Bulldogs vs Pugs – What Are the Differences If You Are Looking to Adopt One (guest post)

We get it, bulldogs and pugs look similar. Both these dog breeds have short noses, wrinkly faces, short coats, and a generally small and stubby appearance. However, this where the similarities pretty much end. Pugs and bulldogs have different temperaments and training requirements and they are suited for different types of families and homes.
In this post, we take a look at all the way pugs and bulldogs are different from each other. This direct comparison between the two dog breeds will help you make an informed decision if you are looking to bring home a wrinkly-faced puppy.
Origin Story
The pug was originally bred in China back in the Han dynasty. If you are not a history buff, that’s around 206 BC to 200 AD. They were bred to be lap dogs for the Chinese royalty and they often lived luxurious lives. When China started trading with Europe, pugs made their way to the west. Even Queen Victoria reportedly had pugs in the royal palace.
Bulldogs have had an appalling history They were originally bred in the UK for a sport called bull baiting. This barbaric medieval sport involved bulldogs fighting full sized bulls by latching on to the bull’s snout. Once the sport was outlawed in England they were exported to America where farmers used them for herding and protection.
The pug is generally much smaller than bulldogs. Unless they are overweight, pugs usually weigh around 14 to 18 pounds.
Male bulldogs, on the other hand, are much heavier and they usually weigh around 50 pounds.
Bulldogs are also larger in size. Male bulldogs can be as tall as 40cm while an adult male pug usually stands 35cm off the ground.
Thanks to their different sizes bulldogs have pugs need different dosages of pet medications. Beds, crates and other pet supplies for bulldogs also need to be larger than ones meant for pugs.
Pugs tend to shed more than bulldogs. However, both dogs have minimal grooming requirements and are pretty easy to maintain.saying that each dog is different but all dogs pugs and bulldogs Love a good brushing whether it’s the summer or winter

I know the owner of collectibulldogs has a beautiful mini bulldog with both pug and bulldog in her genes so asked to have their dog added the beautiful Porscha
Bulldogs generally have a laid back demeanor. They are usually pretty energetic when they are young, but as they grow older, they seem to favor downtimes. While they love a comfortable spot to laze around all day long, they are extremely protective when they need to be. These dogs are also generally quiet and they rarely bark for no reason.
Pugs are known for their mischievous attitudes. While they love their naps, they are not as sleep loving as bulldogs. Pugs show their energetic side when they are taken to the park. Unlike bulldogs, pugs can develop a habit of barking unnecessarily. They are also more territorial than most average bulldogs.
Coat Color
According to the AKC,Pugs have three standard colours fawn, silver, and all black. The face of a pug is always black.(although this is debatable)
Bulldogs come in all colors ranging from white to red. They often have two or more colors mosaiced together, which is considered as standard by most kennel clubs.(again this is debatable as tri coloured bulldogs like the Merle are considered as money making breed colours and are not entertained by many around the world.
Guest posting at collectibulldogs
Collectibulldogs wants to hear opinions on bulldogs pugs any dogs really or of course collectibles but if you feel you want to talk about pugs like this guest post writer then just contact us and we can share our requirements for a SEO rich article sent out to thousands of readers.
We can also be reached through FACEBOOK PAGEUnlike this writer that didn’t give us much in the way of pictures keywords and as you can see there’s not even the six hundred words needed to get the lowest of best scores on rank math, these articles are not like mine they are just designed to get a back link on my website
Collectibulldogs needs to do the same PUGS for this article was the keyword I’ve used Bulldog in every thing being a bulldog website so this article should pop up or rank for pugs but as it’s an updated article I’m not sure how fixing the SEO gets noticed but as you can see potential writers I’m trying my best to get the website rankings up
this means more powerful backlinks which guest blogs will love, just follow our blog format until all is green and your post is ready to go, I’m sure you can think of better titles and keywords that way I won’t have to be lazy like I have been here, the lucky part for this writer is the fact he / she now has a keyword the bad news is I had to chat to get the seo up.
It’s your pugs opps I mean post but beware
Reading this article it’s apparent there’s not much in the way of rich content and me chatting away here only increases the chances of the article getting ranked or seen, this does not mean I go around scribbling over peoples articles this one had less than 400 words no pictures and no keywords!
Ok the reason I’ve put beware in my little funny sub header is because if you stream all 4 and look up news documentaries you’ll find that there has been a documentary on the possibility of the pug not being bred anymore, yes I am being serious if you check out this documentary you will see that the Royal College of veterinary surgeons I’ve had enough of the way the park has turned out.
this is the same for the English bulldog and a French bulldog in this documentary for Channel 4 they persist on the pug breed and this has been going on since the early 2000s when I first found out a company of organisations have been lobbying government since the early 2000s to stop the breeding or make it a lot stricter to breed flat nosed dogs.
this particular guest blog writer did not know at the time pugs would be discussed in this way I’m sure when he wrote his blog article it was for a third-party and these articles are usually conducted so that when you press the link you are taking to a shop like website where you can buy dog productsThe theme of the article does not mean to say that the person knows what they’re talking about and the information could even be copied Collectibulldogs gives people the benefit of the doubt until we see the spam score.