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Hi readers I am sorry in my delay in blogging I had some issues with windows 10 on my web book but I think the problem has sorted itself out.

I will start by saying I have added a new page to the site this is for art books prints cards and anything to do with bulldogs in art form I will be advertising a few artists there once its completely set up right.

I also think I will start a few more pages so that I can put up the whole collection. I would like to say that I have managed to find some nice pieces this past week and some are in the pictures attached, I think I have mentioned the ROYAL DOULTON but the others are all newly found since my last blog.

The teddy bully is the first of its kind I have seen he is made out of porcelain and has wooden paws he maybe German but that’s just a guess and I will know more once he arrives, then there is this massive piece that I found at a great price and I only thought it to be around 8 to 10 inches by 6 to 8 inches high but when I opened the box and pulled him out I came to realise that this piece is half the size of my actual bulldog and very heavy this piece was made in Italy and has a majolica look and colour to it.

Another item to arrive this week is an old American silver plated tobacco humidor these are found on places like ebay for a few hundred pounds I found mine on a similar site and used my charm to get the piece at a more realistic amount and it worked, the silver pendant a contact found its sterling fully hallmarked and I think made in the USA as it has the American bulldog look to it and I’m thinking my silver bulldog whistle would look great swinging from it off a chain.

Anther piece is a spittoon a container used for spitting tobacco in and I bought it as I think its a quirky addition to my collection I just hope that it comes empty and clean. I do have other pieces coming but will wait till they arrive so I have better knowledge there as to write a more detailed blog on the pieces.

As I mentioned before I was offered a job helping a member with their business well I had another pleasant surprise when the editor of BULLISH MAGAZINE asked if I would do a blog on their upcoming issue which is still slowly sinking in, it may not seem much to others but to me it means a lot as I am starting to get realised in the bully world which is great as all this only started last October when I started excepting members to my group and sending out invites to look for more collectors and admirers right up to last month when I started my own website and blog so a lot has happened in the past year and mostly good or great things and I hope this continues as its a buzz!!!!

I am going to strive to add more content to the website but as I have insomnia sometimes it is hard as I wake at silly times where the light is no good for pictures to be taken and once eventually done the site will be packed with pages full of pieces and once I have got that far I will then start adding info to the pieces so you can see what is what and made by whom and where etc etc, I am going to finish up for now as scruffy louise needs a walk and after I need to email the BULLISH MAGS editor to see what kind of blog he wants done and then I am researching as a certain client is wanting pieces from the English bulldog club itself.

I have found a tea pot cup and saucer and a coffee mug so far I have some silver pieces I can sell on that are club related but I find looking for pieces more fun as I find other treasures along the way, please excuse me now as my dog is giving me the stare so best go and can i quickly just say thank you so much for the likes on my last blog 160 is a record since I started so THANK YOU FOLKS

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