The antique old growler renewed

Antique old growler

The antique old growler renewed At Brighton toy museum

Hi readers, Those that have been with since the start of those that research using our website will know the old growler, The antique old growler renewed happened just a couple of days ago.

What is the old growler and who’s renewing it ? This antique bulldog is a toy from the 1800s the piece is hand made from head to tail and it’s striking how similar each original to its counterparts considering they were all made by different workers at the same original workshop.


The old growler is a french looking bulldog or Boston terrier with pricked ears (there is an English Version but very rare and expensive) but as it’s claimed these were made in France then we are lead to think french bulldogs.


Originals are rare due to the way they are made and they have since been copied (badly ) with fakes now on the market but these can be spotted a mile off if you’ve ever seen a real original french old growler.

How the antique old growler is made


The whole dog is off started by getting a shape using a wire frame work Bending and twisting the metal strands until the dogs shape has formed, before the paper Mache skin is added the dogs growl and lead are placed inside.


Wired to the dogs jaw the pulley works by pulling the lead this then creates the growl as the dogs mouth opens simultaneously, back in the 1800s this toy would of been seen as a high tech gadget in today’s standards.


Fleck and paint is added to the dogs outer skin to give the impression of short fur and the originals have a bristle like collar made from animal hairs, one of this antique pieces endearing qualities is the subtle hand turned wheels the dog got pulled along on.


The piece was bought over five years ago now and collectibulldogs realised that no matter how we wish to emulate a museum we do not have the same preserving skill sets needed to look after such a rare And fragile toy.

Brighton toy museum renews antique old growler

Antique old growler

The antique old growler renewed Olde Growler on Loan

Have you ever been to Brighton before ? Our city seems to grow at an astonishing rate and little quaint places like the Brighton toy museum get swallowed up and lost as everything around it changes and grows.


Brighton toy museum can be located under a bridge near our local railway station it’s a little secluded but all the information you need is it’s on trafalgar Street this runs up to the station and there’s only one bridge where it’s located.


A dream for anyone wanting to either relive their own youth, learn the history of toys or just want a brilliant few hours out with the younger ones Brighton toy museum will have a family in awe,

Toys your children will recognise is a win but imagine seeing toys you used to play with, the museum owns case after case of childhood memories for the children of today and mostly the children of yesterday and from different countries too.


Antique old growler Favourite stays for another five years !


Brighton toy museum has undergone new management since we first loaned out the piece and The antique old growler renewed is testimony to it being a firm favourite not only with the thousands that pass through the doors but it’s found a place in the staffs hearts too.


We are relieved to both renew but actually hear from the museum we had approached them as long ago as January to see if the piece was still conducive with the museums case theme, to get a reply back in November shows just how things have changed there.


Under new management we are getting sent out new paperwork for the museums insurance and it was stated that the Old management was so archaic that no one could understand any of the files or paperwork on record obviously from the previous manager whom I took to be quite competent.


So there it remains our antique bulldog old growler will remain at Brighton toy museum for another five years creating comments in the book there, putting smiles on faces and as I was told “guards the place” of a nighttime.

Antique old growler! Because it’s what we do


If you are reading this and think bulldogs could create an image for your company maybe your a curator from a museum or a gallery owner looking for props to aid your artwork ! Collectibulldogs is a venture that with the right safeguards could loan out parts of the collection.

A corporate event, a visual business deal, a new display in the office entrance that’s different, even retail outlets for visual merchandising anyone that’s interested in truly showcasing collectibulldogs we would love to hear from you and about why you’d like to loan out our antiques.


paperwork will need sorting and the movement of the pieces is paramount but just imagine visitors distinguished guests or even shoppers seeing something new! Collectibulldogs is definitely niche and the selection is undeniably large.


Until these kinds of collaborations take place we will continue with out collecting and new articles that will be created will show these as well as adding them to our “BRAND NEW PICTURES ROTATOR” yes the gallery only has eight slots but come back or refresh the page and see the pictures changed.

Antique old growler Lastly


It’s that time of the year again we do not sell at the moment so our website views may slump for a while but that’s totally ok with us, with a new baby due and waiting 17 years to have a baby we should be forgiven for showing where our love lies.


Remembering when this was called my baby collectibulldogs will have to be a night time experience as from around Christmas time our baby is due and then it’s our first daughters 18th birthday so if there’s not much content within those dates it’s because I’m zonked out.


So looking forward to being a dad again it does push me to carry this on our first daughter did not really get into the collection the site or it’s relevant place in English society but we are hoping our new princess loves what dad does and emulates if not it’s ok.


Im off now there’s two prints running on the 3D printers presently and if not watched there could be just a mess to go back too, thank you very much to Brighton Museum The antique old growler renewed is great news and helps us to keep it preserved happy collecting.

Bubble interactions dog friendly bubbles from the @dogstrustshops #brighton

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Brighton toy museum I’m sure there’s information there on our old growler

It’s rare but it’s there find other antiques as old as the piece written about here

Those kinds of antiques you feel honoured to own

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