Collectibulldogs exceeding 100k visitors

Congratulations collectibulldogs 100 thousand visits

Hi there folks I hope your all safe and well out there in the world, our predicament hasn’t changed as we await to find ourselves a new home and all the stress that’s come it but I’m not here to put us down I’m here to say thank you and to celebrate the fact that collectibulldogs has had over 100 thousand visitors.

That’s correct either through the formats or organically you great people have searched us out, it may not be the traffic most sites get but collectibulldogs is very happy as we are a small free website and unseen unless I blog or someone shares us, the fact that collectibulldogs is packed up has been a bit uninspiring of late so WOW what a pick me up.



Having nap with wiggles lol

Whist we are waiting to see where we end up I have not had the inner strength to get any blogs out with reasonable content for my demographic and for that I apologise I just cannot handle stress like most people can it eats away at me and has made me a little pre occupied with various other worries but I promise once we are settled I will get back to writing for my actual demographic and not these story type blogs etc.


We would firstly like to thank our regulars the repeat visits assure me something’s going right, thank you to all on Facebook,(bulldog groups too)  twitter , Pinterest , LinkedIn , Instagram, blogLovin , collectibulldogs blog faithful , medium , pin board , google plus , Flickr , Reddit , tumblr ,pin , and any other formats we are on lastly is and Bernard for wanting / allowing us to feature regularly and I hope will guest here for us.

It’s all thanks to you folk that we have reached this number and collectibulldogs is very grateful we never thought that we would hit this number within a year, please remember it’s a hosted website so will always grow even if slowly and any ideas suggestions and critic can be sent in where we will consider and if good implement.


Im missing my collection sad but true


Hi bloggers we think your great and would love you to come guest at collectibulldogs there are a few tips we could give you to help you reach our demographic and not be classed as uncategorised!!! Firstly think of my demographic many are antiques or history lovers so even if your wanting traffic for a more modern site this is how to capture the eye, Whatever your own demographic think of what you normally write about and see if there’s any history behind it.

It would be nice to get more bloggers in as we don’t get many and not part of a syndicate yet where we are guaranteed a decent amount of interest I will have to continue pasting into the formats above but as you can see I try my hardest to get all content seen as much as I can yet I do have respect for the Facebook groups so if it’s not bulldog related I’m afraid it’s not going to be seen in the bulldog groups.


The last thing I would ask bloggers is if your blogs are affiliated ie you review for a corporation please do tell us first, as you can guess some bloggers want to attract traffic to their sites and some so that products are seen, we are covered in our policy for not being a third party to any traffic movement that results in a sale I would just be nice if all were honest about this and then my web host can determine wether the content is readable or something we do not wish to indorse.

Collectibulldogs a new concept one of a kind


I’m quite chuffed to say we have seven solid reviews on it’s the English yellow pages but online, yes you guessed it I’m now going to ask nicely !!! Please may you spend two quick minutes using the link typing collectibulldogs and rate / review us, this will get me higher up in my category and more ratings mean more viewers, remember I cannot afford for paid promotion so I rely on the compassion of everyone that reads these for the help I receive.

When I spoke to lee my host about leaving yell on the website he suggested that I ask anyone willing to give reviews to do them on google as they would mean more to the website, now I don’t know if anyone’s willing to do either so I cannot push anyone to either yell or google review I can only ask and see what happens.


We have just hit September and it feels like the year has just sped past but as I recollect and reminisce if all the annoying parts are taken out it’s been very successful indeed, the collection was featured on a segment of British TV (I knew they would get my name “Eiffion” wrong) I was featured on heart FM, I was given my own segment in the paper, collectibulldogs has appeared on other sites, the interest overall has grown and to crown it off the WORLD FIRST

Above is our small feature on GMB England 

The exhibition was extended to our delight firstly till mid August and now I believe the bulldogs are still up till around mid September, it’s been great knowing hundreds if not thousands of visitors have gone away from Brighton museum knowing just that little bit more about what is a favourite pastime for many, let’s get this move out the way and hopefully start 2018 with fresh ideas and refreshed me lol till next time stay safe and happy collecting folks.

my relatable links 

For those that do not know there’s a move on the horizon a very stressful move 😡

Come and join us on YouTube even if it’s to have a laugh at my editing skills



lastly I add three links here with the link owners hoping you’ll take interest and pick one to visit !!!

Elegance from billie is an antiques and vintage online website I’ve seen the pieces posted and there’s plenty for many different collectors , alas no bulldogs yet

This link is a wild card as I’m yet to meet the owners but I always check the website myself first, this site has doggy apparel for those that dress up their poochs

If you have managed to get this far please give brighton museum a visit I know they have lots of new interesting things planned for this autumn thank you 😊

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