Hi there readers how are you how was your Christmas? Was it how you wanted it to be were there selfless acts done, did you get what your heart desired and more importantly did you receive any bulldog memorabilia this year.

My Christmas gift from Dee
Collectibulldogs or myself did well this Christmas not only did I manage to help Santa out financially I also got a few presents myself, a gold medal and silver pin cushion were among my favourites but a total surprise was a Christmas present of my friend Dee.

Silver and bronze

Bulldog Gold Medal for Christmas
I went up to see my friends a couple of days before Christmas and was presented with a gift I think when I opened it my jaw hit the floor, I was humbled by the time effort and patience in making This bulldog collage and is one of the most thoughtful Christmas presents I’ve ever received.

My none bulldog Christmas gifts
It’s not easy getting a Blog into a museum but as my first blog for Brighton museums was about this years project as a whole I was lucky and it got submitted, the Blog came out a week before Christmas and I felt quite proud.
If I can continue with original content after Christmas then the museum are going to allow me to continue to blog there and I wish to thank their tech team for adding backlinks I had not added those not wishing to rock the boat so very grateful as it’s quite a powerful backlink.
Ok so I’ve not worked outside of home for a while and all that I have done has been promoting this venture and I’ve really enjoyed it but I will be working for real soon and will have to take my mind away from here to concentrate on my new role.
I’ve been lucky enough to be excepted by the museum as a curators assistant and I know the importance already of handling, spacial awareness even glue pollution from old pieces that have been at one point crudely repaired.

working where I had my exhibition what a start to 2018
I have my own skill set which my mentor put forward I have knowledge on makers away from just bulldogs I know my history a little, markings dates colours and research are just a few things I can get stuck in but it could be totally different to what I’m expecting.
Collectibulldogs has recently learned that just like the trust pilot option Blog Comments can help us out, when google sends out its crawlers it picks up all the comments submitted and if there’s a flow we are on the start to being seen as getting popular.
There’s no expectations as our call to action campaigns are like chocolate hammers in the summer and thank you to those that have left comments so far it’s appreciated, if you could pick just one Blog and mention something at the bottom we would be indebted.
2018 is nearly upon us and here at collectibulldogs we hope that after Christmas it will bring a brand new year with our venture finding its feet 136k on twitter has to be just the start surely, if your a blogger reading this or even if your not but want a platform to say something relatable please come forward.
We want to start filling the guest post page and just as importantly we want to start building back link connections and before it’s dismissed of the bat so to speak it will be a two way connection with anyone having the option of link building through their guest blogs or our links page BOTH ARE PERMANENT.
Affiliated bloggers we have noticed there’s no reply when we mention we like This kind of blogging to be up front and as one Blog was attracting bloggers to send in blogs about leads dog safety whilst at work and others all these blogs had links that would turn my readers into customers for the sites you work for so we did it to protect our demographic and stay on the right path.
This doesn’t mean said bloggers cannot come guest in 2018 just have in mind my own website before asking and blog on a natural level that way traffic is drawn more passively and not put on the spot so to speak so we welcome you back if you can relate.
I’ve always been as honest as publicly possible in my blogs and before Christmas I got the news my mother is terminally ill, we have been estranged for years but nows the time to forget silly issues and spend some quality time with her and maybe show her my achievements to date.
Faith is a powerful tool so I’m asking all my readers to say a prayer for her I’m not ready to lose my mum losing my father at fifteen was more than I could handle, I’m hoping that she’s strong and pushes into 2018 with strength and to fight this with all her heart.
My mind will be filled with this thought next year but I’d be lying if i didn’t say I’m also wishing for a much better 2018, I’m hoping to get answers regarding my own issues but more importantly building on collectibulldogs, I won’t say I know the path ATM but with help from the museum and my mentor I’m sure a certain path will arise.
so it leaves me to say to everyone have an amazing 2018 strive on your successes from this year stay safe and watch over each other because at the end of the day that’s all we all really have, until next time folks happy collecting
Don’t forget we have the free PDF still waiting for your download and our ebook count is amazing
Keep up the great work don’t let others discourage you from your dream I love your passion and the love you have for your daughter and other creatures great or small, I love reading your content and I’m sure others do to DONT GIVE UP You’ve created something amazing.
your article refers to your feelings! I hope you will realize your dream !
best of luck
You gave a lot of a happy spirit to your blog, I admire your feelings and the way you shared them with us. Best of luck my friend .
I think you are amazing, Ave. There are so many who will benefit from this blog. It is a good reminder to them that they are not alone. I am sorry you have so much to deal with, but you are truly an incredible person
That’s humbling and kind of you to say
Hey no worries I’m a born survivor and now with a feedspot accolade a very happy survivor
The ebook was very informative and was very informative.
This is a very good site to collect antiques.
I love the concept for this is amazing place for all the bulldog lovers.
Congo for reaching top 30.
I hope that the owner gets well soon and remain healthy.