
Oh no we gotta go collectibulldogs is on the move

Collectibulldogs Moving On


Hi there readers I hope your all well and safe wherever you maybe, its with regret I’m here to say collectibulldogs is on the move, this came suddenly and out of the blue in the form of a text from our landlords. I had a feeling this would happen a few years ago I won’t go into my landlords reasons but I will say they have collage age children that may need this space themselves as it’s close to all amenities.

Collectibulldogs will remain online it just means my ebook on the exhibition will have to wait and I will have to ask the museum if they can store the pieces they have there till we find a new place to live, we have moved a few times so it’s no biggie in that sense we are just annoyed they chose this path when our daughter is holding her mock exams ready for the real deal.


No wiating around when home doesn’t feel like home

Collectibulldogs is staying

Other than a lack of blogging for a little while I’m happy to announce to those following collectibulldogs that there will be no changes and my web designer lee will oversee the website if I’m busy or not able to update etc, the other BIG problem I have is the packing.

There’s between 4-5 thousand pieces from all parts of the world, antiques, presents, donations all these now need to be packed away ready for the move, I will be moving the breakable pieces myself with some help from some friends that drive, this will nullify any breakages the removal men may make when moving boxes and if honest I’d rather oversee the moving of collectibulldogs myself.

Getting ready

We have made a start already with the metals and books, then I’ll do the art work and 2D pieces leaving the ceramics till last, I’m hoping the new place has the same or more space as it would be a shame to of gotten this far just to have them left in the boxes post move.

I’m dreading moving so many ceramic pieces I’m set for a chip or two but I think I’d cry if one of my top pieces didn’t make it from A- B intact, actually I best not talk about the worst and hope for a smooth move, let’s hope the collectibulldogs collection is as tough as the breed I champion.


A few boxes a day and collectibulldogs should be all ready to go


We are not sure where we will end up my daughter and wife hope for a garden so they can get a pug dog and have the room for another I’m just hoping the new place is firstly safe and in a nice area and then I’ll worry about what I can display and where, please note there is mass confusion over this move as it was only last month we received a tenancy and rent amount so it’s come as a sudden kick in the teeth.

Hopefully we are on to bigger and better things and stay as local as possible firstly there’s our daughters schooling (exam time), then there’s my care coordinator, my Dr, and debs works local at the dogs trust and at our local junior school, to move us or find a place to far away would be unwise, annoying, and make travelling harder but we will have to wait Dang.


I’m not sure where to really start as I sit here and think about what’s in the other room plus what’s in my bedroom too, there’s ten cabinets here and about 15-20 sub collections the biggest being the porcelain and then the art and metals, there’s also all the sets the Doulton and pieces from around the world to start packing.

I think once we have the right packaging it should only take a few days to do and when we get our new place I have a couple of friends with cars to give me rides back and forth so I can get my collection to the new place without having to risk using removal men that will not know what to pack onto what and so on, let’s just keep our fingers crossed we get enough room to display or collectibulldogs will be out of a box lol.


We intend to keep things running as they are but with any big ideas now on hold we want you to keep using, sharing and bookmarking the site and if your on blog lovin, Reddit, Stumbled upon pocket Digg etc then please share us there too I know Reddit has 100s of sub Reddits that my posts would fit in ie bulldogs, antiques, dogs, rescue-dogs, these are all communities that I feel would enjoy my content.

So please wish us luck as we move on taking the collection ,family and animals all in tow to pastures new lol you never know we could end up somewhere really nice dog friendly and close to our normal day to day living it will just be a nightmare if we are put out of the area, Fingers crossed please, until you hear from me again keep up the good work keep each other safe and happy collecting

Please note below are exhibition pictures

Please could you spare a Facebook like please

This lady has been very generous on Facebook so I’m linking her site in case your interested it’s a jewellery page Thank you

It was very nice of my wife Debbie to put a little something together regarding the Exhibition


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Pictures from the Brighton exhibition sorry about the glass glare !!!

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