Curtains for Christmas medals and more


From curtains to medals come see what we got this year


Greetings readers I hope your all well and safe out there, I think that curtains for Christmas medals and more is plenty self explanatory and I was a lucky man this year with my Christmas gifts, I’m to old now to receive but my wife debs tried hard this 2018 just gone to help re inspire my blogging.


Im so glad she did too I got some great content for future articles in the form of old bulldog magazines with long forgotten snippets of amazing information just like an article I’m preparing about how bulldogs were used to get code to the allies and  resistance in the Second World War absolutely astonishing and makes me prouder to champion the breed.


I will not lie my Christmas was very dull but for the right reasons ! WHAT ? You maybe thinking 🤔, staying up with wiggles on Christmas Eve meant I had been up hours before anyone else and was awake when the girls arose, I did spend hours with them but when they left for dinner at the parents I flaked out with wiggles on the bed about 3pm and we both slept through to Boxing Day #PerfectChristmas lol.


We at Collectibulldogs would love to hear what others got for Christmas it would be so interesting to see pieces I’ve never seen before but until the day comes when someone does come forward here’s what I was grateful for giftwise in 2018, Thank you very much to my wife for both the gifts and the thought behind them.

It’s curtains from China


Our little set of curtains perfect for the kitchen or bathroom


My first gift is not antique it even came late but that’s shipping from China for you, the present is curtains or a a small curtain style bulldog print on fabric, this has a slit up the middle so that the curtains can be parted and there’s cute little tie backs for it too, if we are known and you like the curtains leave a message here or on social media and I’ll ask debs where she got the piece from.


After changing the rooms and the room I use the most is by the stairs,I now have a little privacy using my curtains when my daughter decides to bring home half the college for tea, I felt sorry for debs when she said sorry for a cheap modern present but I love it and gave her a  reassuring kiss to say thank you.


Medals ! I Got what I wanted for the collection

Since last year I’ve felt the collection needs more club pieces and felt we lack in literature and more medals and trophies, I was astonished to get three different medals I was only expecting one, these will go with all the others we have and once researched I can give more information on them this year, I had intended to do this with our club pieces anyway.


From the bath and western counties bulldog club

You’ll know if your a collector that unless the medal has what’s called provenance then they are not worth much but to have over 50 different medals I’m sure together they are worth something, better than investment is the history behind them which to me is gold dust as I can use that for new original content.


A beautiful bronze medal with baby blue enamel











Terracotta Twin

This terracotta piece is similar to a piece already in the collection but is made from different material.It is a lot smaller in size than I expected but is still a very niece piece.


I was surprised to find that other than the original and the reproductions that this piece can also be found made from different materials and different sizes too, we would love to get an original we have a restored cold cast piece that an eBay seller sent in a Jiffy bag lol Kudos to debbie for finding this.


Check our collection for this but in larger form


The weird and the wonderful


So this next piece had me both wondering wether it was European in origin or in fact Japanese for the English tourist market, this pot has a winston Churchill type face but is of Pearlescent colour and the glaze is quite thick, with an inscription on the back that says A PRESENT FROM KUMSTANTAM I may need to look up and see if this is actually a place and this piece is from there.


I do have a small weakness to anything pearlescent it’s the same with those cars you see the kids driving around in you look at it one time and it’s green and seconds later blue, this copy from the natural shell we all know as the home of the pearl, as we know actual pearls are mostly white it’s the inner shell that shows this beautiful shade of all kinds.


The inscription


Pearlescent bowl winston faced bulldog bowl

Double trouble


By no means do I wish to sound ungrateful but it was only a couple of months back I asked debbie for the card after seeing this pair of silver plated salt n pepper sets, I obviously just wanted the dog but the dealer wasn’t about to split them up Dang I know so I ended up with a cat in the collection.


To then get the same pair pair again for Christmas was a little funny not only had debs recently forgot her purchases but I also now had two of these sets, it struck me as an idea to keep the two bulldog shakers and offer up the cats as a set as long as someone wants them to enjoy and pays shipping I’m happy to freely let them go (with the wife’s blessings).


Dog and cat shakers silver in style

Magazines of magic proportions

One of my favourite gifts were a bunch of unassuming bulldog magazines I’ve only skimmed a couple but WOW ! The information in some of the issues is not just amazing but I’d go as far as to say special ? Yep that’s correct and I’m gathering that war secrets were de classified around the time of publication as there’s some brilliant information regarding WW2 and bulldogs


i did cover the Article on the spirit of the English bulldog and some new knowledge “well to me anyway” is facinating and of relatable interest, I will not get caught up on the one story though and will read each issue cover to cover just for research purposes and the fact there maybe collection information in some of them let’s see hey.


Great present and new knowledge


All that untapped past information ℹ️

Posh pug needs a new home


That’s right I said it ! This posh looking piece is a miniature but you wouldn’t know that seeing it in a picture now I’m not sure why I got a pug for Christmas for the collection my only guess is my wife kindly and being thoughtful mistook the piece to be a bulldog collectible.


Posh pug would like a new home and I know many out there collect pug memorabilia just like bulldog memorabilia collectors do so the same deal applies just pay shipping and the piece is yours, it screams of 19th century Germany but later than the 50s due to its gold guilding.  If you are interested in either piece we have a contact form and first come first serve, I’ll update the blog once theve gone so try and get there first.


It’s a posh pug but not a bulldog

Lastly peps and happy 2019


before im seen as spoilt please let me show you just how much Collectibulldogs donates, we do this each year at Christmas and when the local bulldog walk in association with the bulldog rescue team need raffle prizes I’m the man to turn too, I was told one event made over three hundred pounds and other donations done well or ended up online Check out what was sent out in 2018 there was quite a haul and left me with some refreshing space !


Still undecided about our next new piece I’ve seen a couple at Danam Attik I’ll have to email the team and see if 2019 will another year where we get in something extra special just like One of the very first pieces we thought we’d never own and I also came to a realisation when going through my depressed state last year and again felt like saying that’s it I’ve had enough.



Fact being no one else is doing what I am some see blogging as boring others don’t get it but this is not only my way of expressing myself to the world but I’m also making history by jotting all this down for future generations, I’ll be having to push myself at times but I have made a promise to myself to make more of an effort to get as much out as possible.



Debbies wedding book
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