The collectibulldogs Google page profile

The collectibulldogs Google page profile

The collectibulldogs Google page profile

Hi readers have you seen our collectibulldogs Google page profile yet ? We have started using out google business page to its full potential and adding new content to google as well as the articles we feature here


The pictures added are a new way to try and draw interest to collectibulldogs and we have already gone from three to thirteen google reviews Our page is looking good we are just waiting for google to sort out the profile we accidentally had two so one needed deleting.


Google is one of the biggest servers for searches if not the biggest but collectibulldogs can be found using other methods other search bars and keywords too don’t forget if you put in related words to a bulldog antiques museum we are bound to pop up somewhere!

It’s also nice to have a few reviews thank you ! We are not a conventional museum as in bricks and mortar but that doesn’t mean to say we have curated the most comprehensive bulldog antiques and collectibles into one huge amazing collection


The collectibulldogs Google page profile

The collectibulldogs Google page profile

The collectibulldogs Google page profile

We do not think Google or any other search engine has seen the likes of collectibulldogs before if you can imagine two Billion websites live at any one time online we stand out because there’s nothing else out there like us.

Bulldog antiques like The collectibulldogs Google page profile can be seen elsewhere but these are usually for sale sites and popular auction sites there is no other private collector in the world that’s spent so much time money and effort on this breeds history in object form.

We remain a family friendly website we enjoy reaching out to the world and love seeing new countries pop up on our google analytics! The English Bulldog may not be the most popular breed but we get views so people must be somewhat interested.

The blood sports ban thankfully was in 1835 there is objects out there relating to this but we respect our visitors so we have only ever collected pieces related to the bulldog breed from the date stated onwards, collectibulldogs is always committed to this.

Keyword search and back linking


Its now late in the year (2020) and most will know their spike in visits is because more people are using the online world during and after this Covid pandemic 😷 so keywords and link building are more important now than ever especially if your not pumping out fresh content

Just like a spiders web the more links that are added the stronger it becomes and this is true for websites too, we are in a world where most can afford apps there’s SEO companies charging the earth to get websites ranked but for most of us it’s just not affordable


We rely on The collectibulldogs Google page profile to get searched, we own our own server space yet it goes unfulfilled regarding how much we pay for a monthly bandwidth compared to the visit count maybe it’s just us being fussy if we don’t see a certain amount per day.


If your a blogger or site owner that doesn’t know how to properly rank then link building is a great way to get more juice to your url, It’s easy to put another’s website on yours and vice versa, unfortunately there’s people out there chasing down their own DAs and don’t wish to reciprocate.


Collectibulldogs has had over two hundred requests for an article to be published on the website a lot of it is what is affiliated marketing articles that cannot be trusted not to be plagiarism or sly links to websites to buy whatever the link sends you too.

We may start collaborating with other websites soon this is due to the very fact we stated above and when we do we will make it apparent whom owns what and where any links might take you, collectibulldogs is happy if this agreement with others pays the server bill but we are not in it for money.


Collectibulldogs Google page profile update


Google have taken it upon themselves to cut away the collectibulldogs Google page profile as of 2022 they require a shop front but as we are online it’s not easy advertising outside a residential property

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