Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs !

Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs !

Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs ! Love from us lot lol

Hi readers, I hope you are all well todays article if I may, Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs ! after the embarrassment of getting a Twitter suspension I gave blogging a break and hit what people call the real world for a while


With a new baby arriving and the news earlier than expected collectibulldogs has been packed up for a while as I make room for our new arrival! With twitters issue, packing the collection and missing wiggles I started to feel unwell, that’s when I got the idea to do a website giveaway.


Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs !

Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs ! Design is original

At first it was going to be a mass bulk buy from abroad maybe two thousand keyrings or another cheap easy giveaway then I got the idea 💡 to buy a 3D printer and print out giveaways, at first I thought this world was just about plastic but the materials now used make you go WOW.


Collecting at the moment is not an option it’s not a case of money just space and as I’m of a mental disorder this new venture has become a brilliant distraction and gives me ideas for when the new website is built, 3D printers are so cheap now it’s more about designs time and effort as plug 🔌  in and play is not as easy as the box suggests.

Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs !

Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs !

Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs ! Our hosts logo looking good in gold

The title is apt it’s not an exaggeration from being up all night just to make sure a support you mended stays to what really SMARTS ! The plastic is very thin and when you go to pick it off the plate this tiny thread 🧵 makes it’s way up between your finger nail and skin.

please do not worry there is no DNA 🧬 of mine on any of the 3D printed bulldog pieces we are creating I’m just emphasising it’s not as easy as the end results may have you thinking 🤔 have I learnt from this yet The answer I’m afraid is no as I did it again earlier on a failed print I tried to save.


Tears 😭! This part is my mental health and inability to control my emotions at the moment but I’ve never been afraid to talk about my own experiences, you maybe thinking did a massive build go wrong did something break and cost lots NOPE I lost the plot because I could not level the printers hot bed properly!


Silly sounding deffo ! Daft ! I’m with you on that too, and why this is called Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs ! What I thought would be a simple process at first nearly had me beat mentally, now as I’ve reached my forties and do suffer with a personality disorder it’s time I gave in and got real help.

Pla Printed bulldogs it’s just the start !

Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs !

When it hit us get better colours lol

PLA basically means plastic folks just like mainstream corporate companies use to make their mass produced replicated toys and products we are doing the same but at a much smaller level we have no share holders and certainly do not intend to create profit driven ideas from this idea.


plastic is cheap we know that Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs and the failed prints prove it’s not easy to create a flow of constant pieces but on the up side we have discovered there’s quite a few different materials that a 3D printer can eat up and produce magic with.

Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs !

Becoming popular on Facebook and Pinterest (PLA PRINTED BULLDOGS)

Our first giveaway will be primarily PLA just because we stumbled across this first and learnt all the temperatures needed to make sure not only that the plastic melts and flows evenly also the heated bed needs it’s own temperature to keep the build from unsticking whilst in progress if you look at some of the pieces they actually look ok.


For the environmental conscience let us state 1 we are not buying over and over creating a carbon footprint 👣 in deliveries 🚚 and packaging 2 our giveaway pieces are 100% totally recyclable yes that’s 100% 3 our own wastage gets recycled 4 the electric used comes from local sea 🌊 wind farm 5 would you like a piece made ?

What to look out for ! Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs!

Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs !

(PLA PRINTED BULLDOGS) Real original designs

We started with what we see as embarrassing colours I won’t fib to you the first pieces were created using a model I reviewed a while ago now it was a plug in and play model yet it’s application was causing so many issues more material was being wasted instead of creating.

since seeing our little error and now choosing more wisely there’s so many different colours it’s hard to choose for ourself let alone wonder what our readers may like, we have rainbow 🌈 here a really bright yellow a marble filament and a green, when we first started you could mistake the pieces as being coloured by Crayola.


2020 will see our giveaways move up a gear no more Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs ! Firstly collectibulldogs is lucky to have a designer friend, Yep that is correct we actually have a 3D printing ace and it’s free ! This family friend, personal friend and part time Porscha dog walker is normally building computers 💻

Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs !

