Collectibulldogs antiques, Twitter milestone/ new features


Twitter milestone

Twitter milestone wiggles in our bio

Welcome one and all I hope you are all safe and well wherever you maybe reading this from, I wanted to share the news about our twitter milestone with antiques and bulldogs combined and has managed to gain 175k.
That’s correct our twitter milestone is reached and we now have one hundred and seventy five thousand Collectibulldogs followers is that just not amazing, and the better news is it is not stopping with our last tally at 175.9 nearly one hundred and seventy six OMG.

Omg another twitter milestone

I did not think about any kind of twitter milestone regarding followers until A I had reached about 70k and B it shows up in places like feedspots website which attracts viewers as well as potential bloggers too.
Our next twitter milestone is the big 200 thousand now and put a deadline on this reach for Christmas Day this year, I really hope we can pull it off and have a page on twitter that’s massive and to help push out our content.

Collectibulldogs on Twitter

Twitter milestone

Twitter milestone 175 thousand followers

I will not lie and say all these followers retweet because they don’t but I do have mutuals that are always retweeting our posts so thank you to the regulars that do and I hope the page attracts more that find our venture interesting.
If your on twitter come join us we are @collectibulldog active and over half a million retweets say so lol, we do need more interactive folks to tweet our posts but just like the pace of the following I think the same has to be said for finding mutual retweeters to get Collectibulldogs out there.

Did you notice

Twitter milestone

New features on Collectibulldogs

Collectibulldogs has played around and now bring this website and you good people more content, if you look in our header now there’s more than just twitter, this are live feeds streamed over to Collectibulldogs and we hope you use them sometimes thank you.
Also we now have the option to bring you Instagram on each blog article this is a great new feature and you’ll be able to see our feed there, with over fifty thousand followers there we feel we are not just branching out but becoming more excepted too.


I’d like to finish here by urging folk to share or retweet some Fiverr links if they see them they are not mine but a friend called Jon whom will give Collectibulldogs free backlinks and off page Seo if my following can just share he’s links it’s then up to him if he gets any work I work with Jon and can vouch for he’s skills
Jon’s Fiverr links
Firstly thank you to those decent enough to leave comments we reached over five hundred (with replies) but just like Oliver Twist please sirs and ma’am’s can I have some more, we would love to improve our comments here and hope you can leave comments on both YouTube and the Trustpilot app here.
Well that’s us for now we are very chuffed to have reached this far on twitter it’s great for getting attention to bulldog antiques, bulldogs in general and mental well-being, I have that bulldog collection coming on the 17th so I’m looking forward to seeing what my money has bought me. Until then happy collecting.
Twitter milestone

Some really interesting pieces coming soon

Twitter related article on the ❤️ The format shows our wiggles

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