by Wynne Guglielmo | Jul 27, 2019 | Blogs, Collectibulldogs News, Metals & More
Victorian Era Antique Cigar Case And now for something completely different for this yank from across the pond–Antique Blogging. I was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania–a city known for its Historical properties, museums and antiques. My mom...
by Wynne Guglielmo | Jul 18, 2019 | Blogs, Collectibulldogs News, Guest Blogs, Uncategorized
Puppies Adoption and pet store issues Who doesn’t love a puppies Most people love the companionship and love they offer as well as the pure joy they bring to our lives. Their zeitgeist and ever constant wonder as they encounter new smells and toys and other...
by Wynne Guglielmo | Jul 16, 2019 | Guest Blogs
Fosters Urgently Needed inhumane shelters Fosters urgently wanted, People surrender their dogs and cats every day to USA kill pounds. Current estimates on the low end are 10,000 pups and cats per day. When a family or individual surrenders a pup...