Collects and adopts bulldogs leave him alone


Please note Collects and adopts bulldogs leave him alone was an emai sent through the Collectibulldogs contact forms The writer left the message as is I just copied pasted and published, it’s not needed we can stick up for ourselves and twitter is just a format but Collectibulldogs would like to thank the writer for their selfless attitude 

We have come across a core that have blocked us but with wiggles we continue to grow on that format regardless of some shallow minded  bigoted stigmatising shallow PM wannabes with no brains that the educational system seems to of wasted on them  not all just some. 

Collects and adopts bulldogs leave him alone

Pic of wiggles for writer to see


Hello Collectibulldogs I’d like to contribute this to your website I have no budget sorry I hope you can publish it (Collects and adopts bulldogs leave him alone) found your email / Contact form and wanted to reach out at my dismay of the treatment of your page on twitter, I’ve seen wiggles called called ugly and I’ve seen the fat shaming too but to see your posts expressing frustration at your own country folk blocking you prompted me to write this.

Collects and adopts bulldogs leave him alone

Picture of wiggles


Eiffion has been on Twitter since 2015 his still trying to establish Collectibulldogs there and I see him struggle to get the message across when most follow the page for wiggles ! That ever so cute bulldog that the Ashdown family adopted.


Collects and adopts bulldogs leave him alone



I love eiffions tweets they are mostly hilerious with him and wiggles mostly of wiggles with funny captions for example there’s one post of wiggles and her mum looking at each other and the quote is OI YOU DID THAT hinting that wiggles is blaming her mum for passing wind the opposite to the normal blame it on the dog these and other tweets have me in stitches and many send eiffion and wiggles their love saying to carry on.

Collects and adopts bulldogs leave him alone

Collects and adopts bulldogs leave him alone



Just lately there’s a trend on Twitter regarding your country’s (UK) Brexit issue and for some reason eiffions page has been caught up in this with many I see blocking his page, this seems to be a core of supporters for your Labour Party there and it wasn’t till I saw eiffions hint posts that I got the fear in people.but the trend to block innocent people is wrong.


 Collects and adopts bulldogs leave him alone


Collects and adopts bulldogs leave him alone

We have endorsement now Gary o Sullivan cool ay


The page is connected to this website and eiffion collects bulldog antiques and well everything bulldog he’s never shown any affiliation to any extreme groups and mentions when he started the this venture that he has no politic view with people and with bulldogs, so why mass block this wonderful website and it’s pages and owner.

Collects and adopts bulldogs leave him alone

I’m keeping warm and getting well remember I love 💖 you all


ITS EASY TO ANSWER ANY STIGMA mr ashdown show your beautiful Chinese wife and the fact your a family man of over 20 years that will shut up those that think you might have a racist bone in your body, as for the mental health if your being blocked due to this, not only have the Labour Party there have a lot to learn but apart from being blamed for their anti-Semitism if enough people read this they will see what’s happening to those that are disabled and those that own bulldogs.


Collects and adopts bulldogs leave him alone



The page keeps growing regardless eiffion your doing a great job I was on today and you had 192 thousand followers so do not give up this trend will pass you can block back these silly fools and I won’t be having to write in just to let others know he Collects and adopts bulldogs leave him alone which folks should do I’ve not once seen any spite come your way.


Im afraid I’m not a collector I’ve always been a minimalist and I work away a lot so getting any pets is not a good idea so I really enjoy kicking back replying to emails I see if eiffions website has produced any new articles and then I check my twitter which I have to say has been discouraging lately keep your chin up eiffion it will pass oh and good luck on passing your motor bike test.

Isabel Spain

Collects and adopts bulldogs leave him alone

Bulldogs are so cute Wiggles is super cute



Please could you fill my email with pictures If you would please I don’t have any and would love to see wiggles, I’ve seen your other posts and learned about links as well as Royal Doulton and your new endorsement pro boxer (well done his hunky) and to those sheep out there damaging this gentleman’s reputation and standing on twitter remember he’s no extremist he just Collects and adopts bulldogs leave him alone ok.



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