Hi there to all our readers here at the BRAND NEW collectibulldogs.com website.
Whether you are a new viewer or a regular we welcome you all.
This mini Blog is to try and reach out to those that follow us and communicate any opinions, critics and/or suggestions that Lee at www.theremoteitpro.com can use to make this website the best.
Ever since our accolade at Brighton museum we want to strive to continue being number one yet so far there has hardly been any feedback yet.
Admittedly the website isn’t finished and will not be until it’s all been done correctly so if you have any ideas, see any mistakes or think of better ways that we can give the viewer a more interactive/better experience then we can’t wait to hear from you.
feedback please

Please provide us your feedback so we can make this site great!

I myself alone have put a lot of money time and effort into this so it has to be perfect for all of us alike, I have mentioned to my web designer about asking for things like this can usually prove fruitless but hey you never know, someone may have the time to let us know what they think, the more ideas the better the website, so fingers crossed.
Until next time folks happy collecting…
Please send your feedback in the form below!
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