D Bennett fine arts a quick introduction with link

D Bennett fine arts teacher and artist given permission by Michelle Sullivan to go copyright free on a few pictures handed over this one being a crufts entry in 2024 D Bennett felt so privileged and proud
Hi folks I’ve been waiting a long time to introduce this lady whom I’ve titled D Bennett Fine arts pre established in 2025 let’s start and that’s what will do, I first met D Bennett in the pre COVID days it must of been twenty fifteen or twenty sixteen I know this as my exhibition was in twenty seventeen and she helped me curate the pieces actually doing most of the graft as part of her job.
D Bennett when I met her was working as part of a team teaching art to groups in Brighton I’d go down once a week and spend most of my time chatting with actual brilliant artists as I downed cups of tea but always turned down the suggested idea that I do art even if it’s not Fine art my own interpretation was often asked for.
One thing I did enjoy for a while was using clay I was able to create pieces that resembled the amazing pottery that is troika. Of course mine looked nothing like the real thing but looking back and I think I blogged about this I’ll have a look to show what my clay work was like and what ideas I turned from mud into an object of description meaning that you could see what I made and didn’t need to guess.
Fine arts was an understatement back then i’m not sure how much encouragement the therapist gave to my fellow clients but I can stay with hands on heart. They created some of the best artwork that I have witnessed that hasn’t been up on a gallery wall different people obviously had different forms and ideas they put into their artwork. I remember one person drew houses like he was an architect. A special part was he never used the ruler.
D Bennett Fine arts pre established in 2025 let’s start Continued

Not painted by D Bennett but one of a few different Fine Arts examples used in this article like this post card
This art therapist has over the years become a friend of our family it’s always been more information or collaboration based due to her job but she’s now Free to get her artwork seen and name locally established in the world of fine arts and beyond! Brighton is heaving with talented artists so this campaign to promote D Bennett fine arts I think will be one of my largest.
idea that we share a creative space has been part of recent conversations most museums have some type of gallery space so why not combine what would be a physical version of our online bulldog antiques and collectibles museum the most knowledgeable website of its kind on all things English Bulldog and by the posts on different skillsets I recently added to X I’ve gained a lot since launching https/::www.collectibulldogs.com
Michelle Sullivan was kind enough to let D Bennett take from her own pictures and photos of various bulldogs as we all know if fine arts was Breeding related Michelle would be like a van Gogh ! The bulldog the artist choose was seen in 2024 by millions as Michelle paraded her pooch around the crufts ring. The selfless character that Michelle possesses even went as far as letting the artist keep any profit from prints or commissions
This works three ways as I advertise for Michelle this was until I hadn’t heard back after a collaboration on three D objects and ideas around 3d-printing objects that could aid dog owners which Michelle could add to her products like the harness she sells giving her the edge over other dog grooming and lifestyle products D Bennett fine arts will always be grateful and when her feet hit the ground reciprocating this kindness will not be forgotten
So there’s Fine arts and there’s Fine Arts. It’s my understanding it does not necessarily have to be a painting I know this because I repost hundreds of different types of fine arts content on X many of them mutuals of mine and they range from the traditional canvas paintings right though to AI generated artwork NFTS once I have left the link to get to my friends and artists Instagram page I think I might have a couple of artist that create a fine arts and you can see what I mean about the different kinds and the huge selection of beautiful colourful images but sometimes brighten up gloomy days
D Bennett i’ve only just started out on the long road to be becoming a known artist and there is no better place to start than our home city of Brighton. That project will be a local campaign and I will use my platforms and my website to promote.D Bennett fine arts and if we do end up collaborating into the point, we are sharing a space then I won’t have to advertise as we will both be promoting what could be the best thing to happen to Brighton in years.
Each will bring their skillsets to the table making us nearly formidable we have already shamed this with The ideas and strategies that we have been bouncing off each other one example would be I am pretty good with my search engine optimisation and she is good at business decisions with aspects like costing wages materials and dare I say taxes with the right foundations this really could be the success of the century in our eyes
You’ll find D Bennett Fine Arts here just use this anchor text and my website is so fast now you should be whooshed over to her instagram account here, you can find not just a selection of fine arts content you will also see the style that the artist adopts what kind of art theme does she favour….is she good enough yet to paint your dog yet can she rely on you for a commission who knows it’s my job to create interest yet art is art to everyone this man made concept can evoke different emotions

