Collectibulldogs first ever interview come meet ave


Hi I’m eiffion it’s a pleasure to meet you all enjoy the interview


Hey there readers, how are you ? I hope everyone is doing great !  so Collectibulldogs first ever interview has come courtesy of a student from Sussex university the second in two years to show interest, our last interview was with a trainee journalist but this was more fun.


was prepared for the interview i had sorted out what was the bulldog room and put pieces i may need close at hand, Anna had ample time recording the collection so I carried on drinking my tea and talking to her camera person whilst Collectibulldogs was getting documented, then it was the dreaded part ME IN FRONT OF A CAMERA 🎥

First ever interview surprised even me

When you watch the video that I must say apart from sound issues (Anna has promised to sort out and I’ll update) you will see a calm collected ave (eiffion) is my first name most use Ave! Anyways I thought I’d mess up the interview as I had previously felt so anxious I Felt nauseous.


I was a star 🌟 lol, I’m only joking but I didn’t seem to exert any fear or worry whilst being asked the questions and I didn’t need telling not to look into camera but Anna directed me very well, unlike myself with one ☝️ road to travel Anna is young chose collections as her themed course but has her eye on other vocational opportunities.

A First for Many my interview Meet my face


For many of those that use the website this will be either the first time I can actually be seen in the flesh speaking and moving but also the first time I’ve been interviewed too, the first thing that comes to mind is PUT ON SOME TIMBER MAN ! My face looks like I’m ill yes I have a disorder or two but still eat my greens 🥬



howdy to those out there about to click on the link and see me for the first time I hope I do not disappoint but remember I am now a middle aged gentleman and not a Spritey twenty something anymore, I feel the flow of the interview was of a natural nature there was no pressure felt and I actually started enjoying the situation, the fact I was chatting about something I loved just came easy no prompt cards no help.

Hope it helps


I do hope it sheds a little bit more light 💡 into why I started all this it happened seventeen years ago now so my minds settled more about what happened and I’m ok talking about what happened to me but it’s not for a sympathy vote it just clarifies why I collected and what I did when I lost long term employment.



This interview as as I say is my first I have done a phone interview for heart 💓 FM and a telephone interview for the Brighton Argus but this was just the second person to actually venture out and see the collection spending time taking pictures and notes 📝 and I for one am really grateful for the interest shown not only that the fact we can be found quite easy to is a bonus for the website.

Maybe one day a tv interview


Just like my dream of opening a real Bulldog memorabilia museum I also would love to get a TV 📺 interview I have contacted ITV and BBC even contacted me but they never got back, I remember sending in my collection and it was used in a morning news format where the famous Amon Holmes said it was he’s complete favourite out of all sent in


there’s more than two channels out there it’s just how do you contact them ? It’s frustrating when you feel your sitting on a really good feel good story and no one wants to know, it’s brexit it’s building walls it’s brutality all this on TV but no bulldog interview, my way around this is to ask my mentor at Brighton museum if they could help with a press release.

Lastly and thank you


Thats me folks I hope I’ve not put you off the site lol ! What you see is what you get I’m a one man promo team I spend my money for my illness on the website and now we have moved that’s shot up but that’s ok as Sean of squareone digital stats all will be good and things will move forward as well as the site getting fixed up


ill leave by saying Anna thank you so much not only for the interview and show of interest but you bought me out of what is normally an anxiety induced mess, I felt at ease and you did a professionally looking interview for your coursework and everyone supporting Collectibulldogs will want to wish you every success in life until next time happy collecting.

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