Hi readers 👩🏫 I hope that you all are well, some may of got caught up in the summer heatwave so sure hope everyone had a safe summer ! After speaking with the new websites designer 👩🎨 I have a little teaser for our regulars or anyone waiting to leave an article with us.
The project has no time frame both myself and digital Wulf are flexible with its end date but from those days of weebly where I created my own mess of a website I feel we have come much further in a short amount of time, the teaser is just that I don’t want to spoil all of lees hard work 😓
This will be our fourth year live with a host and I think I lasted just over a year when I first created free with the weebly website but after I lost half my work I knew I had major issues and couldn’t proceed without some help.
Costing is is more expensive but trust me when I say it’s going to be worth it I know lees proud of his work and wouldn’t pass back anything less than perfect 👌 and that’s what I want for the website a place people want to return to and attract advertising too.
Collectibulldogs Teaser it’s going to be epic
I’ve nearly finished my part of all this I had to create a whole new true back story (only due to progression) take out outdated numbers like dates ie how long we’ve been collecting and what’s going on with my daughter and her university the whole point of the English bulldog memorabilia collection creation.
After all all the troubles with her grandfather 👴 my wife being pregnant 🤰 and the fact my daughter works in a care home has spurred her on to re sit her maths pass and try for a paramedic vocation, she’s passed her air hostess course and could go to work but will be staying on in education and as her father I sure am proud of this decision.
So here’s our first homepage idea 💡 there’s no pictures yet that would be giving away too much I’m sorry but I did say just a teaser, lee has a mountain to climb now himself he works hard and needs to find time when building so sitting there resizing images to look perfect on all your gadgets is just the start yet lee states he has a few ideas of his own.
As we are a one of a kind website I’m happy for the help I get the final say and have paid for my new collectibulldogs to be amazing our domain name now cannot be touched for five years and we hope this shows google and other platforms and websites we are here to stay.
Welcoming Wynne Guglielmo properly (collectibulldogs teaser)
So we have our own writer now ! Magic happened the day Wynne said yes to being our residential feature writer, there’s already articles from her dog shelter passion, dogs and Darwin (Brighton museum staff read and loved ) doggy blogs and even one researched on silver.
We love 💕 this diversity and gave Wynne a platform where we agreed as long as some content was relatable to Wynne could use our website for her own ends and the partnership is perfect 👌 Wynne has a busy life so her articles are appreciated.
Appreciation For this lovely 😊 lady and her selfless attitude and willingness to help will come when Wynne sees her picture on one of those squares you saw moving about we sure hope when Wynne sees she’s part of something bigger some self affirmation will set in as it’s richly deserved.
Wynne has thus far not taken one ☝️ single penny for the partnership we have struck up so as well as this accolade we’ve sent out a gift 🎁 we hope that Wynne will enjoy and cherish, the lady loves England’s silver especially victorian Georgian and even Edwardian so on it’s way is something silver and a little silver markings book enjoy it Wynne you deserve it.
Collectibulldogs teaser and Princess Porscha takes over

Princess Porscha zonked out after a beach walk ITS A COLLECTIBULLDOGS TEASER ARTICLE
When I first joined Twitter in 2016, Eiffion, Wiggles & Collectibulldogs were one of my first followers. I had lost my Bat Boy (aka Moishe) on March 3, 2014 and to continue his legacy, I pinned his pictures as my Icon photo and Twitter banner. One of the main reasons I followed Collectibulldogs–besides how wonderful they are–was because of Wiggles.
I just loved her and I still do. She was such a magnanimous English Bulldog with fantastic markings, a beautiful face and a wonderful personality. I was crushed to learn of Wiggles passing. But this is the life cycle for us human guardians who love their pups like human children–they don’t live long enough, they take pieces of our hearts when they cross, and their spirit never leaves us.
Collectibulldogs teaser let’s continue folks
And when I saw Eififon & Debbie’s new pup, the ubiquitous and gorgeous Porscha, my heart started to lighten and I was so chuffed that Eiffion got this beautiful girl. Our darling Lady Porscha is a Bulldog indeed–A French Bulldog with a bit of Pug interspersed in her gene pool–which only adds to her loving and playful nature. I see the comments that Tweeps make on the posts–everyone loves this new face of Collectibulldogs. And how could they not–she’s breathtakingly gorgeous and a bundle of joy.
I visit the page every morning just to see her beautiful face and funny antics including her bath time, begging for food and helping to brush her human sibling’s hair. She starts my day off right and always brings a smile to my face. She is loved by so many and soon, those who loved and miss Wiggles will learn to love and appreciate Porscha.
Yes it is correct that Porscha is not the definition of a purebred bulldog and classification is as a mini bulldog although her weight can be deceiving for her size, I did a small test and planted Porschas face in different bulldog groups on Facebook and no one battered an eyelid. Porscha is a gorgeous happy sweet little French Bulldog.

I know the owner of collectibulldogs has mental health disorders so asked to have their dog added the beautiful Porscha
Collectibulldogs teaser
Whether it’s preferred or not Porscha will be around for many years to come she already has some fans it’s just a shame folks do not see her like they saw wiggles Porscha is a darling of a puppy bulldog she’s got no angry side loves to play and is full of energy.
I had had planned for her first video to be down by the pier in Brighton where we are based and it wasn’t till I dropped my keys 🔑 into the water that I had forgotten my phone 📲/ camera 📷 yet we can go back and get a good clip of Porscha dictating to the waves 🌊 as she stands well back lols.
Stories could come thick and fast 💨 once the baby arrives as Porscha becomes a bigger sister but we want to be in keeping so not to drop our page ranking so these won’t be to frequent and I’m so hoping for a move soon then I can unpack the collection and continue.
Collectibulldogs teaser Any questions answered?
ITS A COLLECTIBULLDOGS TEASER ARTICLE just gives a small glimpse at what lee the designer is upto he has promised that he will not give collectibulldogs back until the new website is as perfect as we can get it, there will be a different look and feel so if there’s anyone out there with any questions please get in touch.
please note collectibulldogs has had issues with the format TWITTER since wiggles passed away and we finally got suspended due to a wiggles post that we put up over seven months ago, as a new lease of life envelopes me I do not wish to contest it, the new website will allow others to share to Twitter and my wife’s still there but since this weird suspension I’ve never felt so good, pop back to read why Twitter isn’t for everyone and how they push you out.
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Collectibulldogs news proud announcement