Antique bulldog collection rebuild update

Antique bulldog collection

For our antique bulldog collection the piece sold to British Gas comes with papers

Hi there folks, if your deciding to ever run a website or start one that’s collection based have a good hard think to what it entails our antique bulldog collection rebuild update describes what can only be a fitness workout.

When we decided to reinvest into collectibulldogs there was no idea of just how much work is going to be this end and if foresight was possible then I would of held off until the baby was born.

A combination of finding the time the right light photography and packing have been all we have been doing these past few weeks our antique bulldog collection rebuild is finally underway and we ourselves are about two thirds done.

It’s a new project with a new layout so there will be some issues to start with mostly my own mistakes for not being able to find all the right pieces among the antique bulldog collection to photograph together.

Antique bulldog collection search bar

Antique bulldog collection

Showing the pieces like this makes for easier viewing and faster downloading speeds

Hopefully when the rebuild is relaunched people will utilise the search bar for knowledge on specific articles or related pieces matching the search bar criteria, the galleries need to go and that’s what we intend to do.

The pictures shown are just a snippet of what’s to come we’ve had a photographer come in so there’s no reason why the pictures shouldn’t appeal to most of our visitors.


Showcasing an antique bulldog collection is easy just change the content choose a new layout and fool folks into thinking you’ve totally changed, well that’s not we have done here, from why we started and all through the new website is brand new content.


When I first started the idea was to create a collection to sell so my daughter could afford university just like others, she chose another path and did an air cabin crew which she passed but now wishes to become a paramedic.

Antique bulldog collection changes making life easier

Antique bulldog collection

Pieces you’ll remember and new pieces added


Taking away the over built menu our antique bulldog collection website will be easier to use with a new simpler menu the page names will be new and depending on the layout easier to get too.


I can give more of an update on the websites structure once our website designer has sent over a couple of draft copies, long gone will be the days where there’s so many pictures it’s neon impossible to find which ones make the site slow down.


I’ve used my own skill set in what I’ve learnt in search engine optimisation an example is dates they been taken out yet keeping the websites integrity it’s expensive to have seo on page help every year or so and taking away things that would need changing seems like a good idea.


All the knowledge that’s been written will be saved the links we’ve built up will be saved and guest posts too, apart from that when you see collectibulldogs our antique bulldog collection once rebuilt you’ll be forgiven in thinking it’s a brand new idea from scratch.

Our antique bulldog collection will stay no 1

Antique bulldog collection

Showcasing pieces together


If your a regular or know most of our collection you’ll notice the new pieces we’ve added to the collection not only investing in what a collection looks like but we also invested in brand new pieces.


To showcase some of what’s been found is an honour and a privilege you see some pieces are what I used to dream about owning and there’s others I’m so glad I’ve found I get excited knowing they are part of


Not going out and spending thousands on just anything you’ll get a chance to see what’s been added on the new website but to say some are antique bulldog collection worthy is an understatement.


One piece I will divulge is the golden Victorian snuff pot with enamelled hand painted bulldog on I did a deal yet it was still pricy yet the perfect fit for us and just one of the new pieces you’ll get to see when our antique bulldog collection rebuild is complete, until next time folks stay safe and grab a bargain.

Thanking the photographer


lee is a friend husband to a dear old friend of mine and both are always there when needed Lisa was actually there just after our first baby was born so we are close, lee came down and helped with the websites photographs I thought I’d advertise him straight after,

Mission Statement 

To provide a community via the society for people with an interest in all aspects of herpetology both experienced and novice based in East Sussex:-

a) To share information on the subject of reptile and amphibian husbandry.

b) To share their passion for these amazing animals.

To promote exotics as ‘companion animals’.

To help with the education of those not familiar so as not to lead to fear of these animals.

To promote the hobby by demonstrating ‘best practices’ when displaying these animals.

To improve and uphold the standards of welfare within the herpetological community, through stringent practise of good husbandry, breeding, trading and education.

To promote the welfare of reptiles and amphibians within the community.

To be a valid organisation for the benefit of the hobby.

To host events and meetings within the county of East Sussex. and what they do !

