Draft copy looking AMAZEBULLS
I think I may of caused myself an unwanted headache now for nearly a year as my friend and new webmaster Lee Hollman, husband to our life long friend Lisa, said he had offered me this wonderful treat before and I’m not sure why I did not say yes Lee.
Lisa treats me like a son so it could of been a bit of pride that got in the way but I sure am grateful after giving it a go myself.
I am concerned to any hidden costs (not from Lee but things like certificates etc) but I’m hoping all that will get covered by the hosting fees on whatever package I decide to take out.
The idea that I can have whatever I want done on the website is brilliant I can bring back the forum and other pages I could not otherwise have and as Lee plays with websites like Lego, I know it’s going to be a website that folks will enjoy looking through and as the whole collection is being put in a gallery, that leaves the site open to other projects in which a few people have been in touch recently asking if I would be interested in selling their wares.
This has been a great opportunity and I’m really thankful but until I know the direction Collectibulldogs wants to take itself I’m not sure what the website will be doing down the line.

Amazing stats (webmaster words)
I hope to get back featured artists, as I believe helping others is the least I can do to pass on the good fortune I have received myself and many have said its the kindness and help that I give to others, that is the reason why I got this lucky break and even though I’m not sure if that’s true or not, I do believe in karma and try and keep myself now many others good books lol.
I’m not sure how long the site will take to complete and then publish but I know it’s going to be worth it and I have a link here for those that want to check out the site Lee made for his own business but be warned he loves reptiles so might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it is a wonderful site just to muse the many different spieces and the work Lee and Lisa do using these creatures to educate others so it’s worth a look just for that I think.https://www.esras.co.uk/

Fast and professional
So what can you to expect from the new improved Collectibulldogs, well firstly it remains free to muse but links will still be available to selected reputable sites that may sell goods, a proper gallery for the pieces instead of just rows and rows of pictures, Ts and Cs boring for you but essential for me and the rest I will have to let you know in my next blog, as I will be seeing Lee soon to discuss what else the website could use but I can say it will be more immersive more attractive and with a new modern look I hope to connect with even more viewers to come and see the website.
PLEASE NOTE IVE LEFT DETAILS IF ANYONES INTERESTED IN NORMAN DAVIS AUTOBIO he has copies left so grab yours before the first edition goes!!!
Thank you
I reckon I’m going to get a telling off for saying thank you to Lee not by Lee but by Lisa they do not see the magnitude of such a huge gesture and in the words of Norman Davis ITS EXCITING AND NEW FOR THE BULLDOG WORLD and they would just see it as helping out a mate.
To me it’s much more than that I showed my stats earlier and that was all from me constantly promoting the website which has got easier with Normans support and the backing from Theo at bullish mag, these well respected gentlemen see what I’m trying to achieve on the back of the collection, and it would be great to make collecting bulldog memerobilia fashionable again, like it was back in the the 1970s and beyond.
With the new website and lees skills and assistance I hope to make my family and peers proud and let’s not forget Scruffy Louise my first bulldog and an inspirational bulldog to many…

Local news article
Local news link
In my excitement to tell folks about the local news article Frances Solomon the journalist had done, I had completely forgotten to add the link.
When viewing the article, please bare in mind I didn’t choose the pictures and the one of me was after three days bulldog sitting, after wiggles had her operation lol cheers!
Here is the link to the news article.