Crufts 2018 coinciding with my birthday 🍰
Crufts on my birthday what a treat
Hi there readers I hope your all good and safe wherever your reading from YAY Crufts time again, as it’s my birthday on the 10th and crufts starting on the 8th I’m classing This as a treat and will be having a very doggy birthday this year. All dog lovers love crufts there’s so many breeds and so much packed into the time allotted I’ll be up late cramming as much crufts in as possible.
The different breeds will be great to see and at their best too like Miami whom as a spaniel won crufts 2017 a well deserved win and such a cute dog, but as I’m bias I’m always for the Bulldog to do well at crufts but just love the dogs so much get sucked up into the whole occasion.
I’ve never been I’m sad to say and like the other millions of viewers I’m watching my yearly fix of canine excellence on the television but I don’t mind I’m not competing but it is a small dream of mine to get tickets to crufts and go one day, as you know the events are held over different days showing different breed classes doing their thing and wagging those furry back ends.
‘Winning’ is for some brilliant so just saying I enjoy the winning part sounds vague as each category has its winners, so it’s the finale Im liking the most THE BEST IN WORLD all on show waiting tentatively and in total suspense before the judges decide that one pooch which as you know can change the owners life if not already a champion and going again.
Most know that I have a fabulous and rather selfless gent that thousands round the world know as Mr Norman Davis the creator of OCOBO, so I contacted “Grandog” (a privilege to be able to call him that ) and he will be entering Crufts this year I didn’t get too much due to sheer busy getting things ready but quoted as saying after I asked him about crufts
“Yes Judged it in 2002
Showed at CRUFTS for the last 45 Years ;
Won BOB many times ; also won 4 th in the Utility Group: this year we have 6 Qualifyed
But only takeing 4”
So if your bulldog watching this year watch out for four from the OCOBO Kennels and if you want to learn more about this amazing gentlemen’s life he has an autobiography out and if you contact me I can get you in touch for a copy, it’s a thrilling read to say the least and I was so lucky to get a signed copy which is now part of my bulldog collection.
Collectibulldogs and all that know mr Davis wish him the best of luck have an amazing time there and work that Davis magic that has had you champion of many events over the years including as quoted judging crufts itself. GOOD LUCK OCOBO AT CRUFTS 2018 we are behind you.

for those without a copy or whom fall in love with his entries at crufts Mr N Davis can be contacted using link at bottom of the page
A good guess would be the whole event from start to finish in regards to this sub title it’s like the Olympics just for man’s best friend but it would be nice to get comments coming in about your loves and likes about Crufts.
Do you have a favourite breed or event? Are you going as a spectator or actually as a show breeder like some of the good people I’ve met before and I’m even going as far to say I think a cousin or part of wiggles OCOBO shipshape bulldog family will be there I know the owner does other events like the London bulldog club.
For a lot of no the majority of people going are there to see the dogs each in their best and most natural form (even if in unnatural settings) dog lovers appreciate what the breed was bred for ie Gundogs agility dogs working dogs and even teacup pets with not much of a background to have a class other than being super cute and keeping hands out of ladies handbags.

When it comes to crufts it sure is
Pondering on the fact if the year of the dog will be used at all as the theme for this years event you never know it may bring owners / showers some much needed extra luck if they are going to be trying to lick the competition, it’s been lucky for me so far this year where as like my last entry suggests last year right till the end was just pure misery wrapped up in “ yes I’m fine” but this year I actually am.
With the collectibulldogs debt so nearly finished I will be celebrating like the Crufts event itself and means I’m bulldog debt free and in a way maybe needing a new contact, my current contact has been amazing and for my honesty (he didn’t even keep a book) collectibulldogs is being gifted with a life-size bronze on marble in a few months time.

If you love dogs then stay tuned for Thursday the 10th March it’s Crufts time again
I’ll start by saying I’m now officially part of the Brighton museums team I have a job there assisting the curators and loved my first day I did blog about it but as the museum wants to get more involved with social media and blogging I’ve given the draft over to Lucy my mentor to see if the article can be garnished with more interesting content and or visuals.
40 the BIG 4-0, ok so my wife debs thinks I’m already having a midlife crisis due to the fact I’m unable to find the concept that my physical body is of a 40 year old fella but in my mind I swear I do not feel forty (the sarcastic would say “how would you know what 40 feels like”) and in a way that point is correct as I DO NOT feel like I’m forty or anywhere near it yet but time does not lie.
All in all there’s no complaints from me so far in 2018 and like a good friend had just put on my faceBook status GET BACK TO COLLECTING Well I’m glad to say I’ll be able too now even though I’m now after more specialised pieces, to those on Facebook my profile is mainly ignored so I’m linking formats for a better social footprint please feel free to unfollow but if annoying I’d rather you just muted me there’s nothing wrong with what I’m trying to do, please enjoy Crufts facts in the link below and until next time (good luck again to crufts partisapants) stay safe and happy collecting.

I know it’s at the bottom of the ladder it’s how my now learned curator started and I love it there
The only blog I can find relatable is one back that I did on mr N Davis himself
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Have a Pawsome Awesome Birthday!!! Crufts Sounds like non stop Fun
Have a Blessed & Very Happy Birthday. How fun to be working at the museum. Congratulations !
Loved reading your blog & enjoyed the photos.
Thank you very much it’s great to be in a position to have actual friends competing I feel I’ve risen up a bit in social society lol
CRUFTS Thank you very much indeed I won’t be at the show but will be watching crufts2018 from home
Crufts would be amazing to watch , is it too funy being working at the museum ? I mean Online Bulldog Museum !
This is certainly a must see, a great step towards giving us a beautiful thing to admire, crufts, an improtant part of your online bulldog museum.
You started something which is probably unique. Keep up the good work, Eiffion. Love reading English Bulldog news and more.
Thank you Regina at That’s very kind of you so here’s your link live for anyone that wants to come and see your fab website
It’s been a very lucky year for this year