Antique bulldog collection

Esras and what they are about


Scales and hairy legs it’s reptile educational

Hi readers, you will not find any bulldog memorabilia on this article but as my friend graciously came and helped with my website I thought it only right to write about his and get more exposure and interest, Scales and hairy legs it’s reptile educational is
A UK based reptile 🦎 educational website that the owner is part of a wider niche that has the passion to love these creatures like a dog or a cat Is loved and how best to keep them, I know lee and I know he would want all animals to be free but that’s sadly not the case.
One great advantage to esras is its an established name in its reptile keeping community, lee with his wife Lisa are always busy either pairing up owners with more local professionals for help and advice, cleaning out and feeding what they have adopted and do shows too.

Educating a potential new owner of any cold blooded animal and it’s upkeep means the health and safety of the pet becomes like an everyday chore ie brushing your teeth, these are specialised creatures most not native to the UK so just getting their environment right it’s just as essential as feeding the right foods.

Antique bulldog collection

Advertising for and on behalf of esras

Reptile passion

Believe it or not the pet industry in the UK is big business esras condones the smuggling of any animals exotic or otherwise yet this does occur and you need specialist professionals to take over and look after the animals until a decision is made on the future.
Animals seized at customs when smuggled in by illegal methods are often reptiles and depending on the state of the animal and it’s species type most are often euthanised as A they cannot be returned to their original country B cannot be kept due to environmental issues yet some zoos will take on some of these.
The educational part is where they will be invited to take their own animals to shows to do displays and teach the crowd whilst doing so, lee said he loves it after when so many people come to him after with questions as this shows people took a keen interest and he keeps he’s professional yet family friendly mannerisms as he helps owners of all kinds of cold blooded pets.
Another joy the Hellman’s get from this is watching the fear go from children once they have had time to understand that the animal lee is educating with is not going to bite them, we are all built in with certain fears or phobia issues around snakes and reptiles wether its media based or ancestral is always debatable.

The female touch

Antique bulldog collection

Another Educational website

Lisa lees wife also has an important part to play let’s face facts its more of a treat to more lads to hold a spider and show off to their mates about how brave they are but for some girls the thought of touching even the smallest of snakes 🐍 is a no no.
So that’s when they see this lady standing there with a friendly smile and a 6 ft articulated python nestling around her neck, just like modern day female peers Lisa works on getting all with phobias a chance to reverse this fear.
I’m unclear as to the success rate but I can assure you there’s now a lot more of both adults and youngsters that have lost their fear and also learnt something new in the process, as a friend of both I know Lisa loves all animals and even gets all soppy when visiting Porscha.
I know right ! Your friends with someone since you were 15 and 25 years later they want to visit just to see the dog lols, this isn’t exactly true as when I can grab lee (he’s a busy man) he comes and helps in the new websites visuals and Lisa just plays with Porscha it’s called the selfie 🤳 game.

Reptile recreational reading 📖

Antique bulldog collection check em out folks beautiful pictures and great content just like our antique bulldog collection 

Being the kind of guy lee is he is often busy helping others obviously the family and animals come first but lee is generous with both he’s skill sets and time away from home, with a multitude of skills both on and offline lee does not get much time to actually advertise esras.
This article will sit in guest articles I’m more than happy to put up a non bulldog collection article and as it’s for Lisa and lee I’m trying my best to get the website more visitors and interested people just like I do when promoting
Esras is packed to the hilt with beautiful pictures amazing content and a captivating approach, the colours alone on some of their animals is just stunning, nature really is the boss when it comes to the Colours of the rainbow 🌈 and that’s what to expect from the reptiles on show.

I guess what I’m trying to put across is the fact these animals of cold blood are intricately intriguing to look at and to learn not just have to keep them but to learn how they would live in the wild, lee does update the written content so be sure to revisit for new features.

Antique bulldog collection

Thanking esras for the help.(from the antique bulldog collection) 

Can you help !
What a great question and the answer is yes, I’m not going to discuss the funds of esras so I’m not sure how they run but I do know that there’s ways in which you can either help or get involved yourself.
Cheap is not a word I’d associate with looking after so many different animals so just like charities esras is happy to take on old but working or unused products that could aid in the helping of housing different types of species.
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