Bulldog antiques USA it’s an opportunity to grow 2022

Bulldog antiques USA

Bulldog antiques USA

Hi Readers I’d like to start by thanking Google for the great news about ranking for Bulldog antiques and today’s article is Bulldog antiques USA it’s an opportunity to grow, one of the great perks about being collectibulldogs is the fact when others want to sell we are one of the first places people go too.


Just like this sweet lady over in America with her Bulldog antiques USA sourced and I’m guessing the collector has been collecting a few years by the looks of it, there are thoughts I need to ponder before I start working out my budget who knows everything maybe too expensive.


The Shipping the shipping fees import export duty it all adds up so if a collector is looking for a certain price then these have to factor into any mind that is rationale, breakages fakes pieces you’ve paid to much for after researching the list goes on, and with a recent documentary explaining you might as well see 40% of antiques as copies are you really getting that age old piece you think it is.

Bulldog antiques USA I have been here before I remember working with a dealer who’s bulldog antiques usa pieces always had a flaw but he would never say until after the package arrived actually many of my American pieces were from that gentleman I was of course more silly a few years ago.

More about bulldog antiques USA

Bulldog antiques USA

One of the pictures that make up some of the bulldog antiques USA

Do not get me wrong I love the Americans they are polite they can haggle so fun to trade with and try and be as helpful as possible to make the process of getting your Bulldog antiques from A to B as cheaply as possible I found Etsy sellers to be the most generous and laid back they are happy to take deposits and layaways.

If this seller understands that I’m not made of money and will have an ongoing payment relationship with her then there’s a chance I can add new and exciting items to my collection, as you can see by the pictures there’s quality among the quantity there’s even pieces I’ve wished for back in the days when bulldog antiques were gifted by my family.


The Bols decanter bulldog commissioned by Royal Doulton is one piece I’d happily add to collectibulldogs.com I’ve got some ROYAL COPENHAGENas depicted by the piece seen on the shelf with the little boy giving his Bulldog a cuddle, there’s a ROYAL WORCESTER piece there  too very nice I wonder what number this one is I have one as well and would make a great pair.


Bulldog Collections can usually tell you a lot about the collector this collection seems to have grown either with luck or with knowledge! There’s pieces there some collectors would not entertain and this usually happens in a collectors early days I know I was that person, I remember having a few different pieces and thought myself the worlds best.

English bulldog antiques USA continued

Bulldog antiques USA

More from Bulldog antiques USA a brilliant collection

You can tell the quality getting better as you notice the THE ROYAL DOULTON BULLDOGS this could of been by going to yard sales bulldog club shows and antiques fairs this is not a collection from a collector of today I doubt any pieces we can see are bought from eBay, the seller is a little older but still works so I think this lady is well travelled and many of these pieces were obtained on the way.

Before I continue I’d like to say thank you to our American cousin I’ve used the pictures that were sent to me so at the moment it’s a courtesy but if at any point this seller doesn’t want these pictures used I’ll replace them with mine. The seller works as stated so I’ve asked for an estimated price list and if the seller wants help selling Then I’ll be happy to post her items and prices on our Facebook page

where others can have the opportunity to meet with this seller and maybe buy some of her bulldog antiques USA, I’m hoping my budget will lead to sales I’ve not added much to collectibulldogs.com in a while and it’s also nice to help others, even if I cannot afford to buy others might, always remember safety first though. I’m going to buy something small at first to test the water.

While I’m bouncing between apps I might as well grab my PINTERESTI’m doing well there it’s agreeable that my impressions have dropped but that’s down to not using the app much it’s like Instagram I have fifty five thousand followers but do not utilise these numbers unless I’m using a particular format for a while.

Building trust building a bigger legacy

Bulldog antiques USA

Bulldog antiques USA more exciting pieces to ponder over

This is the area of the article where Google want me to try and be as user friendly as possible with good content but they also state that as bloggers we do not know everything and Google want us to add powerful backlinks to educational websites of the same or similar themes, until others put their collectibles on websites I’m only able to add links to places like the KENNEL CLUB Or our American cousins at their own club which is the AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB


Ive used the English bulldog kennel club before they are great for information and apparently Collectibulldogs owns a few pieces once owned by the American club, paperwork silver trophies and other collectibles as well as from other bulldog antiques USA from different clubs in different states. As many know the purpose behind collectibulldogs apart from trying to make it famous is the fact that one day it will all be passed down to my daughters and that’s why I love quality.


Building up trust with this seller does mean it may take time but this would assure me that alls well and I’ll be able to upgrade some of my English bulldog antiques with ones that look like they’ve been well looked after, the ones I’d replace would go to either Bulldog rescue or there’s a bulldog walk we once belonged with and the person running that also helped with our wedding dayShe runs a bulldog walk and they raffle prizes so pieces like this would really help their cause.


The opportunity to add to collectibulldogs is a long time coming and may distract me from worrying about a couple of pieces I’m yet to re find after I paid out two thousand pounds for fitted shelves in the front room that kind of money doesn’t come easy and I like others have to save if I want to pay decent amounts or buy products of over a certain price.

Each new piece tells a story creates a keyword

Bulldog antiques USA

Be happy to add more to collectibulldogs
Bulldog antiques USA 🇺🇸

As a blogger / article writer and maybe one of very few when it comes to English bulldog antiques USA or otherwise I write after researching a bulldog antique or collectible I’m honest fair and if I do not know or cannot find any information on a certain piece I will state and not do dealers specials and make up antique stories usually to big up and sell a piece onwards.


