Chuffed with my own name for website

Chuffed with my own name for website

A year in the making

Hi there folks I hope all is well with everybody and your all safe where ever you maybe, I thought it would be nice to go back to when Collectibulldogs first started and not only list the achievements made by myself and others coming forward over the past year.

If anyone a year or so ago had told me I would be gaining the courage to put out a website, let alone blogging I do not think I would of believed it at the time.

I’m now taken seriously and so is the collection and I’m not sure why it’s become so popular these past few months the numbers say it all and I’m very happy with my views as its all been through tireless promoting and maybe over doing it a bit when I get facebook post restrictions lol but all worth it lol.

What I’ve learned

This part could be seen as me being brash but I’m not I really have propelled forward when it comes to using tech now I know a little computer jargon and the inner workings of websites.

Bbuilding the first Collectibulldogs was not easy and had me close to tears at times with frustration but I persevered onwards, to bring you all a crude basic yet usable website, where you could see the collection and other pages I had created.

As most will know a brand new website is in the making and from draft pictures it’s looking amazing and that’s all thanks to Lee Hollman whom has taken any future tech stresses away by being my webmaster and for that Collectibulldogs is very grateful.

I’ve also learned to break up my blogs better now and yes I’m still confused as to when a new paragraph gets started but I’m working on it.

The biggest thing I’ve learned this passed year is how to have more patience, this could be with the website obtaining new collectibles and dealing with people in general I’ve also learned an old lesson too if you don’t ask you don’t get.

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Whom I’ve met so far

One of my fav parts!!!

As I spend a lot of time at home on my own dealing with my issues the bulldog community has changed my life somewhat and that’s thanks to the people I’ve met since the website started and beyond.

I respect each and everyone the same but the icing on the cake for me is becoming friends with Norman Davis, he’s like an idol to me and I still get star stuck when I get in box messages from him encouraging me to use the OCOBO group to advertise Collectibulldogs and I have hiss full support and in Normans own words he said its great to have something new in the bulldog world, which had me brimming from ear to ear.

I also have the same type of respect for Simon Winter of Silo Bulldogs he is up and coming in both showing and judging and I follow him as I learn and I love his bulldog Olaf.

Another person respected well in this community and whom champions Collectibulldogs is Theo and the team at bullish mag, to have my advert in that magazine this year was one of my best achievements and I thank them for the support.

I’ve now got great friends from around the globe too like Janet in Hawaii, Carol in Australia, Graham Simpson from the UK, Edward and Donna in the States and so many others it would take ages to list them all.

I also have many friends from many other countries whom enjoy what I’m doing and allow me to post in their groups and a big thank you to them.

I’ve met a couple of great journalists I’ve met sellers other collectors and folks from the bulldog rescue and local walk, had many a business offer to sell through my brand name and I’m always getting new friends added all the time I love the path this venture has taken me on so far.

The collection

I’m not to sure how much the collection has grown in the past year or so I have not kept a record since starting the website and have bought sold swapped given and donated so many pieces it’s easy to lose count.

I do know I have managed to obtain some really good quality collectibles but nothing like the previous years where parcels were arriving nearly everyday but on the upside at least I do not have to wait in so much these days for them to arrive.

The collection has done what I set it up to do online and that was to inspire others to either start up collecting or revive their passions for collecting they may of lost in the past, I’m very thankful for all the thanks I get from folks saying I’m inspiring them and or I’m the true conduit of this collection and there’s something special about it. I just see it as a cool world class collection that anyone could achieve if they put in the work which is mostly research.

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MY first response to this header title would be the collection itself but as we are just talking about the past year, I would have to start with the website, not only was it an accolade to of made it, I actually made Collectibulldogs twice after my host messed up my first attempt.

My second achievement this past year has been gaining the respect of the people I have mentioned, I went from a person knowing hardly anyone and ending up knowing respected people in the field of bulldogs and being accepted into the community as well as I have been.

Some folks may still be a little frosty but I’m sure I can win them round. Being in bullish mag and appearing amongst all those amazing glossy pics of the worlds best surely gave me a buzz and appearing in the local news recently also gave me a similar feeling yet I was embarrassed to see what pics where used lol.

I don’t wish to harp on but my best achievement by far this year has been the support of Mr Davis, not only did I get one of the 100 signed special copies as a gift for the collection (that was totally unexpected) but Norman also shares my posts which in some instances can be be better than being in the news as he is so popular and followed by many.

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Where to next

Apart from Jools one of the journalists I have been working with pitching his article to the national papers, I do not really know what’s next for Collectibulldogs I do know with lee’s help the website will remain online and up to date and once the new website is up and running, I may have a clearer idea on where the next fork in the road will lead me down.

I’m happy to keep things as they are I have surpassed my goal so could just sit pretty but I would prefer to keep things moving as they have been.

There’s a few options to consider like going into business for myself or use my new found standing to franchise for others but my ultimate goal now is to open England’s first museum, totally dedicated to the bulldog using the pieces I have obtained over the years wouldn’t that be just fab.

Any how I had best get up, blogging in bed in soooo comfortable but I could stay here all day and I need to be doing things.

THANK YOU to every single person that has supported me since Collectibulldogs started I genuinely am grateful to you all and know my views wouldn’t be half as much if it wasn’t for the support of all you wonderful people.

Happy collecting folks.

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Still available

The AUTOBIO from Norman Davis is the best modern book to do with the bulldog world that I have read in a long time.

I won’t give Normans story away and spoil it for those that wish to purchase this future collectible but I will say from beginning to end is one rollercoaster ride from a gentleman that has led In all accounts a very busy enthralling life that has lows and many highs a plenty.

The book is still available and the details on how you can get a copy are pictured below.

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