Last article from old

Last article from old
Hi there readers 👩🏫 how are you I hope as always your all well, our Last article from old ay ! It seems like we only started a few months ago but have actually been live for four years now.
We have been a bit like the boy that cried wolf 🐺 but digital Wulf have come good and is creating page after page to take over this old website and give you all a new version of
The passed few days I’ve seen completed new home page and the others I asked for and to be honest the people at Digital Wulf have created a new current version of the website but in keeping with its niche theme.

Collectibulldogs It’s not good bye 👋 it’s moving up the ladder
Im Glad We invested in this new website it will do us well going into the early 2020s and we have ideas we wish to implement after but we would like to see what kind of views we get first.
Last article from old
Once live and receiving views we can calculate wether it’s worth doing a monthly newsletter this could give individuals a monthly glimpse at what we do here maybe a piece of the month and submitted articles that we could add to post out.
Another idea is to set up a members page where folks can chat, buy and sell and if successful we aim to create a secret Facebook page for members only where you get to see and win / buy our 3D printed pieces making special occasions in your life a lot cheaper and very bulldog like.
This would not be exclusive to collectors only, knows we cannot beat other interesting websites but do want to create a kind sharing community where trustworthy people are safe to have conversations see what others are saying or buying selling but foremost it’s a place where folks can feel like they are part of something bigger that’s not social media.
The new layout the videos the pictures and content are all new we’ve just kept peoples backlinks and the 380 articles on bulldog collecting, guest posts and my own written experiences on managing all this with a mental health disorder!
Proud like a bulldog

Collectibulldogs Last article from old NEW CEO TEE HEE
Yes it’s true we are as proud as a bulldog with the new website and we hope you’ll agree too, we’ve taken away the countless pages, made each main page more visual and you can see brand new pictures taken especially for the new website.
There is now only one page for all the collectables as most can be seen in the articles written, we have selected some of the best and the quirky to showcase on this page and hopefully inspire others to get out there and look for these treasures just like we did all those years ago.
Every pooch we’ve owned or had the pleasure to have in our home has been the face of collectibulldogs but please don’t think that our puppy porcsha is here to take over ! yes she’s got her own page to gain some ❤️ But you’ll also find our FALLEN HEROS page where I’m proud of the video I created myself.
This page shows our respect ✊ to both Scruffy-Louise and wiggles our beautiful besties that without them this all would of never happened so it’s only fair we show just how much they mean not to just the Ashdown family but to the collectibulldogs community as a whole both were loved by thousands, hundreds of thousands before Twitter suspended over wiggles post bless her.

Collectibulldogs! Our fallen hero’s Scruffy Louise rip bestie
Thank yous
Let’s start with the Lee’s lee from digital Wulf and lee a member from both amazingly skilled ay what they do and for creating a cracking website… I urge anyone that wants what we have at a very very (not typo) competitive price to contact lee at Digital Wulf he would offer up a similar work package at a great price too.
As a resource website with links to and from other sites large and small we are wishing to thank all those groups, boards collaborators and anyone that sees us a viable trusted website not a spamming pestering site just wanting to sell you product.
Ive already said it but thank you to Brighton Museums for all the help so far we didn’t get further than the exhibition in 2017 But as it was a world first it’s something I’ll always remember the feel of self affirmation I got when the exhibition was live. made this pooch a star Twitter ruined it ! RIP bestie
My beautiful wife pregnant 🤰 at the point of this article being written has been a rock in 2019, Nothing I do is possible without my wife and the fact she believes in what I’m trying to achieve cannot be measured in how I feel about having this wonderful lady by my side.
When you look at collectibulldogs there is a fair amount of pieces there admittedly and about a third of whats there is from one contact, I met a fella called mark years ago did a deal on a collection and got some great pieces to start the collection.
There should be thanks to the 4 million or so visitors we’ve had since going live we have not had a proper course to steer yet but my envision of keeping this beautiful breed online and in the public eye has been a success so far we just need more bulldog lovers to get on board.
Oh and Without marks deal I don’t think I would of got so far know so much or pushed collectibulldogs as much as I have done so a special thank you goes to this fella Bye bye contact guy, goal completed was an article I wrote when our deal finally concluded
Why the quiet relaunch collectibulldogs?
Ok, on a personal level I lost my sister on the 4th November the same day as the website got started properly, my sister Theresa passed away at the martlets hospice with her family around her peacefully and dignified.
It’s been a tough year all round our luck seems to of withered when wiggles passed away Most difficult blog to date RIP wiggles you star 🌟 we lost a DA point and gained a spam score of 1% this year, twitter booted us off the format and there’s all the personal issues to deal with.
With the new website finished I’m using my energy to be a great husband whilst my wife gives birth and then as a new baby arrives I’m hoping our new little princess sienna gives us the strength to hit 2020 with renewed vigour and some mojo !
Our sister will be missed so much she was a woman of strength and determination that doted on her lads so in honour of our sister we are incorporating her name into our daughters middle names so her spirit can live on in our daughter, her husband and son love the idea 💡
Advertising features page
Due to the amount of emails we get from website owners wanting a link from us , affiliate bloggers wanting a backlink and even larger companies like the insurance company direct line all wanting to connect we’ve come up with packages to help advertise and make leaving articles and it’s prices clear.
We are not profit driven the monies will be used for two things 1 is to keep the website ticking over and 2 we haven’t wanted to approach crowd funding to get the collection appraised so this will get saved and we will approach Brighton Museum for help with this part.
As a website that wants to be more getting specialist insurance not like bank insurance is vital to as we cannot move on until we have ourselves properly covered then we can loan out our pieces to museums and galleries even functions and pop up Museums across the UK
We all know the end goal is to have a museum made of bricks 🧱 not 1s and 0s online, I’d love to open the worlds first bulldog memorabilia and antiques museum where real people can come and see just how loved this breed has been showed in object form and celebrate a beautiful breed that still has its taboos and stigmas.
Lastly ! Lastly.

BACKLINKS a swapped collectible club plate uk
The old website started off as I wanted and due to bad design bad hosts and lots of cutting up collectibulldogs became a website where only the latest articles were read no one used our search bar to get information from other articles and our blogs collided with the galleries
Not to say I didn’t like the old site but as it got cut away and views slumped I knew you folk couldn’t navigate it properly, This new version does not go on and on we’ve decided it doesn’t need to be as big as it was and the new layout should have people back in favour of
Please enjoy it critic the pieces you like dis like please share us about and tell your friends collectibulldogs is now a much better experience and our articles are the only thing staying from the old site.
So it is for me to say while your happily opening your Christmas presents 🎁 this year I’ll either be up and down to the hospital 🏥 to see my wife and new born girl or we will be at home celebrating the birth of both our daughter and Jesus (for those that celebrate Xmas ) ILL SEE YOU ON THE NEW SITE FOLKS ❤️ From
Read our trust pilot reviews and hopefully add your own
Check out collectibulldogs in local directory we appreciate reviews thank you
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Chariots of fire memory mine got jacked in 1994
May not have had as many visitors as the previous website but we hope this changes over the next few years as our strategy gets better and our search engine optimisation performance improves