
our pieces Royal Doulton ladies perfume

Royal Doulton ladies perfume piece

Hello readers and a good day to you all, as I’m not feeling tip top myself today I thought I would blog as a distraction, and today’s blog is one for the ladies in the hope I get it right and do not go upsetting folks but I assure you all the pieces I’m showing are or were aimed at females whether it’s pieces from long ago or even pieces more modern that we have here at Collectibulldogs.

Jewellery plays a big part in the collection and some of our prized pieces are in this section yet I have to confess that being a male I have not achieved greatness yet in the amount of collectibles I have that are aimed at the female demographic.

Vintage earrings

Considering my last statement there is actually quite a vast selection of jewellery here at Collectibulldogs, it just doesn’t seem there’s much when they are all put away in their different categories and as I go round looking more pieces start popping up.

Let’s start with the vintage pieces here and the only pair of earrings that I have that can be classed as antique or vintage.

The earrings I was told are Victorian in age but I have no way to verify that but as the outer piece is domed glass and not lucid plastic I’m guessing they do pre date 1900.

I have also found some old hat pins too, most are 2d pieces with a bulldog head and gemstone eyes and the other is of a cute little bulldog standing proud I think these are American in Origin as that’s where they came from but I cannot be sure.

These are very collectible pieces and have their own collecting following even though the use of hat pins has declined rapidly over the years.

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Pin cushions

Silver pieces Various pin cushions

Silver piece collectibles Various pin cushions

Following on from hat pins I have found some assorted pin cushions, these are all made from different metals, ceramic and even silver.

Pin cushions are relatively easy to find and collect and they used to be used for everyday living so there will be many out and in all shapes and sizes, the silver pieces we have are English and the ceramics are French.

The last of these are the metal pieces these were often packed with straw with an outer lining of cloth (usually velvet) and those were made in Germany.

The silver pincushion is hallmarked for 1906 but I think the smaller pieces are more modern yet still vintage in age.

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As you can see by the pictures attached there are many brooches here in the collection some are modern pieces others vintage in age.

Most of the brooches here are of a bulldogs head but we do have a few that have more detail to their design.

Brooches are not so fashionable these days and mostly worn by more mature ladies but they are still great to collect if adding to a larger collection, these pieces are made from the same kind of materials that being silver, metals of different kinds porcelain Plastic and I think a couple are made from bone too.

Assorted Pieces Of ladies brooches

Assorted pieces ladies brooches

Rings & Pendants

The next section I would have to class mainly as unisex pieces, these rings and pendants can be worn by all but with some ladies maybe preferring the more petite of the rings as some are quite chunky and masculine looking.

The pendants we have are mainly silver but there’s a couple here that are either designer by name or pieces I think artists have attempted to make themselves.

There’s a mixture of small bulldog head pendants and even small charms that could be used on a chain to make a cute looking piece.

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Designer pieces

Bulldog head pieces

Bulldog head piece

Some of the pieces here I would class as designer pieces, the Dunhill fobs I think are aimed at ladies to put on bag zips or hanging off phone cases, I think personally they would make an amazing pair of earrings if done right.

I do not know the designers name that made the amazing bangle shown but it is solid silver with gemstone eyes and one of the brooches I found actually goes with the bangle.

Amongst my piece is a small bulldog head I think its costume jewellery and was told the piece was part of a Joan rivers collection that she bought out awhile ago.

Another of the pieces I think are designer are the Swarovski crystal dogs, there’s two aimed at the bulldog lover, tomasino and he’s larger counterpart tomaso both with the brown tint and the darker tinted nose.

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Hair pin tray pieces

Hair pin tray made from bronze

Here are some pieces that may not be jewellery but still aimed at the female demographic past and present.

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Most of these pieces are as stated miscellaneous, they are pieces I’ve found whilst looking for others in the collection like this bag for ladies and a cushion that found.

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I also remembered I had a mirror from Mack trucks and some little silver clasps that originated from Italy, these are tiny and I would expect you need lots to make a bracelet with.

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Other such pieces include the handle from a parasol ladies use to keep the sun off the face.

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I hope I’ve not offended anyone the aim of the blog was to show some of the more feminine of the pieces we have here at Collectibulldogs.

We are proud of all our pieces and think each individual piece helps to create a brilliant homage that when altogether showcase the identity of a collection rich in female history and helps to show that this field of collecting is a Deffo for both sexes and I’m guessing a good proportion of collectors out there are bulldog loving ladies.

Till next time please use the links provided enjoy our website at folks happy collecting…

From the international gem society more information on jewellery

A history of jewellery found right here

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