Gobsmacking Bulldog collection


Bulldog collection  for life that’s one way to describe this bulldog collector


Hi readers meet Lucy Mitchell the one to one  colleague signed by Brighton Museum to help with my bulldog venture and has shown a very intriguing interest in both myself and the collection that I’ve created using bulldog memorabilia to showcase the bulldog breed, Lucy asked if it was ok to do a review and we said yes of course.


I work with lucy once a week it’s not enough time to get a lot done but patience is the key here to a successful outcome both for the autobiography and the starting of The bulldog collection Collectibulldogs as a social enterprise, Lucy is a quagmire of questions regarding the bulldog collection and I’m happy to lap up the interest.


Lucy can also be credited with proofreading the next set of fresh content for the new website and I wonder how Lucy got on with the keyword insertion ? This help has been invaluable at a time when it’s most needed and means I can have some time to enjoy the pregnancy with my darling wife.


This amazing bulldog collection Collectibulldogs wishes to thank lucy for the help the interest and the new ideas created when we see each other, with mentoring from Brighton Museums I think there’s a future for Collectibulldogs I’m not sure how quickly or what direction we take but a non for profit social enterprise with a pop up museum is on the cards.

Gobsmacking Bulldog collection By Lucy Mitchell


Bulldog collection

A beautiful bulldog figurine part of eiffion’s amazing collection Bulldog collection


Bulldog collection -Mania

O Wow ! or should I say Bow WOW! What an amazing eclectic collection of bulldogs and memorabilia. Eiffion Ashdown’s Collectibulldogs website features a collection that is truly staggering and quite likely the best and largest collection of bulldogs in the world. There are antique and modern figurines of many artistic genres crossing three centuries such as: Art Nouveau lighters, Art Deco bulldog pins, pipes, walking sticks and cute Japanese pieces.

I’m not quite sure of the number in this collection but it certainly warrants its own museum. These collectibulldogs need to be seen. The website is fantastic but there is no substitute to seeing this whole collection. Where is the Bulldog Museum?


The collection includes porcelain, ceramics, brass, silver and wood carved bulldogs all made with loving care. The owner/ curator Eiffion Ashdown has incredible knowledge about pretty much every piece. When I asked questions on origin, use and worth he gave me a potted history and interesting facts about each piece.

Eiffion,told me about the barbaric history of dog fighting where horrific stories of bulldogs were disadvantaged for their fights by breaking their legs to even the odds and make for a more exciting show and gambling experience for the punters. Close to his heart is a desire to dispel the myth of the bulldog’s association with Winston Churchill who actually kept Poodles rather than bulldogs. This led to right wing groups adopting the bulldog as a symbol of Britishness.

Eiffion told me about the politics surrounding breeding of Bulldogs and the purists ideal of colours and markings of the dogs three colours known as fad or two which is the standard markings. Eiffion has expressed a non political view due to what is known as bulldog bashing and prefers to remain neutral.

It’s the real thing !

Bulldog collection

Porscha their cute bulldog Bulldog collection

Collectibulldogs is a testament to Eiffion’s love of bulldogs, where you can follow the progress of his family’s new addition, little Porscha, a gorgeous playful bulldog of only a few months – she is cuteness personified or caninified! Eiffion still misses wonderful Wiggles, who sadly passed- a legend of a bulldog who will never be forgotten. Porscha keeps the whole family very busy and is growing up fast.

International bulldog memorabilia

Not only does the collection include statuettes and figurines but also information, magazines, journals and other memorabilia. The Bulldog has been an internationally celebrated dog and Effion’s collection reflects this, including pieces from Japan, France, Australia, America, Asia, Britain, to name but a few.What’s it worth?

The value of the collection is impossible to work out. Perhaps financially it can be quantifiable but the emotional and historical value is unprecedented. The collection is a legacy for his daughter. Inspired by his dog Wiggles, Eiffion thought the

Digital art sings to you

collection could be an investment for his daughter’s future University education. But for now Collectibulldogs is non profit social enterprise in the making -with the help from Brighton Museum mentoring and Eiffion is interested in continuing to make his collection grow. The collection and collector are equally important. Eiffion has incredible knowledge about the pieces; keeping their place in history and adding to the stories of these marvellous pieces reflecting the fondest of affections for a beautiful and much loved breed of dog.

Lucy Mitchell

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great news all round at Collectibulldogs everyone loves good news

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