
Bullish mag endorsement clear for all to see on our banner and will appear on the magazine too it’s win win ! 

Hi there readers I hope your all safe and well, if the collaboration goes right then the title is true and we are very proud to announce that Collectibulldogs and Bullish Magazine will be combining forces, this means they will be afforded a spot on our website in exchange for a monthly endorsement mention.

I have appeared in this amazing glossy magazine I think I have a url in one of my blogs and it was a free intro advert with Collectibulldogs being the first ever collectibles website to feature, just imagine I had my little 25 dollar ad in the same magazine as the worlds best bulldogs.

Our first endorsement


Top ranking bullish magazine is one of the worlds best bulldog magazines but all can show their bulldogs there just contact Theo


A beautiful and well made magazine wants to endorse us WOW

Theo one of the founders of these magazines reached out to support Collectibulldogs from an early start we’ve not always been in touch but he knows where I am if needed and it works both ways.  I get so busy these days I forget the amazing contacts that I do have.
I’m hoping it’s not small talk and Theo wants to go ahead I have been speaking with him and will be adding he’s content below before I publish,I just don’t want another disappointment after positivity as it’s so annoying it takes me straight to failure land (don’t pass go) and with others failing to keep to commitments I’d like such a deal on record.



Bullish magazine will appear on Collectibulldogs homepage soon as part of a collaboration deal

Bullish magazine is beautiful it’s an affordable way of showing off your dog as well as seeing who’s posted that month it’s normally grand winners from around the world but Theo and the team behind Bullish Magazine keep it all Fresh with just the right amount of excellence making this a premier bulldog great read at affordable prices.
So my good friends if you have a pet that you love or just won a show in your country then Theo wants to hear from you why not try it out, seeing your Bulldog professionally edited some no most of the banners are absolutely stunning and Theo has the best of the best he can put you in contact with where you can have what you want and total ownership of the files used to create the image.

Our first ever endorsement wow


Get your dog shown in any of our amazing magazines we have professional editors and the article maybe more affordable than you think 🤔 (from Collectibulldogs)

It’s not that I do not use Bullish Magazine I’ve just been so busy creating more interest as I work alone and been ill too I’ve not been in contact with such nice dudes like Theo, if this is real then expect Bullish mag to have an agreed endorsement and will have them feature on Collectibulldogs.
The reason I put “as a feature” is because I see this as an accolade and will go along side our feedspot top 15 from 30 and out of 10 thousand websites to our latest self affirmation creator our new blue badge for being a genuine website with original content both my own and guesting.
Please take a me a minute to meet Theo from Bullish Magazine and what he sent to me for the article 

Welcome to Collectibulldogs Bullish Mag



Hello Avid readers of Eiffion’s brilliant website blog section I’m Theo and I’m one of the chief editors at Bullish Mag, I run French bulldog magazine, dog winners world and various other ventures to do with the canine spieces, I’m here to confirm our endorsement to Eiffion and he’s start up website and here’s why !

We first saw Eiffion when Collectibulldogs was just a Facebook page we believed at first this to be a business page where he would buy and sell, to our amazement the opposite was happening Eiffion was collecting bulldog memorabilia but not to sell ? We were intrigued so continued to follow Eiffion’s progress right up to now at this amazing original idea for a website.


After seeing Eiffion struggle in 2017 with he’s own issues but still pulled off the worlds first bulldog memorabilia museum exhibition we started chatting about the magazine giving its full endorsement to Eiffion and Collectibulldogs, this was made even easier after seeing his achievements this year.

An award for blogging a feedspot placement his twitter following and the selfless work this gent has done for the bulldog breed is unfounded the pieces he has amassed will be seen by the next generation and he has no greed whatsoever, and with an idea he took from he’s pet bulldog that’s now a dream coming true for him we at Bullish Mag whole heartedly confirm in saying BULLISH MAGAZINE NOW ENDORSES COLLECTIBULLDOGS well done Eiffion yes it is official you saw my signature

Theo. Chief editor Bullish mag


Our Bullish Magazine relaunch date get your bulldog in for the new issue

Check out Bullish Magazine for Facebook see the quality of the overall feature the dogs look amazing on the glossy colourful pages


All breeds welcomed just get subscriptions in before relaunch date to see your beautiful dog parading in one the worlds best doggy magazines

Guessing not all readers here own Bulldogs Eiffion has kindly left a link to our dog winners World Eiffion was actually part of the process in naming our neswest magazine


French bulldog owners if you’ve liked our page come show your beautiful Frenchies with us in the French bulldog magazine

French Bulldogs and thier owners may like to check out this magazine just like Bullish mag but strictly Frenchies only come check out our page you never know you may want to see your dog in our premier magazine

Just a quick one from Collectibulldogs

Its true folks I’ve seen the signature on our remit that was sent to Theo at Bullish Magazine in which was signed and sent back and yes we now have the endorsement of a brilliant Bulldog Magazine that I had no clue was interested in the other side of the spectrum in bulldog world, Theo thank you for the nice words very kind my friend

Collectibulldogs wiggles our furry CEO and on behalf of Scruffy Louise where the idea first came from we want to thank all at BULLISH MAGAZINE for not only giving us your full endorsement but for watching our progress noticing our good and bad times our exhibition and awards all of which is a surprise to me still, when I’m back off cloud 9 I’ll write again until then and now Endorsed it’s happy collecting folks.

Our YouTube channel why not pop over and give a few thumbs up it’s all viewer participation or come and connect with us on twitter tag name @collectibulldog

Our latest guest post could do with a view or 100 lol. Please check out our blogs and articles thank you

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