Companion animal guardians in the USA

Companion animal guardians in the USA
It’s Moishe’s Mom from Twitter wanting to wish you all a Happy 2020! For my January blog, I’m continuing my discussion of the shelter/pound system in the USA and the need for a Companion Animal Protection Act. Known by the acronym CAPA,
New York is spear-heading this movement, and the full name is The New York Companion Animal Act called the CAPA. Estimates vary, but between 3.5 million and 6 million cats, dogs, bunnies and other companion animals are surrendered to these pounds every year.
Most owners do not realize that the pet they surrender will die before strays or confiscated animals. How can the USA be a nation of “creature lovers” if we’re abandoning millions every year? I think my country has a loyalty problem because many treat these sentient beings as throw-away being.
But let’s get to the real root of the problem–ownership. In the USA, companion animals and all animals are considered property in the eyes of the law. Mere chattel to do what ever we want and they have no rights. Companion animals need to be deemed “sentient beings” so that they may have rights just as humans do.
The New York CAPA legislation is a state-wide legislation which will “set standards for animal shelters which function using our money. The provisions of the CAPA are consistent with No Euthanasia Animal Shelter philosophies used across the country (USA) to keep animals alive while ending the outdated practice of destroying healthy and treatable pets for no god reason at all.”
animal guardians in the USA

Employment in the USA Wynne’s article
The following quote was taken from The New York Companion Animals Protection Act. For more information you can email You can also follow them on Facebook. You can also loo them up on
There is also a nationwide movement and organization, the that started the CAPA movement. This came about because many shelters in the USA are funded by tax dollars and it is proven that it is cheaper to re-home companion animals instead of euthanizing them.
Not many are thinking “outside of the box” and are simply euthanising pups, cats, bunnies and other companion animals after 72 hours. By adopting CAPA, shelter systems would be tasked to save animals and not “destroy” them.
The No Euthanasia Advocacy Center has spearheaded the USA no-kill movement and is a champion for all companion animals. The No Kill Advocacy Center is located at 6114 LaSalle Ave. 837, Oakland, CA 94611 Their Facebook page is Please visit both group’s social media to learn more.
Although I support both groups and their efforts, I firmly believe that CAPA must become a federal regulation/law and that this law must be passed along side a Sentient Being Act/Law.
Until companion animals are provided with the same inalienable rights as humans, there will always be those who will suffer in dreadful pounds, and at the hands of abusive and neglectful owners. We must change the culture in the USA from being a dog or cat “owner” to “guardians of our sentient beings.
In November 2019, the USA finally passed a bill entitled, the Preventing Cruelty and Torture Act, which carries up to a 7 year prison term for committing intentional acts of animal cruelty. If you know me and my love for sentient beings, 7 years is not enough, but it certainly is a start.
I hope to see more progress in this area and hopefully before I’m not here anymore, a Nationwide CAPA and Sentient Beings Act. Please hugs and kiss your pups or kitties or bunnies or pet mice/rats–whatever you have. Animals make life so worth living. And if you’re in the market for a furbaby–please adopt and never shop,
Before I go I’d like to congratulate Eiffion (owner) and Debbie on the birth of their second child a beautiful little girl they have been blessed after such a long time and it couldn’t happen to two of the most selfless folks I’ve ever had the honour too know
Cheers for now my dear friends in the UK and everywhere. Much love to all, Wynne Guglielmo
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Be a wonderful day if CAPA becomes law. Great blog, thank you Wynne.
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Thanks so much Gina.