Domain Authority 30+ Our latest website score

Domain Authority 30+


Hi there readers, talk about a big U turn I was about to think of throwing in the towel when I was presented with our DA or Domain Authority, this little number from Moz is a calculated score on each and every website and I’m so happy our DA Domain Authority has risen out of the red finally.

a website has to compete with all other websites online that’s a no brainier, each having their own domain authority and as there’s and I quote “(1,805,260,010 according to Netcraft – who currently hold the result for just how many websites are out there live currently’)” Now you have to agree that’s a lot of competition even if I’m an only venture ie original.

Domain Authority 30+ what a jump

I’m not sure what we have done to jump from 29 to 34 but it does feel good, I understand Domain Authority, page ranking and trust flow, some sites try and cheat the system but they are always caught out.
By creating organic relatable backlinks to and from other websites and being lucky enough to have a host that refreshed the homepage and a museum that lets me blog, adding my link to their educational server with a great trust flow really helps and is a privilege we do not take lightly at Collectibulldogs.

Domain Authority 30+ changing my mind

domain authority 30+

with Domain Authority 30+ it’s time to get out of bed and BLOG well the dogs bed anyway

With this great news comes new vigour to continue I think we can all be guilty of wanting to Chuck in the towel when the chips are low, I didn’t just have issues regarding this subject but had other problems in my life from the passport office to the DVLA (England’s motor licence agency) and with all going wrong I had enough.
To put my hands up and say my heart rules my head and i bite my own nose to spite my face are both true of my character, I lose faith admittedly when all is amuck and need a dose of realisation, I forget sometimes this is my website I don’t need to feel pressured to do anything and it will end up as part of my legacy one day when I’m no more.

Domain Authority 30+ lets improve it

Changes to the website may happen next year I’m thinking of adding a mental disorder and wellness page with blogs of my own experiences, others experiences and help as well as useful information ℹ️ this would tie myself in nicely with the websites subject matter and my own living with OCD PTSD and UNSTABLE EMOTIONAL PERSONALITY DISORDER.
Here’s to hoping whomever was hired to do our on page search engine optimisation has finished whilst doing a good job it was not good news last time I spoke with my host but all issues will get sorted and I hope this encourages google to rank us higher.
Now we are a 30+ DA Domain Authority website we should hopefully get more bloggers more writers and more interactions, when people see how well the websites doing more and more will want to either contribute or get a backlink, we welcome all kinds of article writers from sponsored to guesting we can accommodate most if not all.
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