Backlinks ! Improve your online business

Backlinks ! Improve your online business

Backlinks ! Improve your online business Join with us at collectibulldogs

Sympathies and condolences to all Covid 19 effected direct or indirect our thoughts are with you Backlinks ! Improve your online business, BACKLINKS EXCHANGE! but first let’s welcome the new and more now used online websites doing more business online.


Sadly life has life has changed the way we all live and those that have taken to the internet have some fledgling businesses and many that are established and now trying to recoup loses from retail commercial foot traffic.


Backlinks ! Improve your business, websites run on metrics and one white hat way to create a more powerful powerhouse of a website is exchanged or backlinks coming in from other sources.



collectibulldogs is always honest so we will want to get some juice from the backlink exchange yet we only sell advertising whereas most other businesses rely on cash flow to keep themselves going.

Backlinks ! Improve your business How ?

Backlinks ! Improve your online business

wed Like to stay amazing join us Backlinks ! Improve your online business

The way it works is simple you contact us at collectibulldogs and ask for a mutual backlink exchange which we will really be pleased to except, in exchange your backlink / website address will be added to our own website.


For example you could do a backlink where you add us as On your website or as an anchor text link JUST LIKE THIS BUT BULLDOG RELATED WE HOPE and we will do the same asking wether you want a link or anchor text.


If your a business right now looking online for free help then this is one way of getting it, collectibulldogs is establishing itself with five years online but we do have a brilliant following on social media with Twitter our highest at 190 thousand followers.



This means that your business outlet or organisation gets instant views and what better time when the world is on lockdown with millions maybe billions online every hour and to be fair many businesses replicate each other trade wise so what better way than to get ahead of your online competition.



You could tell me to go and mind my own business even stop reading if you wish but with a new world being fashioned out of a cruel disaster social distancing safety rules and the human emotions like anxiety means more will use the internet to create a new way of living.


You want to be found right ? Backlinks ! Improve your business does just that and during the Coronavirus lockdown you could be helping your own websites domain authority, who knows when street traffic will ever be same again.



we use Facebook where we have a group a profile and a page, we have established pages on Twitter Pinterest Instagram pocket Quora medium TikTok pearl trees and other formats, if we collaborate further (general chat) we would be happy to utilise our media formats.



SEO or search engine optimisation is or can be an off or on page skillset ! My own seo skillet was learnt through article writing so if we exchange backlinks we are offering you your best keyword or long tail as anchor text.

Your online business


What do you sell how do you pay the bills ! Of course I’m not asking about your financial business we are interested in your online business and wether your happy to have us bookmark you to social media pages as an incentive for your backlink exchange.



As long as it’s legit you can advertise your online business with collectibulldogs we cannot guarantee that there are millions of buyers just itching to press your link but we do know two things  one this offer is Free and two we know the foot traffic from the high street will now be shopping online more.



it does not matter if your a business an organisation or a charity this offer is open to anyone wanting to push their website, learn a little about white hat search engine optimisation (creating the link ) and for those early birds that want that worm there’s no better time than now to connect !



Get exposure for your online business / website ASAP as websites get updated scores by the likes of google crawlers and Moz metrics the more backlinks we can get together the more powerful the link becomes and the more your own link is pressed the better your google rankings

Lastly we are not an online business


There is an advertising features page and this was just set up to persuade affiliated (like reviewing products from popular auction sites) online websites that wanted a one way backlink in exchange for bad or even copied content ! we are not a competitor to any of your online business ventures


Wanting to become a real museum one day means we need exposure too hence this exchange article, collectibulldogs is run by myself I have PTSD so don’t have any business sense and if I found the right business person England could finally have its and the worlds very first English bulldog museum.


The offer of help (free) for those that are venturing online and need some help setting things up, don’t worry we are not after anything ie personal information it’s just an offer of teaching you what we know which is limited



So come on get in touch collectibulldogs is waiting to connect with you and help you gain power with your online business and start the long road of gaining a better domain authority score and start to get you established wether it be online or social media.


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