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Going out of fashion?
Hi to you there readers I hope your all safe well and hopefully after this next blog will still be out and about looking for new treasures for your growing collections.
I was recently added to a group on Facebook the group isn’t for collectors such as myself so not the kind of group that wants to see treasures from the past (surprisingly there’s a few lol) but a post popped up that has had my head in a bit of spin since reading it.
I found this one question so intriguing I thought it worth some thought debate and opinion, so let’s get started on analysing wether collecting in our field is declining or is it something many people still do but there is no network or official body that represents this form of collecting, where as many other fields have clubs meetings and annual meet ups a way of regulating trends and monitoring supply and demand.
I do agree there’s a decline in the collecting of bulldog objects and pieces relating to the breeds history and thinking about this it’s easy to see why.
As a collector myself I have noticed the highs and falls and think of the contributing factors starting with the disbanding of old bulldog clubs, big manufactures buying each other out and moving their companies overseas for better profits, pieces sitting around in shops as prices wanted not reflecting the market, different changing trends, the fact society has become more expensive, new breeds for artists/artisans to make a living from etc.
Many collectors stop just because they’ve lost interest or the collection out grows their ability to continue, antiques dealers selling faux pieces sometimes on purpose or due to naivete (this often makes me wonder about the integrity some dealers have when selling on to the general consumer).
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Thoughts in writing
These are of course just a few ideas on why it seems the art of putting together amazing bulldog collections has demised over time, I think the hay day for collections large and small was at its peak at the 1970s starting in the 1800s when the bulldog went from a blood sport victim to a beautiful breed in its own right.
After winning a first major tournament at Earl’s Court in the late 1800s artists across the world started creating their own versions not only showing their talents but the breeds popularity around that time and this continued into the early to mid 1900s with many a factory capitalising on the breeds popularity with the bulldog being cemented in time with such icons as the USMC official mascot, Mack trucks, naval connections, branded products and others that have created an industry of what we class as sub collections and these types of collections can have a core following.
Sub collections that have stood the test of time do help to keep the tradition alive they make collecting affordable for many and some are so easy to obtain the vendors that sell to the public, are well named, spend a lot on marketing and bring out new pieces annually for their demographic target, so in that sense at least there is a push out there to keep an interest in the pride of the breed and keeping the majesty of the bulldog alive.
There are some mainstream factories that still produce a piece or two but these are out produced these days with the sub collection market of the newer more modern pieces.
I have to admit to owning a few sub collections one being the silver collection.
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As many will of seen in my past blogs I’m not a political person and I’ve had my fair share of (how do I put this) disgruntled persons giving me a backlash on the breeding side of the bulldog its health issues the colours and other issues relating to this subject, I politely block these people as I have no interest in being targeted for something that has nothing to do with me but does make me think wether it’s another factor in the overall popularity of the bulldog. I know nothing of the breeds health and other issues but would be interested to know if this issue has been an ongoing situation or if it’s comparatively new. The reason I ask as there is a certain stigma behind the bulldog I know this as I own one and have had differing types of comments when out and it makes me think if many are put off by the breed due to either health or past history wether artists would be the same and not make pieces with differing colours that could be seen as controversial (my own thoughts).
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Manufacturing movements
There has been a shift in the past century or so over the manufacturing of bulldog treasures with its roots starting over here in Europe, but if you go through the dates you can see the emergence of collectibles being made in post war Japan and then over in the USA, where the bulldog continues to live through the eyes of the counties army and top industry names where it remains a top selling icon and even a mascot for universities.
I have also noticed the lack of collectibles able to make their way to the beautiful country of Australia, I have many friends there saying its next to impossible to get pieces there and are so many wanting to obtain pieces, but feel shipping is not worth obtaining the objects they desire.
I think this maybe the same for some other countries too and others may have never even heard of collections (yet).
Good news
The good news is of course collecting is still going strong and maybe there isn’t the amazing collections out there now like there used to be but there’s many still out there wanting to keep the passion in this field alive.
I see it every day where folks are looking to buy pieces or sub collective objects and others wanting to sell which is of course great news and I myself do try and in courage others with some success I may add.
The bulldog has done amazing things since its domestication and in a way has helped to push the likes of industry making a lot of money for thousands of those entrepreneurs artists artisans and all others that have seen potential in capitalising on this breed.
In a growing world that has more variety than ever with new modern pieces and the opposite being many an object gone now from the past, remember that the bulldog has stood and still stands amongst the best in the world and will continue too for as long as the breeds around it’s up to the individual as to wether the collecting side does the same.

Collecting is alive and well
A collection like mine is vast and I’m lucky enough to of been able to amass so many pieces and most of this came from doing my research.
This is very handy when collecting as you know what to look for and what pieces will retain, not just their investment properties but future appeal to the next generation of collectors.
I do not think I’m the only one to research my passion but by doing so I have some of the bulldogs history in object form and hope one day I can create a museum for all to see and learn about the journey this beautiful animal has been on from it’s fight to be a breed in its own right right back to just before the dark days for the breed.
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Please note these are my own views on this subject I have no political view and only interested in the research to see wether or not there’s a decline in this subject matter and if so what factors…
Till next time happy collecting…
This collection is timeless. I think it will pique the interest of collector’s & admirers alike.
With over 4000 pieces and more coming in we hope to keep the collection rolling with fresh pieces but it gets harder when you have most of the best (not being brash) ❤️