Bulldog antiques museum google mapped

Bulldog antiques museum google mapped

Bulldog antiques museum google mapped Here’s what I’d like for Christmas this year

Hi there readers I hope all is well out there, Bulldog antiques museum google mapped was a total surprise for us at collectibulldogs and it feels like we are finally being seen and searched for.

being a niche demographic we are not searched for a lot this could be because we were not well known, not much interest for a Bulldog antiques museum or the keywords punched in are to strong for our ranking so other pages appear first.

Bulldog antiques museum google mapped

I miss the uniformed days Bulldog antiques museum google mapped

we have finally sorted out our business profile on google and google maps so if you say to your GOOGLE HOME HELP. “IM LOOKING FOR A BULLDOG ANTIQUES MUSEUM “ the reply should be collectibulldogs and where we are.


The business suite does help push more content onto google and the Reviews you kind folk give to us help with other factors like trustpilot and safe buy to see that the website is a viable option for decent content not just sales sales sales.

Bulldog antiques museum on google !

Bulldog antiques museum google mapped

We still own the best that’s assured
Bulldog antiques museum google mapped

The reason why we don’t pay for google rankings is because we are so niche a Bulldog antiques museum which is yet to be emulated surely means we must get a good share of the keywords searched for ! Then there’s our own keywords.

It’s now to a bloggers benefit to write original content that has its keywords from the beginning and in at least two of your sub headings and a percentage of what’s written needs to have keywords relating to the content as well as the keyword chosen to represent the page.


I believe the origins of this started on social media or blog channels where algorithms took a look at what you have written and determined how long it would take to read, often you would write up to 2000 words and when you publish it states 3-4 minutes read.

This kind of content counting has been going on for years if ask a blogger they would say you cannot write an article under three hundred words long, that’s why I’m writing this article with what’s called a long tailed keyword


Using Bulldog antiques museum means !

Bulldog antiques museum google mapped

Bulldog antiques museum google mapped Is still a proud go to website

This is called a long tailed keyword! As seen it’s a group of go words that make up a bigger keyword the reason for this is many only use one keyword and when that’s searched for there’s not much chance of your page showing before popular auction websites.

When someone types Bulldog antiques museum it’s a totally different matter all material google can find on that subject keyword will crop up and as we are one of a kind with a brilliant name we do rank for such keywords, there’s a way to go yet I still need to learn shrinking of photos but I’m getting the feeling I know how to improve my Domain Authority more.

There needs to be more content from this url with antiques bulldogs and other keywords that we rank for, unfortunately I’ve been unwell so most posts have been about mental disorder and or guest articles from those talking about real dogs not antique ones.

Id love nothing more than to pull my pieces out research them and blog out to you folk but since the summer life has changed for me and I need that life back before I feel I can continue! The last piece I’ve bought was a silver square ashtray but have left it there for now.

The lovely twelve

Bulldog antiques museum google mapped

Your reviews mean the world

Did you notice I did not need to add Bulldog antiques museum to the heading this is because it will get crawled in H2 and the title this is how keywords work, as long as I keep the density down then things work well.

the lovely twelve are the folk that have already googled reviewed collectibulldogs and for that we are very grateful and believe the extra nine may of helped our domain to rank that little bit higher.

The more reviews we get the more we are seen the more chance we have of being sponsored and if you have a higher domain authority other article writers want a piece of your pie and offer collaboration for a do follow backlink Here’s an external link if you wish to know what do follow links are some even send messages to websites hoping their url will be submitted.

If you think of the web more like a spiders web with your own electrical brain synapses mixed in that’s how google should be perceived definitely from a business or cultural kind of entity just like collectibulldogs has read up on and started.



Its not our dream to be number one anywhere it’s not nice rolling out 2/3k to see that there’s little to no hits on it so there’s more I need to learn about ranking a page or published article, I’m guessing if I carry on with bulldog antiques keeping it fresh there’s a chance of hitting 30+ next year.

It really is a waiting game someone will see the point of the website one day and want to get involved, there’s not many out there with Mental health that have bought and pulled in such a variety and varied collection of English bulldog memorabilia!

The Galleries


Award Winning Bulldog Memorabilia Collection

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