Fine arts in all its forms go back beyond the days of black and white the AKC sports a selection of fine arts all bulldog champions
I’d like to urge my amazing readers even though I have been what I have been doing for nearly 13 years even though D Bennett is a qualified art therapist as well as a few other vocational positives this artist has never gone public to the point her artwork is seen in places like Texas or Germany France Belgium all the countries that end up rounding on this website will get to see her art work. It’s a shame we do not live closer that way I would be able to help quicker especially around the website and creating something that Google will rank as stated keywords on my forte whereas primary and secondary colours might be part of the artist forte this is why I collaboration would be 100% perfect.
Is there are no prices on this blog article? It is because I have not yet asked.D Bennett exactly where she is regarding stock print time and whether or not she is ready to take on commissions they could be some research that needs doing into animal Fine Arts normally when you build a website you are urged to see what your competitors are doing so I think this would be a good way for this artist to work out how much to charge for a commission and then again if she sells prints. The artist will leave details information on whichever artwork she is displaying and we’re not plagiarise by making money from your pooches.
Down the line I will be asking bulldog friends that I have known for a long time just like Michelle Sullivan and Lorraine Watkins if they do not mind some of their winners being painters and hung in the museum should it become the reality? I think it would be fantastic to have English bulldogs that have won national or club fixtures definitely ones from cross as they are more identify and researchable, but I will be happy to be hanging any bulldog painting that someone has kindly let us emulate
Fine arts and bulldogs a gallery within a museum it all sounds dreamy and please don’t get me wrong. This artist does have an own space in a studio / gallery this is situated as you go down the slope on Brighton Beach it is in one of the old fisherman’s house. The space is small but obviously big enough for D Bennett to showcase artwork and to keep her stock secured, I also family believe this person is the link from the past to the future. She has a local contacts and knows more about the going on in Brighton than I do this will come in handy in who you know not what you know.
Let’s put our artist to the size for one minute as I did say that I would show or get the choice for you to see different kinds of fine arts. I’m going to take website links from my mutuals failing that the best of what I can find ! Whether it is psychedelic natural imaginative for even a joke in art form one thing I have noticed is that pops out for all these different themes is the artist grasp on colour. For me this is where the WOW FACTOR lies in the different art forms.
On one members page, I once read those that do things for you behind your back other people that you would want in front of you if you knew ! That is so true I have 179,000 followers on my X account. I put up a post asking for trust pilot reviews and I went from 77 to 86 but none of these or 99% are not my mutuals for some reason people that I personally shout out Create content with hashtags and some written Rich content with one such post that I created today for Clara‘s jewellery is actually doing better than any of my bulldog memorabilia posts.

Down the line Collectibulldogs gets given artworks very much from the present and sometimes digital but fine arts can cover more forward thinking forms of art hence the links to random artists with no obligation to buy anything the links are to show how the world sees itself and the ideal around the words fine arts
Am I sure my call to action is right of course I do not most of my mutuals and X friends Enjoy tailor made tweets we make even if their offline and instead of a lovely message saying hey Ave check your reviews I get the same old repost to my pinned post when I would’ve thought by now with so many people that I have helped or I am helping freely, I would’ve thought would check out the website and spend a couple minutes helping me out by leaving a little comment on the trustpilot website they only have to press the link. They don’t even have to google it.
One of the first artists of fine arts is
Kaye Menner artist of fine arts America I’ve been reposting this lady for as long as I remember and her beautiful page is only matched by the website she’s owns. I have been asked why I work so hard on X leaving other app’s faltering and I reply everybody is different. Some people are more selfless than others some shallow some not so shallow but how people are is not part of Collectibulldogs commitment to keep its word and reciprocate anybody that shows activity to our page. It is one-sided mostly my gadget usage shows that I spend hours upon hours on one platform repost then shouting out and other forms of promotion for others. Some days. It has been over eight hours which is really a working day.
Even though I have had a rant and it won’t change a thing , Collectibulldogs is doing well compared to last year when the website was a complete mess loading speed were a joke and my dream website with all the ad extras were slowly snipped away until I was left with a landing page which did not work properly and a menu that most could not work or navigate and now everything is nearly 100% A Ok and any issues I have the perfect host to sort out.
Remember me talking about doing nice things behind peoples backs here’s an example
EM Graphics online is a follower on X I think they are a mutual it’s not a name that automatically comes to mind like hundreds of others but I have given them ample opportunity here for people to see the artwork that they create because I have chosen this person website link to leave so that you can check them out please note even if the link is to a third-party selling app I endorse the link I have published this means that they are genuine and have been on the platform for years
That’s two examples of artwork I see daily and here’s a lady that’s advertising her fine arts yet I think I am yet to meet
Diana Mary Sharpton or DMS I’m not even sure she’s a follower yet a mutual but as you know kind deeds are not usually created so you get one in return also none of these are as know that I have put up their link yet I also don’t want them thinking I am person pleasing just to try and convince others to trust the website this is just me being my normal sharing self plus it helps with the outbound links.
Members of the X platform that do not repost others content I find selfishly annoying but it’s individual choice as to what people do on social media and how they want their page to look I think this fella has taken the choice not to tarnish his page.
Wayne Moran photography as a beautiful selection and The visual merchandiser in me understand the fellow doesn’t want cheap looking bulldog posts even though some of my object cost thousands would make his page look cheaper in his eyes or less professional there are many reasons why others show kindness but do not share kindness. This does not detract from the man being a really nice person. I am just making an observation.

