by collectibulldog | Jan 31, 2019 | Blogs, Books & Art, Ceramics & Glass, Collectibulldogs News, Metals & More, Uncategorized
Bulldog antiques What a choice Bulldog antiques! Hi there readers, I hope your all well the article Bulldog antiques No1 What a choice is a showcase of what we feel are some of the best bulldog memorabilia collectibles in our collection, everyone’s choice is...
by collectibulldog | Jan 25, 2019 | Blogs, Ceramics & Glass, Collectibulldogs News, Uncategorized
Royal Doulton Bulldog advertising ROYAL DOULTON BULLDOG ADVERTISING! Hi there readers I hope as always everyone is well, thanks to research books and some time it’s been possible to Dig up some Royal Doulton Bulldog advertising pieces whom they were made...
by collectibulldog | Jan 16, 2019 | Blogs, Ceramics & Glass, Collectibulldogs News, Uncategorized
Not Doulton Bulldog but special surprise Hi again readers I hope your all good the piece I want to talk about is not Doulton Bulldog (I’ll explain more in a mo) but a special piece that my wife found and surprised me with, admittedly it was after a...
by collectibulldog | Jan 16, 2019 | Blogs, Ceramics & Glass, Collectibulldogs News, Uncategorized
Royal Doulton Bulldog our articles Hi there readers I hope your all well after looking at the stats we noticed that royal doulton bulldog came up a lot so I thought I’d remind people that Collectibulldogs has already done some work regarding royal doulton...
by collectibulldog | Nov 14, 2018 | Blogs, Books & Art, CEO Wiggles, Ceramics & Glass, Collectibulldogs News, Guest Blogs, Metals & More, Uncategorized
Bulldog auctions always bring a smile 😃 Tis the season, Hi readers 👩🏫 I hope your all safe and well and with Christmas just a stone throws away it’s time Collectibulldogs did it’s part for charity and put some smiles on people’s...
by collectibulldog | Nov 11, 2018 | Blogs, Ceramics & Glass, Collectibulldogs News, Uncategorized
Knud Kyhn is coming to Collectibulldogs Hi readers, a good day to you all and hoping your all safe and now with bonfire 🔥 night finished it’s time to think of Christmas, Knud Kyhn is the artist from which our next piece was created by and I wanted to...