Fingers crossed for an O’Sullivan ringside mention

Fingers crossed for an O’Sullivan ringside mention

All the best,Fingers🤞 for an O’Sullivan ringside mention Going as a gent coming home a champ

Hi readers from around the world 🌍 I hope your all well I’m getting my Fingers crossed for an O’Sullivan ringside mention That’s Gary O’Sullivan our pro boxer from the county of cork in Ireland 🇮🇪 he’s fighting another boxer called GRAY in this st Patricks day weekend extravaganza!

We will be in Gary’s corner wether he notices or cares I’ll find a way of streaming the fight or maybe ask Gary if he can get me a periscope channel or someone filming live, it maybe a little delayed but that way I could bring you Gary’s successful win.

Gary was kind enough to endorse the website and Fingers crossed for an O’Sullivan ringside mention maybe asking a bit to much I mean it would be brilliant for Collectibulldogs but will the man be able to remember after ducking and diving weaving to and throw.

My prediction is for a fourth round Knockout with Gray hitting the floor for the second or third time as Gary O’Sullivan shows just how much training he’s put into this with Packy Collins he’s trainer (I believe was trained himself by an amazing American couch), he has team spike behind him and he’s been building up using the experience and expertise by Collins and his food supplier gym trition.

Fingers crossed for an O’Sullivan ringside mention

The combined efforts of these men will assure Gary goes up and towards his own dream of becoming middle weight champion of the world could you imagine that I’d definitely raid my disability funds for sponsorship there and just like many others Gary’s showing how his achieving he’s own path in life.

Fingers crossed for an O’Sullivan ringside mention In all seriousness I feel we do deserve one I’ve been promoting Gazs fight across social media but I cannot get axcess to any pre fight banter or chatter I’ll ask Gary but dowt he will reply

we would like to thank Gary for remembering to post our tweets every now and again the advertising and exposure does take time and effort and on a page full of doggy lovers it may not be easy to drum up support but I feel I’ve done my best for Gary.


His own campaign has started with his advertising team getting him out there ready so all we can say from Collectibulldogs is Gary was born to be a world champion and on March the 16th it will be just a taster of his skill set as he gets bigger tougher and harder to hit GO GARY AND TEAM SPIKE.


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