by collectibulldog | Jan 12, 2020 | Collectibulldogs News, Metals & More
Bulldog club founding members napkin ring Hi readers, I have to say I love my wife especially when this lovely lady surprises me and nothing could be more surprising than this a Bulldog club founding members napkin ring made from continental silver. i had my...
by collectibulldog | Aug 7, 2019 | Blogs, Books & Art, Ceramics & Glass, Collectibulldogs News, Metals & More, Uncategorized
Antique bulldog collection rebuild update Hi there folks, if your deciding to ever run a website or start one that’s collection based have a good hard think to what it entails our antique bulldog collection rebuild update describes what can only be a fitness workout....
by Wynne Guglielmo | Jul 27, 2019 | Blogs, Collectibulldogs News, Metals & More
Victorian Era Antique Cigar Case And now for something completely different for this yank from across the pond–Antique Blogging. I was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania–a city known for its Historical properties, museums and antiques. My mom...
by collectibulldog | May 21, 2019 | Blogs, Ceramics & Glass, Collectibulldogs News, Metals & More
Beautiful pieces found by a beautiful lady Hi readers I hope that you are all well out there safe and happy Beautiful pieces found by a beautiful lady whom happens to be my wonderful wife is about a couple of pieces that could easily be this years best finds,...
by collectibulldog | Mar 19, 2019 | Blogs, CEO Wiggles, Collectibulldogs News, Guest Blogs, Metals & More
I do not wish to lose my best friend Hi readers new and regular, it’s taken all day to compose myself I do not wish to lose my best friend it’s that simple ! Wiggles had her check up yesterday, we took her back after I noticed a lump, she was on bedrest with social...
by collectibulldog | Mar 11, 2019 | Blogs, Collectibulldogs News, Metals & More, Uncategorized
Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia Good day there folks avid readers and any new visitors I hope as always your safe and well, Heads up for more Bulldog memorabilia is actually an inspired blog I’m dedicating to a football mad friend on twitter whom can be...