Antiques and collectibles Doris Linder puppies

Antiques and collectibles Doris Linder puppies

Antiques and collectibles Doris Linder puppies

Hi readers how well I hope your up for yet another beautiful bulldog piece of perfection in Antiques and collectibles Doris Linder returns ! Do you know or have you heard of this remarkable lady.

The accomplishments and accolades due to this ladies skill sets would of put the male gender to shame in the early 1900s, the lady was so talented she was commissioned to work on pieces across the globe.


We do not think Doris Linder was into going to the forgery and working late nights the same with pottery houses unlike the factory painters porcelain mixers and kiln watchers Doris would of just been the sculptress of these beauties.


Doris had another passion too and that was art the skill for this must of been from designing a sculpture from scratch using the old methods of carving into wax before a mold is created, this becomes more important when pieces are of limited edition.

Antiques and collectibles Doris Linder puppies


Our Antiques and collectibles are one of the worlds most invested collections our Doris Linder pieces are slowly growing and now we can add her cute little Royal Worcester puppies to our collection


Bought from America it’s taken ages to get such a cheap piece in that has English provenance but as you know if your a fellow collector there’s always another piece that catch’s the eye.

Antiques and collectibles Doris Linder puppies

Antiques and collectibles Doris Linder puppies LIMITED EDITION 313


The Doris Linder puppies are Royal Worcester’s version of the beswick twins and also Royal Doulton whom have their own version and even though the sets are different in size the most detail seems to sit with the smallest.


Yet again it was a case of forgetting about size and when the Royal Worcester puppies arrived we did wonder at first if anything was in the box, opening carefully a tiny piece revealed itself and the nose of the puppy showed through.

Small yet stunning

Antiques and collectibles Doris Linder puppies

Antiques and collectibles Doris Linder puppies

collectibulldogs invests heavily in creating the best story told by using bulldog memorabilia collecting in object form to not only encourage but to push this pass time online where it should of been years ago.


learning years ago that you should never expect what’s in your mind to turn up it was evident that Doris Linder may of created perfection but this was in a miniature form, maybe this adds to its appeal but not to many collectors wallets without a bargain being found.


Unlike  Beswick both Royal Doulton and Royal Worcester used colour in the making of the signature puppies and unlike Royal Doulton with the orange and white Doris added more colour to her creation and even a bowl which apart from the Patina sets the piece apart from the others.


Sitting just a couple of cms tall and about an inch and a half long Doris Linder managed to get lots of the bulldogs traits into the piece, the folds are all perfectly placed and the puppies do look like there’s two together not two kind of pushed into one.

Doris Linder puppies what detail.

Antiques and collectibles Doris Linder puppies

Antiques and collectibles Doris Linder puppies Small things come in great forms

Nine times out of ten if an artist has taken the time to do the bulldogs claws is an indication of a good to great piece and these puppies start from the claws up ! With both bring of traditional colours the first just shows hints of fawn


The harder painting skill is creating BRINDLE and this is again done with beautiful finesse as the second puppy although darker looks just as prominent as he’s little sibling, both of the puppies faces are easily seen with he  two different facial patina.

Antiques and collectibles Doris Linder puppies

Antiques and collectibles Doris Linder puppies beautiful brindle Patina


Rolls are unmistakably bulldog and from their little legs right up to the faces you can great attempt has been put into getting as much detail as possible on both of the pups! We’ve not seen many other Doris Linder pieces and always find her work amazing.


Again with Beswick and Royal Doulton the pieces created are meant to represent two puppies yet feel like one piece, with the Doris Linder puppies there’s a brilliant illusion that’s there’s two puppies next to the bowl, there’s a connection between the two like they were made separately.

Rare majolica look !

Antiques and collectibles Doris Linder puppies

Antiques and collectibles Doris Linder puppies Almost like majolica

Bulldog majolica is not only rare and expensive yet if you can buy some pieces they really help a collection to pop but our point here is the puppies unlike most others have a majolica look to them.

Wether this is just an old collector that’s seen to many pieces or Doris Linder had some European influence there’s definitely a majolica look to these pups, If it’s not seen by others fair enough but there’s no denying the detail added for such a small object from nearly 100 years ago.

Now it’s your turn !

Hopefully we will have a guest post soon the first in ages about collecting so we are asking our visitors to get in touch and hopefully collaborate on article that highlights your antiques and collectibles, no it doesn’t have to be collection based it could be about just one treasured possession


Not bragging but collectibulldogs can always continue to buy pieces add to our collection and then blog about and yes we are called collectibulldogs yet our visitors love our guest posts and what better than to feed them content that’s varied and let them come and discover something new after we’ve published.

we are happy to take the macabre the unique even people that collect pieces that wouldn’t normally be in the public eye but within reason and Collectibulldogs is a great way of showcasing your piece or pieces with complete anonymity no personal details are shared and all credit goes to the owner.

There’s been a little surge in our trustpilot reviews Like our 60th one here by a lovely lady on Twitter and here’s her link Which is fair for a review we think and if you want your link thrown across the world to over 70 countries many that have never heard of you just support us and get the same exposure!


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