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I have volunteered my time to the Dogs Trust, I have gone and got a new job at the dogs trust doing it for the dogs
Hello there and good day readers and as always I hope your all safe and well. before I mention my new job at the dogs trust time has flown by and starting to get ready for Christmas in my own household with talking of gifts and what colour the tree should be this year and I chuckle to myself as the others here, still need to find some space for one shhh lol…

Dogs Trust Shop
As the title states and its completely true I now have a job, its voluntary and for a charity but I have remained faithful and chose to go and work for the Dogs Trust in one of their shops.
I do not have specific role and help out here and there but my proper skill set is in amongst the donated china so I can show which maybe antique or vintage or whether it has just a shop floor value and goes out instead of online where they try to raise even more money.
Dogs of all breeds are taken in by the Dogs Trust, the trust isn’t biased when it comes to trying their best to either, keep canine populations down or finding new homes for the dogs already in their care.

Vase in the shop
The reason for the lol is because I work along side my wife. It’s the first time we have come together workwise but do not mind as the bigger picture is to help the shop and sell as many products to the public as we can. Plus it seems every time I go in I see pieces that I swear used to live here with us, its for a great cause and I’m sure debs would keep any thing useful [or mine ] I should prompt her to get some of her shoes and bags down there as she has her fair share,
OK so I have to be sensitive and a bit politically correct here so I do not go upsetting any parties, firstly I will start by saying Brighton has services if you feel like you have an addiction problem, and actually quite empathic as something bad must happen for some to take addictive things daily.
It would be great if we could have a few more male staff working in the shop I think there is just two of us at the moment and not much of a deterrent to shop lifters when we are working different shifts. Due to the fact my wife works at the Dogs Trust, I have sent them a few tweets just to explain there needs to be more visible of a shop floor physical presence and even basic CCTV in case anything was to ever go to court.
If your an assertive yet compassionate person we are looking for you to come and do a few hrs, it would a lovely way to spend a couple of hours and when the shop floor is normal the team have a nice ambience going and even started attracting regulars. So if you want to come join us to help make money for a great charity and bring fresh ideas to stock just being taken please pop in and see our manager.
I should state with aves say so I took over aves role at the dogs Trust he had a lapse and they needed a Sunday supervisor and with my own background in retail I found it easy. I’m not there anymore unless as a volunteer due to my dads illness.