Our Dog charities still need your compassion

Our Dog charities need your compassion

Our Dog charities need your compassion

Our sympathies and thoughts are with those effected by the lockdown and pandemic let’s hope we’ve hit the peak, Our Dog charities still need your compassion I firstly have to say this is an independent article

Any trusts organisations or shelters were not asked and did not ask collectibulldogs to write an article on their behalves, this is called endorsement and everything we write here is from Collectibulldogs’s and our content is ours.


I wished I could try and reach out to everyone about every charity out there but that’s not possible so I’m stating for a fact Our Dog charities still need your compassion, The Dogs trust the RSPCA (Royal Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals) and our pet saviour the PDSA (peoples dispensary for sick animals) all have shops they rely on for cash.


The lockdown has changed how we all live yet out there life goes on you hear it a lot on the news that every sector is suffering, this of course means anything animal related that struggle to meet their charity targets at the best of times.

Our Dog charities still need your compassion


from basics like dog food shelter and compassion to life-saving operations that will cost lots of money these charities work on the funds and the love from the public so they wouldn’t be able to do their jobs without the help of the general public.


dogs out is and places where dogs can feel safe I’ll spread across the UK and around the world this article is stating UK dog charities but of course there must be and animal shelter in your area that could really do with some extra help.


once the lockdown has been lowered and social distancing is part of normal life I’m sure these charity shops will open up with vigour so an idea would be to donate the best of the bric-a-brac that you have found whilst looking for things to do on lockdown.


Decent pieces donated Make more money and sell quicker making our dog charities much-needed revenue please check your local charity shop to see whether or not they accept large items like furniture or whether they just accept small pieces like vintage clothing.

Do not send cash to us plz use the links provided !

Our Dog charities need your compassion

Our Dog charities need your compassion Please do not send money to collectibulldogs use our links for more information

First and foremost do not send cash to collectibulldogs we will add the links you’ll need to contact each official charity if you wish to make a cash donation, ask questions about donations or even ask what shops are open and where.

Our first link is for the RSPSA  the Royal Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals the uks largest charity that helps animals in distress pain or from human neglect they have powers and are well known for holding those that are cruel to animals to account.


they teach the public about proper animal responsibility and are there just as much to help you to keep your animal as well and safe as possible, it’s only when the animal is neglected to the point there is no hope that they will take the animal away and prosecute the owner.

This is unprecedented in any country people Who actually go to prison lose the liberty for being cruel to an animal, The rehoming centres are another part of the RSPCA And these are dotted all around the UK, dog walking as a youngster for the RSPCA it was a nice past time it was just quite hard to get to the Patcham site.

Our dog charities the PDSA !

Our Dog charities need your compassion

Our Dog charities need your compassion The PDSA people’s dispensary for sick animals a life line for many

The People’s dispensary for sick animals, this amazing charity means That those on low income so for some reason or another and that the welfare of the state can still own an animal with the knowledge that if this animal becomes ill they can take it to the PDSA for veterinary practice treatment

The PDSA LINK to a brilliant cause
 from wills left by kind genuine animal lovers right down to tins of food and blankets you’ll see the generosity from the public when you walk into a PDSA veterinary practice.


The care that they show to all living creatures is a grade and all they asking return is a charitable donation that can be given at the front desk it doesn’t matter whether they are just getting rid of fleas or pre-op in for an operation most of the money needed is donated and comes from PDSA shops


Without the PDSA many people in the UK would not be able to afford to own a pet and to look after it responsibly as they would not be able to afford the fees that private veterinary practices charge and are a lifeline for both animals and their owners alike.


Our dog charities the dogs trust !

Our Dog charities need your compassion

Our Dog charities need your compassion The dogs trust shop Brighton

The Pet angels that love my favourite colour ! We have personal experience with the dogs trust shops my wife worked in one in Brighton but this link I’m adding should take you Directly to the dogs trust website where you can leave an email to find your nearest shelter.

The dogs trust are based across the UK that distinctive yellow is on their shop fronts and the actual shops are so well managed you’d be forgetting your in a charity shop, the decor is simple yet effective and as far as I recall the items being donated were of a nice quality.


Sometimes it’s more like a meeting place for different breeds of dogs it is funny to watch the dog pull its owner into the shop just because the dog knows there are treats on the counter and if they can just make it to the counter by pulling their owner they can get a free treat.


just like other charities the dogs trust holds no stigma and anyone can volunteer and work up the charity ladder to become manager of the shop it’s not an easy task there’s lots to do but there is satisfaction in knowing that you are helping to keep dogs fed and loved until they find their furever homes

Our own English bulldog rescue

Our Dog charities need your compassion

Our Dog charities need your compassion Our own UK bulldog rescue

Our Dog charities need your compassion Especially this tiny little charity called Bulldog Rescue, it’s a gem of a charity it focuses all its efforts on rehoming bulldogs and have the heart to keep hold of the pooches that maybe to ill to Rehome


as far as I know bulldog rescue uses social media for its charity auctions This bulldog rehoming trust are one of the only bulldog based charities in the UK and with a breed whom sometimes have veterinary bills that are in the thousands it’s surely a charity worth of your compassion.

With the lockdown at the moment I doubt it is possible for anyone to adopt but bulldog rescue on any given normal day would love to hear from anyone willing to give a bulldog a second chance this trust is organised helpful and doesn’t leave you with issues and I willing to help as far as they can if you take on one of their bulldogs.


Collectibulldogs has donated to bulldog rescue and will again when life returns to normality We often have pieces that they can use to donate on their website Alison one of the volunteers kindly picked up the last load but that does seem quite awhile ago so maybe it’s time to dig out some new donations for a brilliant cause.


Britain’s Battersea dogs home London !

as stated previously I have compiled a list of links if you wish to donate or help any of the dog charities listed and none are aware of my own article so it is for me to say that I am in uncharted water when it comes to advertising for the Battersea dogs home in London.


Service in London and the surrounding areas Battersea dogs home maybe the most well-known dogs home in the UK this could be due to where it is situated or the fact that the dogs home gets a lot of media attention from well-known celebrities that want nothing more than for these lovely lovely too new homes.

The Battersea dogs home link !
 This is an inner-city project that has been running for decades and as this blogger is situated in the south of the UK he does not know if the Battersea dogs home have any charity shops or online auctions but this can be seen if you use the link provided.


Londoners are great at pulling together when times are tough and I’m sure there will be compassionate heart out there that I’m not forgetting these dogs locked up in their own lockdown as we are ourselves, Kudos goes to all that go in looking after these animals at risk of damaging their own health.

My wife said don’t forget Raystede rehoming centre !

Again another charity I’m not familiar with but it’s Proximity to where we live means that the wife has asked me to add to the article this is a rehoming centre yet I’m not sure how their donation process works, The Raystede link will provide more information than I currently can.

Lastly !

I for one cannot tell you the state of the charities mentioned And as a dog themed website the thought of help in these charities to at least get some attention online and maybe once you make contacts they might give you details on how are you can securely give a donation whilst their shops are closed


Please remember that there are still staff in rehoming centres across the UK and around the globe jeopardising their own health to look after feed and walk these dogs / and other pets looking for new homes, this is a selfless act of compassion and your courage during lockdown is endearing.

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