Cutie patootie happy birthday Porscha

Cutie patootie happy birthday Porscha

Cutie patootie happy birthday Porscha HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Hi readers we are celebrating Cutie patootie happy birthday Porscha 🥳 yep that’s correct our cutie patootie is now a year old, the changes are unmistakable from her early puppy days but we wouldn’t change a thing.

With her mums french bulldog look Porscha still remains stockier than the french breed ! Our cutie patootie has an English bulldog for a father so is a little larger and with those significantly pointed bottom teeth 🦷


Theres many differences that you see in Porscha that can pinpoint to her different breeds she’s fast powerful and very vocal, she’s also very clever too with new toy 🧸 puzzles quickly sussed out.


We do think that a bit of my OCD has rubbed off on our cutie patootie this can be evident in the way she wishes to always different kinds of attention but not for just an hour until she drops exhausted this can go on all day !

Cutie patootie happy birthday Porscha

Cutie patootie happy birthday Porscha

Cutie patootie happy birthday Porscha OUR CUTIE PATOOTIE IS A YEAR OLD

Due to the OCD we think Porscha may have we have made our own lives easier we first bought her what we thought chucked balls but in fact the treat we bought just encourages dogs to put the ball into the hole and get a treat.

This was brilliant in stopping cutie patootie from dropping things into the babies day crib but didn’t stop her wanting the ball thrown down the hall way ! After nearly losing my left arm Christmas Day it was time to change the game.


Finding a sixty pound ball thrower we ordered eagerly and thought this would be the end of the continuous that Porscha was showing, we are only more safety Conscience due to the new baby and Porscha like another child craved attention every time I’m needed to help settle the baby.


An overzealous little mini bulldog did get where the ball 🎾 goes in her present 🎁 but poor Porcsha didn’t get you have to not block the exit and got a ball right in the chops, the balls are soft so no damage to her face or teeth but we do now have to teach her to stand behind the machine.

Still our little cutie patootie!

Cutie patootie happy birthday Porscha

Cutie patootie happy birthday Porscha IM THE BIRTHDAY GIRL

when you envision a mini bulldog you think of the normal pure breed but smaller you do not think that a mini bulldog would look like Porscha and we have had this since we got her, some find her looks scary and mums have even crossed the road yet Porscha is as soft as velvet and loves to socialise


The big pointy ears and long teeth do give our cutie patootie a more different look to say the Envisioned idea of a typical bulldog and one year on she couldn’t look more different as to the way she did look when we went to pick her up.

we find that her differences actually make her cuter than a typical normal mini bulldog and proud to have adopted her and now she plays a massive role in the unconditional love that runs through our own little family, she’s just as adorable 🥰 now as she was at eight weeks old.


Porscha is also loved by others our resident article writer Wynne just adores her and her breed type and there’s many on social media that would miss our cutie patootie And her different facial expressions as I chase her round the home to get a shot.

Porscha and the baby !

Cutie patootie happy birthday Porscha

Cutie patootie happy birthday Porscha HERES PORSCHA GETTING INVOLVED

The word excellent comes to mind when it comes to the baby and Porscha she’s been a model pooch ! From the days of my wife’s pregnancy 🤰 when she started noticing and stopped her antics like jumping and bumping into my wife right up until today where she shows her doggy love.


The baby cry’s and Porscha is on the ball she will either come and bark at one of use or if the babies sleeping in her crib and stirs Porscha will sit up on the bed and watch her until one of us see to the baby she has learned herself not to bark in the bedroom and we never taught her that.


If there was any issue to grumble about it with a the fact that Porsche loves to give the baby presents and sometimes like to drop things into the babies sleeper so we had to put a stop to this before she accidentally hurt the baby by dropping something heavy even if accidental and with lots of love attached.


Other than that and a few close smells for bonding Porscha has left mum to get on with mothering and I find the time to play with her, Porscha loves to wrestle she loves being held and trying to escape (you’d think she did not like it) but keeps returning for a piledriver onto the bed lol.

Good things come to dogs that wait !

Cutie patootie happy birthday Porscha

Cutie patootie happy birthday Porscha ALL OF THE FAMILY WILL BENEFIT FROM A GARDEN

We are excited to announce that the next Porscha article will have pictures and hopefully Videos of her enjoying the new space coming up, WE ARE FINALLY MOVING you Can see the new place in this article folksIt’s an exciting time for the whole family.


Porscha will love the freedom of a garden she will still get her walks to maintain her socialising and just for General exercise but to see her running free in and out of the new home fills me with happiness, we have lived in this place for two years and it’s time to move on.

I’ll be on poo patrol the spec of the new apartment is nice and we want to keep it that way ! This may not be the case in future though as I have ideas 💡 on adopting another dog now we have the space and my wife is taking about having a third child soon !!!


As I write this on the bed Our Porscha is leaned up against me snoring 💤 the household has been up nights due to the baby but once moved we hope Porscha finally expels all her energy and then I can spend quality time with the baby and not feeling guilty as our cutie patootie wants me to play with her.

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