranking and gaining traction we have enough themes outside our primary focus to add you as a sticky link over anchor text that best suits your website
When reciprocating but feel the websites have no connection that’s ok we are happy to be anchor texted over any words you see as closest to us as possible if still not possible you can look up how to add a link and hide it, this does mean no visitors can pop over to collectibulldogs but still gives us that link up needed to class it as a backlink that’s seen and scored just like a normal link.



Ai intelligence

A debt of gratitude is owed to a very select few my heart is so thankful to these people that even any AI intelligence could not understand or emulate, people have come and gone over the years those that have stayed since our very first encounter will know who they are as this will warm the hearts of some very special humans that would not take on the notion of me quitting even at my lowest.
Two interesting screenshots of Google analytics showing the before and after once Collectibulldogs got indexed it’s over a few days but shows the leap that personally haven’t seen since pre COVID the excitement is in the views per viewer this part shows visually that visitors are not just bouncing on and off but either navigating their own way or using page links added.

Ai intelligence

I’d like to dedicate what will be jargon to most that this is aimed at it shows a massive spike in interest called traffic and the more traffic we get the better we are ranked helping so many different factors that are needed to be even more successful online, I’m sticking with high quality content that’s got quantity too until new ideas like our own teacher / avatar can become part of the website no doubt I’ll need AI intelligence for that too.
Thank you for not letting this one just lay down and let such an original idea die it’s been emotionally exhausting there has been tears anger and rants to these poor folk many a time in DMs but as I write this I’m going to admit I share in your embrace that collectibulldogs is now a presence an online experience not just a website link address I’ve been continuously trying to promote HARD WORK HAS ITS REWARDS I remember hearing that I finally believe it now.
Comments to this article are welcome and if on theme and a true response I’ll moderate the comments so that your website link added is submitted as a way of saying thank you
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