What new bulldog antiques and collectibles gives is the knowledge behind it but also the online part, first part is the research then making it sound like your own it’s not easy but being truthful in your own writing stops plagiarism copied articles and pinching snippets I prefer to pass all that and give people what I know or found out and the rest is down to the reader.

Many may think there is not much too it all I say is go on eBay use English bulldog as your first search then add what you like after there’s 100s of 1000s of bulldog pieces bulldogs were so popular people today are still using the likeness to make a wage from, I’m quite happy to buy a piece research it and once published wait to see where the keyword gets me.

If this turns into a deal or payment plan exchange or just moves forward it will be the 10th such deal I’ve gone through with ex collectors inherited collectors and people wanting to pass on bulldogs memorabilia, it feels good to be trusted where people can come forward and happily negotiate the sale of their bulldog antiques and again as stated collectibulldogs.com is happy to help any collector to sell away, dust collectors is now used more and more so bulldog collecting is in decline and has been ever since bulldog clubs stood for everything that the bulldog standard meant.

From one collector to another !

Bulldog antiques USA

Here’s some Bulldog antiques USA from another selling collector


It’s said that Sometimes it’s like getting blood from a stone when trying to buy from a collector this can be very true if you’ve seen the picking programs you’ll know all about some collectors but here’s a little secret for you “collectors actually prefer to sell to other collectors” ! You see a collector will know what a piece is worth and if the buyer intends to pass or sell on themselves it’s something they should keep to themselves


Imagine for a minute Drew Pritchard FROM SALVAGE HUNTERS turned up at your stately home offers you prices for your pieces and six months later when it’s aired you see the profit this man’s made from your generosity I don’t think greed works as it’s said drew shut up shop and The two original pickers Bickered and went their separate waysIts there plain to see making profits off others is how the world works but either by being muggy or greedy your going to fail, so collectors are most happy to pass on pieces to other collectors that will give new life and love to these objects.

Reselling has become massive first Dibs and others are eating up knowledge who knows maybe from watching antique auction sites or having their own value team, buying pieces from places like eBay and putting up on their site but for three times the first value it’s ridiculous but it’s not illegal THE START UP BROS HAVE THE ANSWERS TO ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT RESELLERS SO WE THANK THEM FOR THEIR KNOWLEDGE


here’s a Bulldog antiques USA bound prediction it’s easy just watch something special pop up maybe eBay Etsy or rubylane ! Watch it get bought and then a few days later it’s SEOd to the hilt for maximum exposure and you see it it again but for so much more money, these resellers have one big issue that collectors do not usually have and that’s fakes, they buy so many fake pieces due to that special lack of knowledge Bulldog antiques uk Bulldog antiques USA Bulldog antiques Germany these are all copied and takes skill to know what’s real and what came out of a Chinese potters home a few months before bought.

Peek at Pinterest quickly!

As a nice favour to our Pinterest page followers we have gone and added new Pinterest features to our home page we select idea pins people might find interesting and there’s group boards these can be found in the same area of the home page and in its footer, Pinterest is great for inspiration and has had sellers on there for ages now,


Pinterest is part search engine part social media but for their own revenue making this format like many others leads over towards paid advertising, if your happy paying for more exposure you’ll get treated a little better there’s also the same old “two tier we are better than you verified tick” it’s just an ego boost for rich kids celebs and other small minded people that think they are better than others.

That’s ok I’m enjoying the fact that besides my bulldog antiques USA uk and other countries are liked as I have so far amassed over 37 thousand followers and the way Pinterest works that’s lots of people that with the right picture or pin can attract over half a million people in less than six hours, I’m going to be doing a blog article soon on a bulldog piece I received a little while ago now.

This piece I’m showing before I continue Is a ceramic bulldog used as a prize or souvenir from the English seaside town which is now the city of Brighton, on the bulldogs back is a picture of the royal pavilion, Here’s the link if you wish to know more about Brightons old summer home for prince regentsOnce I’ve tried to track down its painter I’ll ask my work place if they have any old pictures that resemble the one on the bulldogs back. It’s a lovely little collectible that I will treasure with my other crest ware collection.

Bulldog antiques USA

Sneaky peek at next blog object
Thanks for reading Bulldog antiques USA

Let’s explain before saying good bye

Bulldog antiques USA

Our current ranking for any bloggers wishing to publish
English bulldog antiques USA

This maybe the first opportunity I’ve got to reach out to many of the collectibulldogs readers, you may notice a couple of changes coming to collectibulldogs.com our new SEO system requires more than our former Yoast blogging plug in, Rank math helps you achieve a good search engine optimisation score but it is harder than before, Bulldog antiques USA is todays long tailed keyword that we hope to rank for


Today getting the news that organically your 7th on Google’s first page is brilliant astonishing and happens a lot for certain keywords, I’ve noticed my museum ranks better when competitors are not buying google ads, I’d also like to point out Google have taken our business profile until they see a sign outside my property, the point being I’m not doing very much but ranking well for it

My second bit of news ! Collectibulldogs has been in touch with a fella called Rob from a marketing team whom asked for a non paid opportunity to join our articles team, they are Google certified and know lots more about blogging than I do, yes it’s unpredictable in the mind so I’ve given them three months with me able to pull the plug anytime


This will mean new articles will appear nearly daily from a top online writing team that will give me great written content with good search engine optimisation and trending keywords, I’m hoping the links created are put out by others and they are not just expecting my visitors to read the blogs. Let’s see how they get on and how my website improves. If there’s improving standards without input then we may go for a years online handshake agreement.

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World’s smallest bulldogs (figurines )


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