Facebook Bulldogs


Thank you to all facebook group creators and members


Thank you Facebook 

Hi there my good readers I hope your all safe and well and ready to understand why I think and feel that Facebook is number one in the eyes of Collectibulldogs, not only does the format help with my views I’m also so lucky to of gained the respect of many group owners.


Full Facebook profile

There’s nothing more gratifying than being invited into a group by a member or even leader knowing I’m going to be promoting, in my eyes this is classed as Mutual acceptance and I feel totally privileged to be able to do this and in some groups even though not popular I’m the only one allowed to advertise this deal with the creators I’d because they know beforehand I’m not trying to sell anything to their members.

Half the battle is won straight away not only is it bulldog related posts but I do not sell anything either, and more and more people are warming to what is bringing bulldogs and collecting into the 21c, I get endorsed to post in some groups which I’m grateful for and I can always rely on many members to read my content.

Thank you creators

There are literally hundreds of groups on Facebook bulldog and otherwise so naming each creator would be a near impossible job, I did ask when I last posted if creators could contact me so that I had permission to use their names and put their links on here but as of yet no one got back to me, I’m hoping some read this and contact me to update the blog with their names for a proper thank you.

To all group creators and admin that have been allowing my Collectibulldogs posts in your groups we want to thank you very much indeed, we are are in the bulldog world one way or another and it’s appreciated that we are allowed to gain interest in our venture, the collection is now world known and all you kind excepting folk have helped to make that happen.

Our Collectibulldogs is your Collectibulldogs too and we are aiming for a community feel so wether your group creator a member of a group or even an artist we want to help so feel free to contact us, you could tell the world about your pooches, you maybe collecting and or even folks doing charity work all advertising is good advertising.


contact us if you want to blog advertise or promote your groups

Facebook and twitter

I’ve started using twitter as well as facebook now for a while and just like facebook I think it’s going to take a while to be truly excepted, again I’m new niche and folks are most properly confused as to what the website is about, and the up side is if I had a proper account that was active the results would be amazing as I’m at 70k followers ATM but I’m not sure why many don’t retweet my posts, this is a big shame as twitters algorithm is different to Facebook so only Quality top posts get to land on the main feed.

If your on twitter and Facebook I have my own group if you want to come and see what folks are up to in the collecting world or if you have a page we could swap page likes, I’m happy to like individual posts and give 5 star reviews, my own page is doing ok but again I seem to have a sharing problem but saying that there’s a few on both formats that have been kind to my accounts.

25th may sees a world first

I cannot go without saying how super excited I am about the exhibition opening on the 25th of this month, I felt proud writing a first when it came to the ebook but doesn’t compare to how I feel about the display, immortalising the Bulldog in object form was a great idea when I made the website but that’s different to actual visitors not 2 feet away from the display reading the info on the cards.

The exhibition will go into June and I will need to find out when my portion finishes but if your anywhere near Brighton this and next month we would love it If you could come and see the collection displayed in real life, I thought with so many items gone I’d have problems with my OCD but all seems fine and I feel ok with the pieces just being down the road.


I’ve started playing around with YouTube I cannot see bulldog collectibles trending but it helps when I’m making clip videos, here’s the last ones I made with an app I found on the iPad, to those that remember me mentioning mentor help I’m now on my third one she’s meant to be helping me gain interest and get my content out there so fingers crossed plz that this mentor can help.

English Bulldog Memorabilia Collection

So Creators and members thank you for letting me post in your groups and for reading my content I just wanted to the powers to be to know it’s appreciated, and remember if you read this and wish to be named let me know and I’ll update the article, blessings to all and collectors out there happy collecting

Facebook group

not long now



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