Taking collectibulldogs and the breed into new realms. (PLA PRINTED BULLDOGS)

Thinking he was just musing me whilst I was ill making sure I didn’t do anything destructive was totally the wrong thought as he is now loving this new niche that I myself thought he would of known of years ago, to cut a long story short he’s learnt how the A to Z of 3D printing in about three days.

Bulldogs starting to hit 3D land

Imagine our beloved breed with thousands of free printable files just there to download and print out at home WELL YOU CANNOT ! that’s not collectibulldogs being rude it’s the fact there’s hardly any decent printable files regarding bulldogs we struggled at first to find a range of anything remotely bulldog


Thanks to our 3D printing designer friend this is about to change, firstly our own design files will be freely given to thingyverse this is an app most models can link too and designs added too we aim to get both normal and collectibulldogs tagged pieces onto mainstream apps for printing


Another first by collectibulldogs I’d say yes there’s a few thingyverse print outs but not as many as there will be and I’ve seen some of the draft copies so know he is working hard to create original designs for everyone yet his goal is to help collectibulldogs become more of a success


Write in if you have an idea for a print please remember copyright © does effect some ideas we cannot copy certain pieces without a third parties permission but that’s not to say we cannot have some fun, we have created objects you’ll see down the article we hope you like and remember not everything will always be PLA.

Is this a business? PLA PRINTED BULLDOGS

Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs !

(PLA PRINTED BULLDOGS) Assorted pieces started 

Hey if money makes your life better then this could be a good idea the prints and materials are so good the results could create profit But not for collectibulldogs the fact I got separated from the collection meant I needed something else to distract me and this came along

Once the relaunch is finally underway and all giveaways are gone the idea is to have a page where printed pieces are put then you the viewer email or comment if you want one I’ll ask where do you live to get postage quote and freely make you and send the piece you chose.

Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs !

I did say it keeps me distracted, there should be double that ! Printing ain’t easy (PLA PRINTED BULLDOGS)


Pros to this little collaboration between us outweigh the cons I get your visit (hopefully for a while and to different pages ) and if you like anything printed you can have one ☝️ well your paying postage so if we can go for it maybe we can send out more than one per visit let’s see

Free giveaways are used by websites to gain views I won’t lie but we want your interactions folks we do not want your money if brutally honest we are a small website based in Brighton England that’s single handily keeping bulldogs firmly online yes there’s others but nothing like so your support is appreciated even if popping in every now and again.

PLA PRINTED BULLDOGS Let’s ender at the start !

Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs !

THE ENDER 5 + The creator where all the prints start

I know I know another failed attempt on a play on words lol, All this starts with choosing a 3D printer so we are as from the date this article is published we will be using the absolute dogs nads of a printer called THE ENDER 5 PLUS, this workhorse at 200mm ps (per second) is just out in the United states and collectibulldogs is lucky enough to obtain one  ☝️.


Ender 5 is in everyone’s reviewer top ten so the Ender plus should be amazingly fun to use and build with, the plate size out shines the ender with 13cms extra length and 40cms build hight and it’s size is apparent straight away when next to its older smaller brother.

Blood Tears and PLA Printed Bulldogs !

So clever turns pictures into 3D Prints rip wiggles ❤️

Honoured to be one of the first in UK to try out this model and hoping it’s new stability and easier control panel stop the tears and bring on cheers 🍻 I need to learn to walk away and take 5 instead of loosing it and I think I’ve got that nailed with this new game changer


As to when the relaunch is I have still yet to clarify but I can state the same person that designs the prints and builds computers is also helping so the website could be even better than first expected, let’s see there’s no other website like ours to draw inspiration from yet I have faith in the lads to get the job done and sure it’s worth the wait

3D bulldog 23mins build

please return regardless just to see if we’ve changed over yet or make the most out of the current site just tilt your gadget and use our search bar for a more educational experience! Thank you for taking the time to read this and I sure do hope in a few months at least our 3D pieces will be sitting in houses across the globe 🌍 stay safe peace and love

eiffion and Porscha

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