Hi all I’m Alice.  Eiffion has asked me to write a guest blog for the new website, introducing who I am and I will mention a little about the project myself and Eiffion are curremtly starting to work on.

I have recently started working for Eiffion through a mentoring programme that is run in connection with Brighton museum.  I’m currently studying the History of art at Brighton university and through the mentoring scheme I work on a one to one agreement with ave whom is dignified and humbled about all this amazing whirlwind he has created.

Our quest together is to develop the collection into a public display which will be finally exhibited at the museum, at the moment we are in the early stages we are working out how to fund the exhibition or pop up displays as the term suggests.

This is all a bit daunting but is a process I’m excited about and to be part of.  The notion of personal collections becoming public displays particularly interests me and I think Eiffion’s  collection is incredibly unique and impressive.  His dedication and pure interest in bulldogs and antique dog collectibles was evident from our first meeting.

I have since visited Eiffion’s hone  and I have seen lots of different pieces from the collection and I have to say there is just to much to take in on just one visit.  This has made me more enthusiastic about just how grand and great a public display this could be.

Ave seemed to of picked well he finds making choices hard but I feel he has made a good choice for himself here picking his current web designer and has had only good words to say about them.  The new website in my opinion is looking great so far and I’m sure ave is thrilled with it so far.  I’m sure myself or Ave will keep you all posted about our long journey now to find funds or investment for the exhibition, and hopefully in the not so distant future some of you will be able to come and see the pieces for real.

Please note its part of my role to email businesses, grant givers. An investers this is because  exhibitions are not cheap to install and even though Ave feels weird asking for assistance its vital if we are going to gain the funds needed for this world class exhibit, I will finish by saying I will try my hardest to help Eiffion and I hope others out there can see all that he has done for the breed, his daughter’s future and with a wonderful original idea that I think will do him well down the line.

Best wishes,


Well apart from tweaking and waiting on an intro vid there is not much left for Lee to do, remember if you want their services then go to and they can help you with all your pc support needs. I would also like to take this time to thank Brighton museum for all their support and I would also like to thank Alice for giving up her time to help me and to an un known lady called Debbie Bennett whom has been a rock to me this past year or so.

We are still looking for guest bloggers and link exchanges so please contact myself at or contact Lee, whom I’m sure will gladly be of assistance.

Well that’s it folks my first ever blog written solely on a web book and I have learned to add links and headers now so I’m quite the happy chappie and until next time, happy collecting folks.

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