blog loving so let’s get promoting

Blog loving

I’m blog loving and will enjoy writing yours

I’m blog loving

Hi readers I hope your all good safe and well, I’m here today to reaffirm my offer to write product exposing, blog to blog review anything you can think of I’m happy to write about as Im blog loving.

For the fair small amount of 20 dollars I will ask you what kind of blog you wish it to be we can choose your main keywords and I have a friend in the know for the latest in keywords research this helps the search engine optimisation of my site and gets more traffic to yours. 



Let’s push a few ideas out there just in case you think this isn’t for you, so you could be any type of pet business or other business that wishes to endorse yourselves with a contextual (advertising) blog, you could be another blogger wanting to connect to gain domain authority and page rankings. 

You could be an author with a best seller coming out you want reviewed or exposed, you could be an organisation that wants to spread a message, the article could be for collectors that feel they haven’t the confidence and cannot write. 


are you a non street traffic shop like the popular auction sites eBay Etsy ruby lane and others, if so your NOT getting true advertising other than the company as a whole and rely on reviews this way you get way more product and name exposure for your own store or venture.

From Bars restaurants and eateries to dog rescues online shopping and more I can write a 300 or more blog loving article with at least one permanent link and any visual content you may wish to share, just send and I will do all the rest from TITLE to your express approval before publishing 


I enjoy using my skill set so if you require something a little different I’ve learned a few tricks that I now use to make thrilling posts on twitter, I personally have my bulldog singing telling jokes and with editing I got the dog and cat to have a chat. 

As I am very much Blog loving and there’s time I’ll rotate articles so your blog is seen more than once or you could use our new tweet service this way your article will be posted on a schedule and with the right hash tags should get shared by your subject demographic. 


Businesses and organisations may benefit from the article being placed in LinkedIn, online shops could get exposure from Pinterest, if your blog requests a YouTube clip the piece can be placed in Instagram, with other formats and twitter with a Facebook page and profile I feel I’m up there with some of the bigger hitters. 

Combining my blog loving article with a twitter package would be ideal for almost anyone and a very competitive price too I do all the work (I’m blog lovin) and for a small fee you reap the results, anything from views to sales, newsletter applicants and more. 


When you start a collection put in all the hard work and create a concept that’s unique and original it’s both,loved and hated in equal measure and due to the later half that may be opinionated we decided to work for the funds we need hence blog loving.

We need lots of money to start a social enterprise firstly the whole collection needs appraisal for specialists insurance otherwise I cannot start my venture as no one will take my pieces till it’s all properly insured and blog loving with social media could be a success in helping us achieve our goal.


The article that is suggesting we now do sponsored / paid for blogs and twitter advertising come about due to two reasons the first is due to changes going on at Brighton Museum the donations page was taking its time even from becoming an idea to actually designing the page. 

Secondly I want to do this I spend a lot of time free (believe it or not) and this could be my first opportunity in years to get my masculinity back and not be the housebound victim but an articulate blog writer 


As I write this article about sponsoring blogs I used my blog loving as my main keyword, as you can see it’s used in the url title will be a hashtag too when coming to publish and it’s a new long tail keyword I myself have not used on my own site before. 

I’ve articulated my offer well not to vague and not overwhelming I also made the blog longer to show I can go further than 300, some of collectibulldogs articles can be over 2000 words long as I say I’m blog lovin so come and let me show you that there’s a bark in my blogs and a bite in my pen. I’m ready for this. 


While your thinking if 20 dollars is a good investment with us please feel free to continue reading about our blogging

Just to wet the blog loving whistle below is a message from FEEDSPOT and a link proving its true that COLLECTIBULLDOGS HAS EARNED 15TH PLACE ON FEEDSPOT

Responding in kind and leaving a link to FeedSpot is the least we can do for this accolade and if we make good communication you may see a lot more from feedspot on Collectibulldogs due to the relatabilty ENJOY THEIR CONTENT

Hi Collectibulldogs Team,

My name is Anuj Agarwal. I’m the Founder of Feedspot.

I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Collectibulldogs has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 30 Antique Blogs on the web.

I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of TOP 30 ANTIQUES BLOGS ON THE WEB on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

Blog loving

15TH place on the web for blog loving

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