Not fine arts but there’s definitely a fine in the sentence! From respect interest even some complimenting our X account I took a more individual approach to my followers it seems to be working I now have an active page with dozens of mutual reposters
A few points of interest firstly I noticed whilst promoting my https://www.collectibulldogs.co.uk our second url I was creating posts on X stating all the different facts the skillsets learnt since this English bulldog memorabilia antique online museum the first of its kind in the world has helped to teach me different aspects of the workings of a website for not knowing what a you are hours to now promoting other peoples you are urls and also understand in the importance of backlinks and organic backlink development (please contact me if you would like to exchange back links if some do not know this makes our website just that little bit more powerful given our backlink some juice this ultimately leads to a higher domain authority and anyone that knows about website development you’re the main authority it’s one of the most important metrics you can build up
Five stages go up in numbers 20/40/60/80/99+ if you can imagine websites like the top social media platforms third-party selling sites and basically any sites that get the customers to share sticky text which is basically the company’s backlink and all their customers are playing games and affiliated with idea to make money and to gaining access to discounts and Free offers they are unwittingly doing the job of a online marketing team only they are doing it by jumping through loopholes just think just like I’ve said before unless it’s paid for when you try and pull interest into your project it is class As Spam if someone else does it it is classed as genuine interest this is why I give people the shout outside to on X
Collectibulldogs has become very popular very quickly not only that where you are starting to find our old school mutuals followers like mashies mum and a friend called Ken whom remembered wiggles so long ago Sienna was not even in her mums tummy ! if you are on this platform why not connect? I tried to be a community inference sharing my online time between posting content that I hope gets reposted I was hoping for over 100 repost per tweet but maybe my content isn’t rich enough or my camera work isn’t good enough but for a page my size you would think I would be getting hundred of repost but hey that’s X and not just my account
https://x.com/collectibulldog?s=21&t=ay23dEunWRH5uzv4qgTRQw I’ve added my full Link here so there’s no issues should you want to join my growing page most on the subject of someone for the accused Collectibulldogs of scamming then contacting to say she had made a mistake and someone on discord was using our tag name it doesn’t explain why she complains to the ex platform but I would like to say to everybody that reads this and I will try and put this in the excerpt too that Collectibulldogs does not use gaming or music apps. It also does not use its business name on anything other than social media official directories and guest blogs if you are approached by someone using their name check the date of their account and how many followers they have as the genuine article has a high follow limit on every social media app. It also has our full bio SO BEWARE.
English Bulldog memorabilia, Bulldog antiques, Beswick Bulldog,Glass Bulldog figurines, these are all keywords that like Fine arts if placed properly helps the article to rank when people type words into servers the more keywords the more times you’ll likely to pop up on the page during someone searching even if it wasn’t specifically you the likes of Google bing have crawlers that index the website taking back information old and new so hopefully Fine arts has been used enough as density percentage as I’m writing and that it’s a popular keyword!
Finishing up I’ve just passed the three thousand words mark this is classed as pillar content then it’s down to crawlers and servers to decide how content rich it is or just someone trying to sell something and using as many backlinks as possible to that product. Now added is the internal links I’ll pick two articles that I think you’ll find interesting helpful or linked to any theme on this page let me see.my first choice is this one Brad Pitt is not only in this article but I’ve also added a potential keyword that’s very much searched for (great tip for bloggers aiming for 100% SEO)
Perfect I’ve found an old article that shows just how far I’ve come I’ve re read and now it embarrasses me to show you just how desperate I was way back 4 yrs into all this Bulldog madness. Check this out for desperation at the time HERES ME BEGGING FOR HELP which I can now laugh about but as an owner of a EUPD disorder I can remember all the jargon taking me beyond frustration and now I’m happy to say I can get a blogging SEO score of 90% up.
Ok so that’s me I’ve introduced some to a friend and upcoming campaign collaboration I’ve shown what Fine arts can be as there are different forms of this skillset I’ve given some X mutuals exposure that’s Free and will reach distant shores I’ve warned against someone else using my name and I’ll leave talking about bulldog memorabilia until a future article, I think I’ll book mark a mental health article next time not only is my disorder part of the back story it shows my loved ones further into the future not what I did for them but how I had to survive to do it. (Just shy of 3500 words so if you want me to guest contact me ).
keep safe folks Ave. CBDs
heres the link to check out the bulldog hall of fine arts
fame in America Collectibulldogs has a rare selection of these paintings and other works of art going back centuries ill have to ask those that help curate the 2017 exhibition if they still have a copy