Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes

Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes

Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes About an inch

Hi Readers, I hope your safe and well, before we go ahead with amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes we at collectibulldogs and my own family would like to let my brother know he’s in our thoughts, he’s a victim of the corona 19 virus and on a 7 day isolation and if it gets worse he needs hospital


Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes Came about after a joke online when I posted a piece and someone mentioned that the thimble was somehow supersized this has prompted me to see just what we have here that’s thimble sized and found a selection

World’s smallest bulldogs (figurines )

let’s write and talk about them and you can make up your own mind which one or pieces are your favourite! Some are truly detailed and others not so much but due to age country and other factors there’s no escaping the fact these Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes still have more than just intrinsic values.


How I came by many of these is a good question? I do remember where a few came from but just like other articles I’ve usually had the pieces months or years Before they are shown or written about


bulldog statuettes just really really dinky !

Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes

Wade whimsie bulldog statuettes

Let’s start with the wade whimsies Wade first came from America and in the miniature world have covered hundreds if not thousands of different animals and there’s no car boot sale in the UK without its fair share.

This next little fella I believe is both Japanese in origin and did come with others we have seen sets like this from other collectors that have small bulldog statuettes of their own, he’s still cute even if a little generally looking.

Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes

Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes Japanese cute little bulldog


Tiny hollow and thinner than egg shells this piece has lasted years and WOW with its egg like feel and just how fragile it is we are surprised it’s lasted the amount of moves collectibulldogs has gone through.

Keep an eye on that thimble folks let’s not

Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes

As thin as egg shell

lose sight of just how small these little bulldog statuettes really are ! Spotting them online is easy but to find them else where can prove A lot more difficult.




Tiny bulldogs with antique quality!

Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes

Little Austrian bulldog

It’s actually true that if you take away all the bulldog memorabilia that’s jewellery related most of our tiny bulldog statuettes are of an antique quality ! Some pieces we are very lucky to own especially our tiny Austrian bronzes.

Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes

Found at a car booty


With two confirmed pieces from the country we are sceptical to most of our bronzes but the detail relief on one small piece gives us real hope that Austria was their both  the gold olde bulldog and the tiny black one with its blank but mischievous glance.

These are of course over 100 years old and begs the question “what were they made for” John hills bulldog and kennel could shed some light on the answer, this company made lead figures many for dolls houses and railway set ups.

Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes

Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes Unbelievably small bulldog



so one hundred years ago parents just like today had money and could buy the best and others had to budget yet one thing is known there was mad massive business from many companies to make the best and most realistic looking toy and these were popular world wide.

Porcelain bulldog statuettes just smaller !

Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes

So much detail in the Rosenthal piece

A bone of contention in our home (no pun intended) is usually just how big a piece is when it arrives compares to the money paid out, my wife’s face is a picture when hundreds of pounds disappear and a tiny bulldog arrives.

Now I know I’ve either got a bargain or know it’s an investment piece yet when the wife sees a piece only seven cms tall and it cost hundreds it’s not something her head gets around easy, in this case these didn’t cost me much.

Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes

Tiny and from the former ussr


the pieces chosen here are from both Russia and Germany with one piece being of the famous Rosenthal maker that ironically my wife found for my birthday ! The artist really got this piece right and with so much detail for such a small bulldog statuette.


The others are detailed in their own way but it’s not often you’ll come across a piece that under a magnifying glass the tiny muscle bulges and other bulldog related shapes that make up what’s normally seen on a bulldog statuette a few inches tall not normally this small.

More Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes

Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes

Special because they were found

Pictured first is two little pieces and I put these together as they are both finds ! Ones a brass dangle bulldog now copied in gold and silver and the second one is a bulldog found on our home wall one day.

there are others that are tiny but it’s not proved they were found either by accident or metal detector but you CAN CHECK OUT OUR GALLERY AND SEE IF YOU CAN FIND OTHERSBut we’ve highlighted these two just to show you

Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes

Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes

Gold is nice to have even if it doesn’t register in weight or not worth it and we have a little gold charm and this gold fella too, we also have a piece that might surprise those that do actually collect ! We found two small north light pieces but we also found two pewter pieces one a tiny version of their signature bulldog and a mayor.

Amazing thimble sized bulldog statuettes

The north light mayor

Like other pieces what’s the point in asking why but north light are known for their resin bulldogs and not so much with either cold cast bronze or pewter, again amazingly detailed for the size and I’m expecting now highly collectible among some collectors out there.


Tiny version of north light bulldog

Tiny version of north light bulldog


Tiny and 3D made

The last of the pieces being shown were the first ever bulldog figurines to be made using 3D technology and Sussex university kindly offered them to collectibulldogs after a project at Brighton museum which we were very grateful for.

both the inch piece and the 1cm piece are modelled on a bulldog that stands in the willets collection at Brighton museum, the real piece stands eight inches high and back then the university was in 3D infancy and their machine took a week to copy the original.


these have special significant so as they were part of the bulldog exhibition that we held in Brighton in 2017 it was the first ever bulldog exhibition and something we will always remain proud of just like the url link this website retains with Brighton council and the museum in particular.

All are pieces are special as they form a big part of my life no one else is yet to create a website and showcase their bulldog collection it’s why I thought the website would do very well as even trend as it’s a one of a kind experience


Lastly a Porscha clip to cheer up folk !

In light of the way things are presently I thought I’d create a collage or two of Porscha to cheer people up a little, I cannot wait for the garden to be ready for it’s own article (bulldog related )

Thank you to whomever sent this Trustpilot review and reviews like this
I discovered you through Wynne @MoishesMom on Twitter. I’m enjoying the articles and looking through Collectibulldogs page. People should read the informative articles eloquently written. Take a minute to check out the store with charming collectibles.

A cheery vid at not such a cheery time

we can only urge you great folk out there to think us worthy of that all important 5 stars and it’s a privilege to us that those out are making use of all our informative articles from the recent Covid 19 to mental illness and more

Trustpilot  works on honest reviews so thank you to all those leaving a review I do reply when I can find my TP password so hang in there for a decent thank you and to anyone new welcome to collectibulldogs let’s chat you can leave comments and I’ll reply

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